Posts under category Tesla malfunction

What this alert means:

An abnormally large and sustained power drawhas made your vehicle’s electrical system unable to support all features and functions.

While this alert is present, your vehicle is unable to drive and will not restart.

Air vent positioning may be limited or unavailable. Many features and functions on the right side of your vehicle may be unavailable, or their performance may be affected. These include:

  • Powered doors
  • Powered windows
  • Front seat (movement and heating)
  • Rear seat heaters
  • Side mirror movement

What to do:

It is recommended that you schedule service at your earliest opportunity. Without service, your vehicle will remain unable todrive,and the electrical system will remain unable to support all features and functions.

Some or all of the powered doors and windows in your vehicle may lose electrical power. If this occurs, you can still use the manual door releases to exit the vehicle if necessary. For more information, see Opening Doors from the Interior.

What this alert means:

This alert does NOT indicate that there is a flat tire.

The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) has detected that the air pressure in one or more of your tires is at least 20% lower than the recommended cold tire pressure.

See Maintaining Tire Pressures for detailed information on where to find the recommended cold pressure (RCP) for your vehicle's tires, how to check tire pressures, and how to keep your tires properly inflated.

This alert may appear in cold weather because the air in your tires naturally contracts when it becomes cold, decreasing tire pressures.

What to do:

Add air to maintain the recommended cold tire pressure. Although drops in tire pressure are expected in colder weather, the recommended cold tire pressure should be maintained at all times.

The alert may clear as the vehicle is driven. This is because the tires will warm up and the tire pressure will increase. Even if the alert clears, the tires should still be refilled with air once they have cooled.

The alert will clear once the Tire Pressure Monitoring System detects that each of your tires is inflated to the recommended cold pressure.

  • The alert and Tire Pressure indicator light may still be present immediately after you have filled your tires to the recommended cold pressure, but both should clear once you have driven a short distance.
  • You may need to drive over 15 mph (25 km/h) for at least 10 minutes for the Tire Pressure Monitoring System to measure and report your updated tire pressures.

If you repeatedly see this alert for the same tire, have the tire inspected for a slow leak. You can visit a local tire shop or schedule service using your Tesla Mobile App.

For more information on tire pressure and inflation, see Tire Care and Maintenance.

What this alert means:

Charging has stopped because your vehicle has detected that the connection between the charge port and charge cable has been unexpectedly interrupted.

What to do:

Before disconnecting a charge cable, make sure you first stop charging.

With some external charging equipment, charging may be stopped by pressing the button on the charge handle.

You can also stop charging from your vehicle touchscreen, your Tesla Mobile App, or the charging station.

For more information, see Stopping Charging.

What this alert means:

Charging cannot begin because the charging station is communicating to your vehicle that either the external charging equipment is not ready or charging is not authorized. The control pilot signal that communicates between the charging station and your vehicle indicates that your vehicle is not allowed to start charging.

This could occur because:

  • The charging station is actively delaying charging. For example, this can happen because the station has a scheduled charging feature activated.
  • The charging station requires further activation before the charge session can begin. Some additional authentication may be needed before the station starts charging your vehicle, such as a charging card, a mobile app, or a credit card.

This alert is usually specific to external charging equipment and power sources and does not typically indicate an issue with your vehicle that can be resolved by scheduling service.

What to do:

Check the charging station for any instructions that explain the steps necessary to enable charging. For example, look for a touchscreen terminal, LED status indicators, printed instructions, or a payment interface that might provide guidance. If you cannot enable charging on the current charging station, try charging the vehiclewith different charging equipment or at a different charging station.

  • If the vehicle begins charging, the issue was likely with the equipment.
  • If the vehicle still does not charge, the issue may be with the vehicle.

You can also try charging your vehicle using a Tesla Supercharger or Destination Charging location, all of which can be located through the map on your vehicle's touchscreen display. See Maps and Navigation for more details.

For more information on troubleshooting Mobile Connector or Wall Connector status lights, refer to the product's Owner's Manual at Charging & Adapter Product Guides.

For more information on charging, see Charging Instructions.

What this alert means:

Your vehicle's charge port requires service. The charge port is unable to establish a valid control pilot signal and communicate effectively with some AC charging equipment and power sources.

While this alert remains present, AC charging and DC Fast Charging with non-Tesla charging stations may be limited or unavailable.

What to do:

It is recommended that you schedule service to have your vehicle's charge port inspected at your earliest convenient opportunity.

In the meantime, Supercharging should continue to be available. Supercharging locations can be displayed through the map on your vehicle's touchscreen. See Maps and Navigation for more details.

AC charging may also be available using a Gen 2 Mobile Connector or Gen 3 Wall Connector. However, it is recommended that you make sure your vehicle's charge port can communicate with your Tesla charging product. Try charging with your Gen 2 Mobile Connector or Gen 3 Wall Connector, and confirm your vehicle is charging as expected, before relying on it.

For more information on troubleshooting Mobile Connector or Wall Connector status lights, refer to the product's Owner's Manual at Charging & Adapter Product Guides.

For more information on charging, see Charging Instructions.