tesla Do people not know where to find the actual predicted range in a Tesla?
Under the Energy app, then consumption tab, the car will tell you the actual expected range based on recent driving (if factors stay the same).
There has been a flood of YouTube videos about the Tesla ‘range issues’ in the last few days. Why don’t any of them talk about where to find the predicted range instead?
Honestly the EPA range is a joke. They should get rid of it like you say on the main screen and put the predicted range. I don’t use the EPA range at all, only to have an idea of battery degradation.
I agree, but it's another reason to stick to %. I quickly get a feel for how fast my battery % drains, but figuring it out as a ratio of miles is a bit wonky.
Yup I even think if time in percentage now. 10% till we are home
I switched to percentage very quickly. In my LR I budget 10% of battery for every 30 minutes of driving. In winter I’ll budget about 15% for 30 minutes. It’s decently accurate while still conservative.
I also use percentage, actually pretty soon after I got the car. I don’t think the problem of inflated range is exclusive to Tesla, it’s an industry issue with EV’s and specifically in the way EPA performs these tests. I hope the lawsuits will expose this and a more realistic standard is defined. This just benefits automakers but not consumers.
Right. And if you aren’t sure the navigation is very easy to put the location in and estimates extremely accurately.
That’s not the point. Tesla markets their car having a certain range that isn’t achievable. That’s deception and it’s wrong.
It’s achievable just not in all conditions, only the epa conditions
Yes it is. If you drive like you should then you will achieve EPA range. While driving in town I easily get EPA range and some more.
Use the energy graph and keep it in the green and you Will easily reach Tesla set range.
The problem is you are driving your car like a fossil fuel car. Slamming on the brakes at the last second testing your brakes at every traffic light is not using regen braking. Accelerate at the same speed as the fossil fuel cars.
I do not understand this mentality. If you have a 300 mile range, then it’s 3 miles per 1%. So you are 3x more precise leaving it on miles.
It honestly bothers me more than it should that people just say put it on percentage… just leave it on miles/km and understand that it’s not going to be 1:1
The problem is that you hardly ever achieve the rated range, so you see the miles tick down faster than expected and it’s stressful. It’s best to keep percentage and use trip planner to show the estimated battery upon arrival.
having AC/heat on, speed, and braking all impact actual mileage. that’s the whole point of this post. the car only shows you actual estimated range in the energy app. not at the top on the home screen.
You don’t really have a real world every mile uses the exact same energy situation. Headwinds, hills, city vs highway, etc. Sure, if your driving is 100% the same route and you get 300 miles from your battery, great! For people with variable usage and inconsistent routes, miles of range is virtually useless.
That’s assuming a 3-mile to 1% ratio stays constant. It doesn’t because of how fast you are driving, elevation changes, wind speed, temperature, A/C, etc.
MIles is defined measure.
But you won't actually get that measure.
It's confusing for many people to think "345 miles equals 200 miles, therefore 62 miles equals 40 miles".
I think a part of the problem is also that with EVs the EPA range is a much bigger part of the advertising than it is with most gas cars.
When you're shopping for a Dodge Charger, you don't go "Hmm, should we get the 278-mile one or the 426-mile one?" If gas stations were 50 miles apart, people would be factoring that in more often, and they'd be equally shocked that going 85 mph isn't netting them those numbers.
But I absolutely agree that EPA range shouldn't even be shown on the screen. No gas car that I know of shows the EPA range when you set the display to distance to empty. You either get a fraction/percentage based gauge of the tank, or an estimated range based on consumption habits.
Well, it’s meant to be simple. In reality, we need warm weather hwy, city, and cold weather hwy, city ranges listed.
I like this idea a lot
The EPA range is still ideal for comparing between EVs, and is at least consistent between Teslas.
This is key. It's not really a metric for how far your car will go in normal circumstances, it's a metric to compare between two different models under set conditions.
It's important especially for Teslas because they are actually trying to sell the cars and put a lot of work into aerodynamics and reducing weight. We wouldn't want consumers comparing (for example) battery size and choosing a car with a bigger battery and reduced range. The range is what matters, and they can't fudge the numbers if they're all compared consistently.
