2021 LR 3-row.

Spoke with a handful of Model Y owners who report the same struggles I’ve recently been having with my Model Y.

Anytime it’s cold and rainy, the windshield likes to fog up and get very damp.

Colder days, with more than one passenger or a single passenger and a hot cup of coffee, the windshield will quickly fog up and not defog. Even double tapping the icon for the red setting(max defog) still takes an extremely long time to defog.

I often have to wipe a clear spot with a napkin as it will get so bad I can’t drive. Cabin air filters are new and the condensation air coils was recently cleaned with filters where changed. Windscreen was recently cleaned as well with invisible glass.

My car is out of warranty(>95,000 miles) so I am hesitant to take it for service only to learn it’s a software issue. Since there are others, I think this may be the case.

Seems as if the car isn’t switching to fresh air intake mode even though the indicator is set to fresh.

Who else is having issues with the defog? Please sound off so I know I need to pay for service or wait for the next OTA push.

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  1. schaudhery

    Same issue. Did it once on the highway and it basically fogged over the windshield so bad I had to pull over onto the shoulder. After about a minute or two it cleared it up but in that short time I had MAYBE 10% visibility.

  2. Dreamteam2020A

    Did you find a solution?

    Same thing happened to me right after supercharging my 2023 MYP. My windshield fogged up and i had to pull over and wait. Also my side mirrors won't defog either. When i select the defog icon it's always on blast wish you could just select a speed.

    1. TazedMeBro

      Yes, I did. I changed the Hepa filter in the frunk and this fixed the issue. It was blocked and damp.

      1. Dreamteam2020A

        Thanks for the reply.

  3. mark19758

    Same .

  4. ItsPea

    Just use ac and point the vents at the windscreen

  5. tshirt212

    Same issue on my MY23. Got a service appointment scheduled for next week

  6. Exact-Motor-1095

    Ik heb een nieuwe My en Zelfde probleem. Is het een instelling oid? Kan me niet voorstellen dat mij HEPA al vol zit

  7. tomsos1

    What did everyone end up doing here? I’ve had my 2022 Y for over 2 years and it’s done it occasionally but today was the worst. It was 45 degrees and rainy and I battled the constant fog on my entire 45 minute commute home from work. So freaking frustrating. Luckily had a napkin to keep wiping enough for me to see.

  8. Designer_Garbage_153

    I’ve had the same problem recently. Damn near can’t see out the front windshield sometimes. This is my first winter with the car. Mine is a MY standard. Usually clears up in less than a minute. Only had it happen early in the morning on rainy days.

    1. Horror_Tiger1616

      how to get rid of flash fog. get out of auto you can turn on ac withheld or recirculate cabin air. get it out of auto. or turn hepa filter on to recirculate ​

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