Hello Everyone!

Many months ago I came across the news that Tesla released a new puddle lights for Model 3 Well, it was and still is China China-exclusive thing😭 but that encouraged me to find ways to buy it. My options were limited: either asking my colleagues who have relatives in China to buy it off of Tesla China site OR various auction sites like eBay etc. I didn’t want to risk getting the fake one so I found another way after reading the Drive Tesla article.

Tmall (formerly Taobao Mall) is essentially the B2C e-commerce platform and Tesla had an official store. As far as I understand it’s mostly for the Chinese market but Taobao has international shipping option to some countries including Canada and USA.

Tmall ordering was not complicated at all, even though all the interface is in Chinese. Nothing Google Chrome Translation feature could not handle. I registered a Taobao account with my Canadian cell number, used this Taobao account to register&link Alipay (Taobao would not allow me to pay until I did this) and placed the order by paying with my Canadian credit card.

There is an overseas payment option available so I was billed in CAD. The Yuan to CAD rate was pretty nice to my surprise. I got one front pair for 35.87 CAD + 26.11 CAD for the shipment fee. Please keep in mind that it’s an overall shipment fee: I purchased two other items from different Tmall stores and consolidated them in one package. The Weight for three items (pair of puddle lights + two other items) was around:~1.5kg

For reference, here are the timelines for my delivery to Vancouver, BC: placed my order on 4/21, got it delivered on 4/29.

Installation was a breeze and now I enjoy my new lights! They feel more bright which is probably due to the focused light image.

Here are some photos I took during this process: https://imgur.com/a/Hom3cV1

P.S: for some reason, Reddit removed my previous posts so all links can be found here: https://pastebin.com/65Hf4dsd

Tag: Tesla OEM puddle lights


  1. PerceptionGood-

    I’ve just bought a set of these using super buy. Excited for them to arrive. Interestingly they have separate listings for front and back doors which makes me think they have done something to fix the too much power draw dimming issues if you use four of the no name ones from Amazon

    1. ogurok

      Congrats! Hope, they will come quickly! I used Taobao shipping service. I think it’s called Cainiao.

      Yes, they got Front and Back and I read those are not interchangeable. Front normally sold out pretty quickly so you are lucky you got them!

      1. The_GOAT_2440

        Is there anyway to tell the diff between front and back? I just got two boxes and there is no reference to front or back on em. Worried about installing the wrong ones

        1. ogurok

          Sorry, no idea - I ordered just the front pair. Try to see if the manuals in the boxes have any indication whether it’s a fro t pair or back pair. Also, it could be a good idea to read reviews on the Tesla Tmall under this product. I recall there was a Q&A section there.

          1. The_GOAT_2440

            Thank you !

          2. Sango02

            My my friend ordered front and back for me.  The outer box does have a different number and description.  Interestingly, the product box itself are identical. Will find out for sure when I see them in person on the weekend. I have posted pictures in the TMC forums below. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/8450925/

    2. Apart-Experience-982

      Can you send me a link? Taobao will not work for me.

      1. PerceptionGood-

        A link to the Chinese Tesla site listing? Or to super buy? https://shop.tesla.cn/product/model-3-puddle-light-2023

        1. Apart-Experience-982

          Super buy. Couldn't find it easily there

    3. The_GOAT_2440

      Interesting. I just bought 2 sets of these and received them. They are two identical options and do not say front or back. Any idea how to distinguish if they’re front or back ones?

    4. Kigginlester

      u/PerceptionGood- Steps to buy through Superbuy? It didn’t recognize the link so I got to this page where I have to manually enter details

      1. PerceptionGood-

        Did that to me too, just copy the options from the site in Chinese and in English what you want from the drop down. Back / front

        1. Kigginlester

          Thanks! What did you put for CN domestic freight?

          1. PerceptionGood-

            You should be able to see on the Tesla cn site what they charge for shipping? If you add to cart. I put in whatever that amount was. I might have even been free

          2. Kigginlester

            It was! Thanks! Fingers crossed it gets to the warehouse lol🤞🏼

  2. Apart-Experience-982

    I really like these and more reliable than 3rd party.

    1. ogurok

      Hopefully, these OEM will hold up well 🤞

      1. Gloomy-Vast1504

        Do the other brands burn down quickly?