I'm also skeptical that most other manufacturers even actually want to sell their EVs. The negative press lately points to Tesla as uniquely overestimating range, but they're at a disadvantage if their competitors actually just want to keep selling their gas guzzlers. They're better off giving "super safe" low estimates of range so the salesman at the dealership can steer them toward their cash cows.
I think there are positive changes that could be made, but it's not as simple as the negative Tesla-focused media attention suggests.
Predicting is very hard if you don't use nav. Even if you use nav, you may decide to drive somewhere else.
That number on the main screen probably shouldn't go up and down dynamically and on it's own as the driver accelerate and decelerate, or changes the destination. That would confuse drivers immensely.
The number next to your destination changes, but there the driver knows (or should know) what's happening.
They should default to percent, but not get rid of it.
it IS a joke but who here truly believes the EPA still?
A 5 year Tesla owner here. I agree that the EPA estimate is bogus. I consistently get 280 range in the summer and closer to 180 in the winter (I live in MN).
However it does strike me that other manufacturers don't have quite as much disappointment in range. Why would their EPA estimate be more accurate than Teslas?
Chevy bolt is no better than Tesla when comparing real vs EPA (actually my Bolt is way worse on the highway and in the winter). But I think the difference is just the fact that Tesla shows the EPA calculated range on the main screen.
On my Bolt they ONLY display the ‘guess o meter’ range (the equivalent on Tesla is in the energy app under consumption). The bolt never displays any EPA calculated numbers. Just the real estimate. People do complain, but they also can see when it’s doing really well.
EPA tests happen at around 55mph. My guess is Tesla is relatively more efficient at 55mph compared to other cars, while having similar efficiency at 75mph. Which is a good thing, but it causes more deviation from EPA for Tesla.
i think this is it, teslas are very slippery in terms of aero, but a low Cd can only get you so far as drag is proportional to square of V
In an Edmunds tests where they attempted to approximate the EPA cycle, Tesla cars were consistently most accurate vs EPA rated.
I think EPA even did the extended 5 cycle test themselves for some of the Tesla cars.
They don't have quite as much disappointment because they don't sell quite as much cars.
So yesterday I drove across Denver in my 2020 Model 3 LR. It was mid 80's for temp. I drove 54 miles and used 13kWh worth of battery, so around 4.15 miles a kWH. I did a few acceleration boosts to show off a friend's brother the power of the vehicle, so I wasn't driving like grandma. With a 75kWh battery and 4.15 miles per kWh, that counts to around 311 miles. Which the EPA range of the vehicle when I bought it was 322 miles. Seems pretty close what that EPA mileage says I should get.
What does your 2020 show as it's range at 100% charge? Mines down to 285 at 34k miles. Also have a 2020 LR with original rated 322 miles.
I usually have my vehicle set to percentage but the stats app still shows 300 miles.
I have a Polestar, by default it shows the percentage of battery for arrival. What the left over predicted mileage at arrival is completely irrelevant! Change my mind! Tesla users should switch over (in setting) to percentage of battery. Instead of meaningless guess o meter range!!
This is really a non issue and I don’t think people can go after Tesla for this!
Agree completely. And with one tap Tesla switches fully over to percentage. That’s all I use and it’s excellent. The navigation tells you percent left too and it is very accurate.
Seems like Tesla has created this issue just by making the default display ‘miles’ and even uses a ‘miles per hour’ as a metric to display charging speed. Kw is also there but MPH for a charging speed is really bizzare.
THe "miles per hour" charging speed is useful because it's a better metric than kw.
A model 3 getting a 3kw charge gets 60% more range out of it over a Model X.
When google updates distances between location in terms of tesla %s I'll agree with you, until then miles is the standard unit for talking about how far away something is
OMG this obsession with range is ridiculous. Do most people with ICE cars know how far they’ll go in a full tank?? Is the “range” number that shows on more upscale cars when you fill up really accurate?? NO!
One day people will get into their amazing EV. Drive. And stop if they have to juice up, without worrying about things. I already do this. Life is too short to worry about range!
Yes! Set the percentage and don’t worry about it. Use navigation and just go with the flow :)
Yes. The reason people are so worried about range was well, it used to be an issue and reason not to buy EVs. With Tesla having an amazing charging network and high ranges this is really a non issue. Even if you road trip often 250, 300,315 or 405are ALL more than enough!
the only range estimate I need is after I have entered my destination. and that is usually spot on.
