Did anyone see a significant difference between how many miles Tesla drove vs actual miles?

For example, yesterday I drove around 90 miles on a trip. But when I check that on Google maps with all the places covered it's showing around 70 miles only. That is a significant difference (22%). Even if we include driving it off the garage or inside parking places, there is atleast 20% difference.

So if my odometer is showing I drove 20,000 miles, in reality I might have driven only 16,000 miles. If it's true, then it's a significant issue since it drives down the value of my car unnecessarily. Did anyone else observe this issue ?

Edit: I will try the highway miles to check this. But I'm positive that my theory will be false.

Plagued with the vinegar smell hvac issue. Went in to have filter replaced today and told the SC it had been replaced 8 months ago. Dude tried to tell me “you gotta change it every 90 days” lmaoooo. No auto manufacturer has ever claimed an air filter needs to be changed more than once a year and I showed him Tesla’s website it says every 2 years. He said “nah that’s wrong”. Made for a good laugh.

TL;DR - if autopilot won't work due to error code DI_a175, and there's no reason for it, try opening and closing all the doors and the trunk/frunk!

If TESLA ever reads this - I saw/detected no alert or error related to doors not being closed, and if an open door was causing this error that seems like an expensive way to figure it out (ie taking it into service costs both of us time and money). I was going to bring the car in for service and neither of us wants it to come to that!

My car - 2022 MYP with about 5k miles on it and only cosmetic issues so far (spoiler came loose was fixed, tiny infuriating curb rash incident).

Yesterday I drove out to a friend's house, a long drive (50min). At some point I showed him my car, opening doors here and there and stuff like that. On the drive home, no autopilot. This persisted through multiple drives, and there aren't a lot of recent posts about this specific error code, but all the posts I saw about it all ended with "service request" and/or "rebooting it worked". Rebooting did NOT work, and the Tesla documentation for that error DID mention about making sure doors and trunks and frunks were all closed. I saw that, noted it, and completely forgot to actually do that. Because I was opening doors up and stuff. After I had given up and made the damn service appointment in my phone, I remembered about the doors and that was it. I just opened and closed them all, and the frunk and the trunk.

The post is wordy, but I'm putting this out there in the hopes that somebody googling for this error code will find this page one day. Also, since the "I" could also be a lowercase "L", I'll also include Dl_a175 so google will still see this page.

Thanks, and I hope you all have great Tesla driving, better than I did on the dark/rainy no-autopilot drive home from my friend's house yesterday!