Hi everyone, I’m going to be going on a long trip next week. (Europe) There are literally over a hundred superchargers along the route but they aren’t tesla brand so they don’t pop up in my car navigation. Just has its own app.

I know normally you’d select the supercharger in the car navigation and the car would automatically put it in precondition mode when you arrive at the charger.

Is there a way to manually do it?


Tag: Tesla's battery health


  1. brunofone

    People have been asking this for a long time,....ability to do manual preconditioning. Not sure why Tesla wont give that option

    1. beamerBoy3

      Probably because it encourages usage of non-tesla charging options

  2. GamingCatholic

    Question: why wouldn't you use the Tesla Supercharger network? In Europe, my understanding is that you can get to anywhere via this network.Did you check the routing via A Better Route Planner and make sure to prioritize the superchargers?

    Is there a way to manually do it?

    I might be incorrect, but I believe somewhere it was written you can navigate to third party chargers in Europe if the quality of said charger is good for Tesla to accept them.Not sure how you'd select them, but I believe they show up as a grey pin rather than a red pin.


    Sorry, I missed your question here.I'm not sure if preconditioning works to third party chargers. The easiest solution would be to find a nearby Supercharger and route to that location so that preconditioning will start. Then finally go to the third party charger

    1. sawariz0r

      It works to the fast chargers listed under chargers in the navigation. But I don’t see why he could not just use the supercharger network

      1. Unwipedbutthole

        There aren’t any. That’s why I posted the question.

  3. Bovakinn

    If the charger is listed on the map, you can navigate to it, and the car should pre-condition.I know here in Ireland only a handful of the 3rd party chargers are listed, hopefully, it's more consistent in mainland Europe.

    1. Unwipedbutthole

      Unfortunately there aren’t any listed, I’m on the Eastern European part of my journey

  4. sawariz0r

    We’ve made the journey across Europe by putting in the destination and letting the car select superchargers on the way and let it handle the preconditioning.

    But if it’s on the car navigation (under charging) map it will automatically precondition when navigating to it

  5. retlem

    Use the scheduled departure feature. More info here at the bottom portion:


    Basically the only other way to warm the battery without navigating to a supercharger.

    1. thebootsesrules

      It won’t really warm the battery doing this unless the battery is very cold in winter conditions. Otherwise it just brings the cabin to the set temp with climate control.

      1. retlem

        You are absolutely correct. But this is the only other thing closely relevant . Outside of that, just pretend navigating to a charger, even if it’s far out.

        1. thebootsesrules

          Could just do a navigation to several superchargers using waypoints on the car, with navigation to the third party charger on the phone, and just ignore the car and drive per the phone. This way the car will be preconditioning the whole time - maybe overkill but would work

    2. Unwipedbutthole

      Thank you! Checking it out

    3. damian20

      How long is the ideal time to precondition the battery?

  6. LoudSoftware

    This is one of my main gripes with the car. The only way you can manually precondition is by using aftermarket add-ons like teslogic

    Otherwise, you're stuck having to navigate to a tesla supercharger (which only really works if your non-tesla charger is relatively close to the one you're navigating to)

  7. spwolf

    So where are you going that they dont have SC or Ionity or anything else listed under chargers?

  8. YouKidsGetOffMyYard

    I don't see a way, you will still be able to charge though just maybe not as fast right away. It probably depends on the outdoor temps how much of a difference that preconditioning makes. (I know it's a lot when it's really cold out)

    1. Unwipedbutthole

      True! Hopefully it doesn’t make much difference as the highways are probably gonna be like 30 Celsius

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