It’s no different than the EPA miles per gallon ratings, but people react differently as the efficiency is expressed as a total, instead of a rate.
EV’s should really be rated in Kw/km (credit: u/tibuliburon) kW/h, but range anxiety….
I think people would react if ICE was expressed in EPA range too as most cars would disappoint.
You are right, it should be kWh/100 km.
You are right, it should be kWh/100 km.
My VW Jetta did exactly what Tesla does. The difference is that it was buried under a menu, not always visible on screen. Honestly, Tesla could just remove the option to display range in miles and just show percent like every ICE car has been doing for decades.
What? My BMW shows remaining miles...
Yes but your estimated range is also calculated by the way you drove. Drive faster and you’ll get less range. Drive over a mountain and get less range. Someone already said, if the gas stations were as far away as charging stations you will start to get anxiety over how much fuel you have
remove the option to display range in miles and just show percent like every ICE car has been doing for decades.
This, a thousand times this!
We all know what it means to having a quarter tank of gas and what that means.
I just did a short 140 mile all-freeway drive going 70mph in perfect weather, with 78% battery. The battery icon showed 240 miles range.
Guess who was told by the car to stop and charge to make it home? This is a long range model Y with less than 8% degradation. That’s less than 200 miles highway range in perfect conditions and modest speed.
I love my car but the real highway range is dogshit compared to what Tesla advertises. Throw winter weather on top and it’s 50%.
Majority of people are dumb as hell. They see “330 miles EPA) and imagine that no matter what, they should be getting 330 miles. They don’t understand that everything uses energy including going fast and uphill and temperature outside, etc.
All cars have exaggerated EPA miles when you first get the vehicle. Obviously batteries with depreciation will lose miles as time goes on but again, people aren’t the smartest. There’s people who still use miles over % on the main screen.
Once Tesla’s get even more cheaper, you’ll see even more stupid and pointless claims like these people filing lawsuits.
They need to have two range ratings. No idea why EPA lets EVs get away with just showing one, when all ICE cars clearly have a city and highway (and sometimes combined) rating.
E.g. MYLR: 330mi city / 250mi hwy / 180mi extreme weather or something similar.
The fact it goes down on the highway, where gas cars go up on the highway is something I think very few non EV owners know or understand.
Yep and EV owner too., I saw and commented on a YouTube of a guy getting an amazing 206W/mile on the first section of a trip. He then got on a highway and it went up to 250 (it was winter). And yet, I got a reply from a Tesla owner saying that it's amazing that the efficiency is best on the highway especially if the car is pre-conditioned. I tried explaining that they were misunderstanding what they'd just watched but gave up in the end...🤷
No. It's all about Tesla showing 330 miles as range estimate when the battery is at 100% in its instrument cluster. Literally the first thing you see. Even when it would never get that range in the conditions outside or on the road planned.
And the Tesla navigation knows that perfectly as you can see "330 miles" range remaining on your screen, then navigate to a point 250 miles away and get a charging session auto-added to your route because the car already knows that it will not make it there.
So the 330 miles is a just a pure lie from the very start.
You absolutely can get 330 miles. Just not on the freeway, where most people are concerned about miles.
Drive flat rural highways at the 50mph (90kph) speed limits and you'll get the EPA range and often a fair bit above it.
Driving in moderate traffic in the city (which means going 35-55 without much stopping) also seems to get me well above EPA estimated efficiency in my Model S.
But the EPA needs to add a "freeway" test where they just drive 80mph until empty to publish because that's the primary case where people are counting miles and saying "why can't I get there?" Because at 80+mph, every car gets WAY below EPA ratings.
Freeway is the only time range matters. I just did a short 140 mile all-freeway drive going 70mph in perfect weather, with 78% battery. And guess who was told by the car to stop and charge to make it home? This is a long range model Y with less than 8% degradation. That’s less than 200 miles highway range in perfect conditions and modest speed.
I love my car but the real highway range is dogshit compared to what Tesla advertises.
Definitely. Maybe they need to do away with the EPA range on the main screen.
