What this alert means:

Charging stopped because communication between the vehicle and the external charging equipment was interrupted.

This alert is usually specific to external charging equipment and power sources and does not typically indicate an issue with your vehicle that can be resolved by scheduling service.

What to do:

Confirm whether the external charging equipment is powered by looking for any status lights, displays, or other indicators on the equipment.

If the equipment is not powered, try to restore the external charging equipment’s power source.

  • If attempting to charge at a public station and power is unable to be restored, contact the station operator.
  • If attempting to charge at a private station (for example: charging at home) and power is unable to be restored, contact an electrician.

If the equipment is powered, try charging the vehicle using different external charging equipment.

  • If the vehicle begins charging, the issue was likely with the equipment.
  • If the vehicle still does not charge, the issue may be with the vehicle.

You can also try charging your vehicle using a Tesla Supercharger or Destination Charging location, all of which can be located through the map on your vehicle's touchscreen display. See Maps and Navigation for more details.

For more information on troubleshooting Mobile Connector or Wall Connector status lights, refer to the product's Owner's Manual at Charging & Adapter Product Guides.

So a friend of mine got a 24 MY RWD Long Range in Nova Scotia, Canada (so all kind of maritime weather, from wet, dry snow to ice rains..)

Now as winter and snow set, he has discovered 3 issues, which I would have expected Tesla to have resolved by now:

Headlights get covered by snow - you cant see nothing, once he was driving out of the street illumination, suddenly it got really dark and he went out to check why and realized the snow blocks them.

Horn - if the snow accumulates at the right location, apparently it blocks out the horn and acts as an insulation - pedestrians cant hear it.. unless he cleans the car entirely.

Handles - had to use significant force to open the handles, after a snow storm.

He says from his experience, Tesla is not well designed for winters yet.. which I find hard to believe, tell me there are solutions to these issues, after years of selling in snow regions?

From riding with him, I can say those handles are inconvenient when carrying two 2 Liters growlers of beers in your hands, and only having 1-2 fingers available to pull on the door handle - I can do that on regular car handles, but not the Tesla handles.. is there a solution?

I also saw those videos of the CT (I am still a reservation holder, but waiting for the cheaper, bug-free versions) - I already saw videos complaining about the headlight snow issue, similar to his complaint #1 above.. is that true as well?

What does Tesla say about all those issues? Moving to SoCal isn't a solution for everyone unfortunately :)

Hi everyone!

This is my first winter in northern Europe with my model 3. Please people who live in colder climates, give me your tips!

Currently (thank you climate change) the weather can go from +8 degrees to -8, so there is raining and the next day it's all ice. So, the "invisible" door handles can be completely frozen, there's like a freaking layer of ice on top, and I just can't push them open. I have tried the defrosting mode, but it doesn't do anything for the doors/handles. I'm afraid if i try to break the ice I'll damage the handles/paint etc.

So, what do you do??

Thanks all!

Many tire shops are fraud and recommend replacing tires too early. Just replace tires when the wear indicator line on tires matches to tread. I was advised to replace tires at 19000 miles and still going strong after 24000 miles. https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_ie/GUID-94F63B13-EA2C-45D9-83AB-5DCA6295D587.htm Update: This post is for awareness purposes so that you don’t blindly trust tire shops. Do your research before committing to tire changes. This issue is prevalent for EVs as shops use that as an excuse for early changes. Also for the people who are doubtful about my post, I have worked in auto industry for years as an engineer