Hi everyone. I live in Montreal and I am looking at buying a model 3 (standard range or long range - I’m still undecided). I always keep my vehicles for 12 plus years. My current one is over 15 years old and close to 300k km. Are there any estimates / projections of what a model 3 battery pack replacement will cost in 10 to 12 years from now (if ever I needed a replacement)? Thank you for your help and advice.

*** Update *** thank you for all your comments and advice. I was not expecting so many to respond! I understand that ICE vehicles have their share of expensive repairs (transmissions, engines, exhaust…) My question comes from the fact that i have been driving ICE vehicles for over 30 years and the most expensive repair was a 2500$ transmission (7 years ago). When I see people talking about 17K$ battery replacements (and I understand it’s a small % and most are still under warranty right now) - I find it a bit shocking. My expectation is that the cost of battery replacement over the next 5-10 years should go down as newer technologies become available. I also understand that most batteries may last 15+ years and that I may never need a replacement. My questions was more if you guys have seen any reports talking about battery replacement cost over the next decade or maybe know of companies that are starting to specialize in this type of business. Thanks again.

Also the alarm notification only goes to my wife, not me as the primary on the vehicle. 2 month old MYLR.

Tesla can’t code Sentry Mode to ignore the AC compressor in software? I live in Austin, Texas. Overheat protection and Sentry Mode are basic requirements here. We have an heat waves, an increasing population of those experiencing homelessness, and an absent police department. WTF Tesla?

I’ve had my new M3RWD since February and it got me thinking that maybe I should be using specific products to wash the exterior. What is your workflow for washing the exterior? I’ve had it ceramic coated and PPF on the front and side rockers. Not sure that makes a difference, but should I be using a special sponge or avoiding specific products for the car soap? Thx!