I just wanted three videos. All three missed the opportunity to educate a bit on finding actual range.
One just compared a Tesla with a hybrid car to see which would get the EPA range. They didn’t even factor in any degradation on the several year old Tesla lol.
I guarantee you most of the complainers are driving like 80mph and throwing their hands up when they see their efficiency at the charging station
If everyone is stupid, then the UI needs to be simple enough for those stupid people to understand. This is basic software UX. Just displaying the actual estimated range by default would alleviate a lot of these issues.
They don't talk about it because it wouldn't generate the same outrage. If they talk about the energy app they can't pretend there's a problem.
Most "problems" about Teslas you see online are either completely made up or massively exaggerated.
Very true. Seems even the very mention of ‘why not just use the energy prediction range’ is a enough to get a bunch of downvotes. Lol.
Reminds me of this crap my mom saw on facebook and sent to me:
(copy and pasted bc i dunno if a link would work w/o logging in)
So the Tesla experiment 🔬 has come to an end.
Heather and I each had one for the past 3 months and here are some things from our experience. When gas prices were $5 per gallon it seemed like a good thing to try.
Here are some Pro’s & Cons’s!
Watching netflix on the huge screen looked and sounded like a movie 🎥 theater!! Amazing actually ! Using the internet to listen to radio stations on line was so cool.
These cars are really quick and very fast! Felt almost as fast 💨 as the corvette !
high end speed was also fast. Easy to go over 100 mph. I always got to places quickly.
All kids were in awe of the Tesla!!!!
I had some warranty issues. I scheduled through the app and tesla came to my house. This was cool other then I had to leave it there during that window of time. They fixed my issues at no charge and texted me what they did. Pretty cool!
My car said it would get 303 miles per charge. It really only get’s 200 miles in my opinion!!! These cars drain so fast! But when it gets to 80 miles left you need to be concerned. So it really only gets 160-170 true miles. This is not good !
Range anxiety is a real thing. This past weekend we took the car to new jersey. Made it there with 60 miles left. Plenty to get us to charging station. Went to the charging station I found In my phone and it was a mall!!! No charging station. Put the next one in my phone!!! Go to this station and had 6 miles left. Im glad it was not another mall. So yes this creates unwanted anxiety 😦. So I would not want to go below 100 miles ever again. So really this is a 120-140 mile car when its not winter.
I heard when winter comes the anxiety is worse. Imagine running electric heat. I heard the numbers go way down from normal usage from other tesla owners. I cant imagine what this will do?!?!
The tires on this car can easily get damaged. My wife had two flat tires In her 3
months. And flat tires are a pain in the ass. She had to schedule through the tesla app. Only tesla could fix the tire. She needed a new one ☝️ the first time $412. The next time it was a hole and it was $150. They will only fix a tire one time so the next time on that tire it needs a new one. Only tesla can fix tires. Not cool 😎 These tires cut like butter. Dont drive off road at all and dont nick a curb at all!! This tire situation was a deal breaker for heather for sure because she hits curbs every day!!!
5. The car is too fast 💨. I was bound to get a speeding ticket or an accident. Heather said I drove way too fast everywhere! Driving a 100 mph in this car is not a
Good thing.
6. I charged this car on sunday and it was $43 to charge it at a tesla super station. This price to drive 170 mph is insane. The charging was free for me because of the rental program I was in. But I would never pay $72k for this car then pay that amount to charge it on trips!
7. My electric has gone so sky high at my house these past two months so its hard to actually know how much it is to charge a tesla at home. My guess is its between $75-$100 for one car for a month. I had thought it would be closer to $50 month. I can only see this cost rising.
8. Running electric to my garage was not cheap. My brother did it for $1,000 in materials but it would have been much more if we hired it out. This prob would have been a $3,500 job.
9. Winter was coming and we show/look at alot of houses. We could not risk driving a tesla based on charge or bad tires in this situation.
10. When going to a tesla super charging station it will charge the tesla to 80% in 25 min. But it takes another 25 min to get to 100%. 50-55 min is too long for a full charge. They also dont like you to fully charge the car all the time. What the heck!
Overall I think 🤔 electric cars are not ready for us. They really lack what you need if you really have to drive somewhere. And its risky getting a flat tire on any road.
