Posts under category Tesla malfunction

What this alert means:

Charging stopped because communication between the vehicle and the external charging equipment was interrupted.

This alert is usually specific to external charging equipment and power sources and does not typically indicate an issue with your vehicle that can be resolved by scheduling service.

What to do:

Confirm whether the external charging equipment is powered by looking for any status lights, displays, or other indicators on the equipment.

If the equipment is not powered, try to restore the external charging equipment’s power source.

  • If attempting to charge at a public station and power is unable to be restored, contact the station operator.
  • If attempting to charge at a private station (for example: charging at home) and power is unable to be restored, contact an electrician.

If the equipment is powered, try charging the vehicle using different external charging equipment.

  • If the vehicle begins charging, the issue was likely with the equipment.
  • If the vehicle still does not charge, the issue may be with the vehicle.

You can also try charging your vehicle using a Tesla Supercharger or Destination Charging location, all of which can be located through the map on your vehicle's touchscreen display. See Maps and Navigation for more details.

For more information on troubleshooting Mobile Connector or Wall Connector status lights, refer to the product's Owner's Manual at Charging & Adapter Product Guides.

What this alert means:

Your vehicle is unable to charge because it has detected one of the following conditions and has tried to charge too many times without success:

  • The charge port is unable to detect whether a charge cable is inserted or detect the type of charge cable connected.
  • Your vehicle is unable to sense a valid pilot control signal coming from the charging station, so it cannot communicate effectively with the external charging equipment.
  • Communication between your vehicle and the external charging equipment has been interrupted.
  • The external charging equipment has reported an error that prevents your vehicle from charging.

What to do:

When this alert is present, the vehicle will retry charging after some time. If the issues mentioned above are resolved, the vehicle will then resume charging. If you wish to retry charging sooner, disconnect the charge cable from the charge port and reconnect it.

For more information and troubleshooting suggestions, check in your vehicle touchscreen under Controls > Service > Notifications for other recent alerts that involve charging.

What this alert means:

An abnormally large and sustained power drawhas made your vehicle’s electrical system unable to support all features and functions.

While this alert is present, your vehicle is unable to drive and will not restart.

Cabin climate control, powered trunk liftgate, and steering column adjustments may be limited or unavailable. Many features and functions on the left side of your vehicle may be unavailable, or their performance may be affected. These include:

  • Powered doors
  • Powered windows
  • Front seat (movement and heating)
  • Rear seat heaters
  • Side mirror movement

What to do:

Without service, your vehicle will remain unable todrive,and the electrical system will remain unable to support all features and functions.

Some or all of the powered doors and windows in your vehicle may lose electrical power. If this occurs, you can still use the manual door releases to exit the vehicle if necessary. For more information, see Opening Doors from the Interior.