Noob question here, but I'm looking at getting a used Model Y, and I want to know how I can check the estimated range of the car. I know the estimated range is 330 for a new one, but is there a way to check the estimated range of a used one to check any potential battery degradation?

Got flat tire fixed at service center recently. Heard a pop when driving home on generally good road and next day saw the flat tire. The appointments on the Tesla app are all 4-7 days away. There is a service center 1.5 miles away. I called and decide to walk in. I slowly drove the car there. They told me they can not repair but have to replace it since I drove on the flat. They also paid close attention to the rim. The rim was OK since I only drove it for less than 2 miles. The tire was replaced in 2-3 hours and the cost is around $450 including tax, which I think is acceptable considering it is in their service center. They told be they can not find anything obviously wrong with the tire except some black particles inside it.

Lesson learned: I should have used their roadside assistance, which may save the cost of a tire if it turns out to be reuseable. And to prevent possible rim damage.

I did find it strange that the tire popped without reason. The car is around 7month and 3.2kmiles only. The pressure was a little low before, around ~38psi, but within reason.