So we turned in our leases and bought 2 - 2021 dodge limited trucks with 30k miles on them. They were $54k each and with 100% bonus depreciation still in effect the real cost was $36k each. These trucks now are $78k brand new which is why buying used made sense. These just came off monthly rental programs. These will be safer, more reliable and more durable especially going into winter.
Peace ☮️ out tesla for now!
Let me know if you have any other questions about the tesla!
Many if not all those cons are pure ignorance. Not fake either, dude posted photos of the teslas and the trucks they got to replace em.
Dude admits he's incapable of driving less than 100 mph, then has the audacity to bitch about the range. It's not that EVs aren't ready for us. It's that he's too stupid to own one.
high end speed was also fast. Easy to go over 100 mph. I always got to places quickly.
My car said it would get 303 miles per charge. It really only get’s 200 miles in my opinion!!! These cars drain so fast!
You can make something idiot proof, but they'll just make a better idiot.
When first getting a feel for the pedal, for like the first month, I did several times accidentally speed. Damn thing is so smooth and quiet. in an ICE car you'd at least get engine noise feedback that you are accelerating. Its why I now leave it on Chill, and have actually learned how hard to press.
They also put that the car is too fast in the cons. It's hilarious.
But also put that it’s as fast as a corvette in the pros. This “experiment” as they call it must be done by Jekyll and Hyde.
It's frustrating because some many of these problems are either created by the user or not problems at all.
This was either written by a teenager or an oil executive. Hilarious.
My spouse owns an ICE car. The physical volume of the gas tank is never going to change. We put the same octane gas in it. But depending on conditions, it’ll estimate anywhere from 380-410mi of range.
The only reason why that doesn’t freak people out is because gas stations are everywhere and you can bring gas to a car if you really screw up.
Someday chargers will be more numerous and someone will invent a more affordable “gas can” for EVs.
Very true.
They just need to look at the supercharger map in California. With many locations with 100 chargers in the area it really shows what can happen over a pretty short period of time.
just ignore the prices in california tho lol
Actually I just looked. Price isn’t that much different than here in Canada. We don’t even get the cheaper off peak supercharging rates now.
But our household power is way cheaper in most places than California.
True. Lol. That’s not really Tesla that’s the problem there the power is just expensive. It could certainly be done in other areas with cheaper power.
Yeah I find it fascinating how up in arms media is over it. As if ICE MPG reports are that accurate either. Admittedly I know very little about how they do the testing but if its an EPA test, then this is an EPA testing issue. Not a Tesla issue. I've NEVER based my driving off of the physical milage range remaining in ANY car, ICE or EV. The only difference here is that you can spit and hit a gas station, so if OOPS your car is misreporting "range" you just make a pit stop. Its getting better but ya still cant really do that in an EV. However, if ya use the damn trip plotter when you are going on an untested router it almost becomes a non issue. GAS or EV, drive the car and learn what trips use what amount of "fuel" percentage. Being able to be like "oh im at 50% but I'll have enough" is the SAME thing as "Oh, i have about a half tank, should be fine." yes, I know battery usage isn't the same progression as gas usage, but ya ADAPT.
There’s a website called EV database which lists the real range of every EV, breaks it down by cold weather warm weather highway city etc
This looks like it's only new vehicles. I went looking for stats for an early 2019 MX & only saw data for the 2023 version.
Its all related to the stock movement. How else will they be able to generate negative headlines and force algos to sell the stock.
Tesla is getting mainstream. Mainstream people are not tech gurus, neither put too much attention to technology, just want to drive their cars. Sit in, check what the car says - then realizing the car is screaming for charge at half of the initially indicated range. Sure they are pissed off. Would be much much more beginner friendly to either indicate a range based on the past 20-50-mile usage or just simply show the percentage.
The more mainstream Teslas become, the more such complaints will arise.
You’re right about the lack of coverage of the feature and I also wonder why there isn’t an option to show the estimated range next to battery percentage (not instead of percentage and most importantly not the “rated” range)
People are dumb. Math.
People do. But you have to admit they bury that quite far away and show you the fake range every chance they get. Pretty horrid design decision if you ask me.
I always toggle to percentage because it feels less like covering up the truth. An ideal UI would show the percentage together with the predicted range front and center, which is what every ice car does anyway.
When you double your speed you increase your drag 4 times. If you want to hit the EPA milage drive at 55 on flat ground (this is true for gas cars too.)
Simplified drag equation for purpose of exxplanation D= 1/2 * Dair * A * Cd * V2
Density of air- Likely fairly constant for your drive. A- frontal Area. If you put a roof pod or bike up there you are adding to it. Cd- Coefficient of drag. constant unless you change the shape. V- Velocity. Note that this is squared!
Speed is going to be the one variable you can effect without changing what it is you are doing.
There are a ton of other variables, so know that I am not here to discus them. This forum is annoying and so uninformed I am silencing it.
I am going to close with Fk class action lawsuit profiteers and lawyers, I hope you end up walking everywhere.
Use your navigation system, set a destination, that is fairly accurate.
I saw a YouTuber complaining the Model Y only got 71% range. He was driving at 80MPH...
Hot take here, but why not just see the percentage? The planner estimates are quite accurate. I never used the option to show the mileage (kms in my case). It’s like I’d be seeing my phones battery in hours or something
That’s what I do. And what I tell people all the time they should do. Percentage only.
So then why don’t then just display the correct expected range instead of the incorrect one. Seems like a simple software fix
Because expected range based on yesterday’s driving is a shitty estimate for today’s range.
Displaying EPA range is much better. Not a moving target like the GOM used in other cars.
I use %
When expressed as miles it should be the GOM predicted range regardless of where else it can be found. That is how it was in both my Nissan Leaf and my BMW i3. In both cases I would typically get 15% to 30% more than the EPA range. If I drove 100% highway at 70 mph in fair weather, I’d lose 10 to 15% on. In either case, the GOM would adjust accordingly during the drive.
After driving my rwd m3 for a month, I’ve attempted to drive at what I’d consider ideal in previous EVs I’m getting closer to the EPA but I’m growing more convinced that EPA number is fiction and I’m disappointed. Bottom line it would have been better to underpromise and over deliver like other EV makers, than exaggerate the range so grossly.
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My Honda odyssey doesn’t get the range it predicted either. Sometimes it’s hot and the ac is going all day in stop and go traffic. Others it’s cold and snowing with the heat going and tires slipping. Sometimes it’s just the right temperature and trip and I can get a full tank above 28mpg.
People expect the engineers to say “it gets xxmilesxxxx for every xxunit of fuel/energyxxx” and the vehicle to be able to do that every time. It’s nonsense, not every mile is the same, how the hell is the car going to be able to use the same amount of energy on an uphill mile vs downhill.
TLDR: This argument is disingenuous. Not all miles are equal in energy consumption.
There's this long lost technology
It's called a notebook
Write down your miles before you leave and after, then monitor how much energy it takes to recharge back to the same energy point, then calculate or use a spreadsheet to calculate exactly how much you've consumed versus how many miles you drove, just like you would with a Gasoline to determine how much range you're likely to have with your driving habits/conditions, and solve for whatever factor you're wanting to see, which in this case is Wh/mi
Tldr: it depends
It's not based on driving behavior unfortunately. That's maybe my only gripe with the car. So, respectfully, posts like this only add to the confusion. I wish tesla was clearer about these "predictions" right in app and/or on the vehicle screen.
Yes it is. It’s based on the last 50km of driving. Whatever you got as efficiency for that period. That would include your driving habits if they had an impact on your efficiency (and therefore range).
Range is actually not critical in ICE vehicles because you’ll usually find a gas station at the next exit. But i live Out West and there are many places where the exits might be 50 miles apart and not all exits have gas stations so some planning is necessary as to when and where to refuel. Ive made it to the station on fumes with no other fuel sources in 110 degree weather and it was a but scary. With my Tesla, Nav tells me when i need to charge and how much. Less anxiety.
FUD. They are trying desperately to keep the stock from hitting $300.
The problems suggested do reflect my personal experience as well. As the battery level drops, it gets way more accurate. Should just be that accurate the whole time.
When I’m in a scenario where my remaining range is important, I use the navigation which, like the energy app, will be based on my actual driving and real world conditions.
You may be unaware. One of the allegations in the original Tesla is lying article is that over 50% charge, that number is “rosy”. After 50% it becomes more accurate.
I don’t know if true. It’s what’s alleged.
It will even tell you range based on upcoming speed, elevation, weather, temperature, etc. if you are navigating to a location.
There is no way to tell it that you are e.g. speeding. It assumes speed limit. If you drive faster, you will be below.
I’m annoyed that the Energy tab does not show you how many miles / kilometers were traveled for a trip, nor what the Wh/mile or Wh/kilometer was consumed. This info should be Front and center, but all you get is how much was consumed and what contributed to the usage.
Yes, this can be found on the Trips tab, but it makes no sense that it is not present in the Energy app.
The units matter. My TM3 SR+ shipped with 240 miles estimated range. A software update bumped that higher but I don’t recall how much. My battery after 4 years has degraded but I don’t know how much. What SHOULD my Wh/mile be anyway???
I think there are techniques for calculating your battery degradation. Some of those steps may even calibrate the BMS a little so your displayed rated range is more accurate. Then you can just simply divide current rated range for a 100% charge to how it was delivered. So if your current max range displayed is 220 then 220/240 is 91% meaning your battery lost 9%. Other techniques (may need 3rd party software) I think allow you to see your total kWh capacity of the battery and compare that to what it was when it was delivered. They should agree closely since I've heard (Bjorn on YouTube) the displayed rated range is supposed to be directly related to battery kWh.
I think I see what you mean though. The Drive tab shows everything in miles of range and not wh/mi so you can't see your efficiency directly. All you see is green or yellow to see if you did better than the rated range or not. I think you should be able to see total miles driven for the last or maybe it's current trip if you switch the Drive tab to Trip mode vs rated mode.
Have you recently looked into the energy tab? It has a total overhaul and now displays everything drawing battery and by how much percent. It should tell you how many miles you drove and how efficient it was.
Honestly, I ignore range estimates all together because how those numbers are derived simply aren’t realistic for “real world” driving. You car may show 300 miles but based on your driving habits, that could easily become 270 (or less).
Battery percentage is more accurate because it makes the math dead simple. For example, if I know that I need to run several errands and that equates to roughly an hour of driving, I know to charge the car if it’s around 25% or less. Also, I think this is less of a an adjustment for the people coming from ICE vehicles because many of them (in my experience) don’t show mileage at all unless you go digging for it in the software. You get a nice handy gauge that tells you how much gas you have left and that’s it.
Just like your cell phone. Nobody thinks “oh, I have 3 hours left before my cell phone dies.” They see a low battery icon, they plug it in.
End of story.
My Bolt does that. It’s the best way. It shows the estimated range and a ‘low’ and ‘high’ number as well. If it’s bad weather I just tell my wife to use the low number and she will never have to worry.
My Bolt does that. It’s the best way. It shows the estimated range and a ‘low’ and ‘high’ number as well. If it’s bad weather I just tell my wife to use the low number and she will never have to worry.
My issue isn’t the estimated range. It’s the fact that when I bought my 2019 LR it had an epa range of 310. I’ve never gotten close to that number. On road-trips I’ll be lucky to get 220 miles keeping my energy usage at around 265. I enjoy the car but the EPA range is a joke. They should update numbers to be closer to what the average driver gets.
That’s not the point I was trying to make. The range advertised at time of sale is a different issue.
That said I can get 220miles on my standard range model 3 (2022).
I didn't know about this and will check it out
Where is the energy app? I cannot find it in car or in the app
In the apps at the bottom of the screen. It’s a green icon.
Tesla nav isn’t perfect and I have found out the hard way. I make 200 mile round trip drives several times a month and one way it always miscalculates by 10-15% which is huge. I thought it would have compensated by now but nope. I also thought the navigation would account for elevation changes as that’s the only thing I can think of, but every trip it’s 10-15%. Scary the first time as I barely made it to my destination.
My predicted range is always overestimating. I'm not comfortable with trusting it. Anyone else?
The other understate their range for a reason. They are scared due to battery claims later. If you state you only do 200miles per charge but actually get 250miles then the range will need to drop considerably to claim battery problems.