        1. ogurok

          No idea, lol. Never tried the non-OEM ones

  3. Gloomy-Vast1504

    Yes! I just ordered like at the beggining of the week. Lets see how long they take and excited to install them. Ordered the front and back ones.

    OP was very helpful guiding me through the process. It takes a few tries to get your card accepted but it is possible.

    Tesla should sell this accessory! They also have really cool items... even a cat scratcher and a Mic for karaoke!

  4. Jestered2303

    Just ordered these last night. Took a while to get the account and payment card registered, but after a lot of Google Translate, I was able to do it. I ordered 2 sets of the front pair. I’m fairly certain there’s no difference between the front and back. They both have the exact same part numbers on the listing, so…. If they are indeed different, I’ll just use the second pair in my wife’s M3 and just use fronts in my MYP.

    1. ogurok

      Congrats on ordering 👍Hope, they will be delivered quickly 🤞

      1. Jestered2303

        Got them today. Took about 5 minutes to install, which was super easy. It’s still sunny outside, so I haven’t seen them very well yet, but from what I could see, I like them!

        1. ogurok

          Awesome! 👍 Did you end up installing the 2nd front pair on the back?

          1. Jestered2303

            No, not yet. Gonna see if she wants them in her M3. If not, then I’ll put them in the rear of my MYP. I might throw them in there just to confirm there’s no difference between the front and rear.

          2. Jeff146

            Just curious if the front pair can be installed at the back?

    2. Jestered2303

      Not a great pic, but this is mine installed today. Finally got dark and shows up nicely. It’s much sharper than the pic shows too.

  5. Sango02

    Posted my install with both front and rear pairs with pictures for the Model Y in this link below.


    1. ogurok

      Nice! Enjoy your new lights👍

  6. forte-exe

    Is this for Highland M3?

    1. ogurok

      This is for both Highland and old generation. I installed for my 2022 Model 3 LR.

  7. MackyDK

    But do they fit on the Y? Can’t seem to find any info 🙈

    1. GrodyBrody88


      Just put these in my new 24 Model Y Performance. Bought it while waiting for the Model 3 P. The Amazon ones are so bright and super crisp. The “T” actually lights up a puddle and it has Tesla written out

    2. waxyslave


      1. MackyDK

        Sadly they can't be shipped to Denmark :/

        1. GrabbenD16

          Nu er de lige kommet I shoppen for 5 timer siden! Under model 3eren. Jeg har en Yer, men er sikker på det passer, selv om det ikke er i model Y shoppen endnu.

    3. Jestered2303

      Installed on my MYP today. No problems at all.

  8. Evajellyfish

    Can you link the stores? Or listings?

    1. ogurok

      Hi!I did have them initially inside the post but Reddit would remove such posts so I had to wrap them into the Pastebin link. Please use it. It’s in the end of the post and contains all the links

  9. 0bviousTruth

    thanks for sharing

    1. ogurok

      Any time! Sharing is caring 🤝

  10. BlueShooter7515

    I’m trying to create a Taobao account but it has me go thru a complex verification process that I’m not sure I want to trust?

    How did you do this step?

    1. ogurok

      I reached this step several times when I was trying to register Taobao account but I didn’t go through this step for the same reasons as you - I got no trust in sharing my passport data with Taobao. One day my registration attempt simply was successful and I was not asked to verify identity. Not sure what are their algorithms that trigger this logic though but I was very happy to get my account registered after all failed attempts that I had made throughout the 6 month period.

      1. BlueShooter7515

        Thanks for the reply! I was able to create another account using private browsing and a different number and now it works! Thank you for your detailed post. I will continue thru the buying process now.

        1. ogurok

          Thank you and happy that you were able to resolve this issue 👍 All the best with the next steps🤞

  11. Ok_Music_9596

    Anybody succeeded to order recently?

    When I am trying to checkout I het the following message: This product cannot be purchased or shipped due to relevant laws and regulations or Taobao policies


    1. ogurok

      Are you using Taobao mobile app or their website?

      1. Ok_Music_9596

        I have tried website on a computer and also mobile.

        1. ogurok

          Hm, weird. I recall there was some market unavailability issue with my order as well which got sorted in the end. Try to use Tmall.app if you haven’t already.

          1. Ok_Music_9596

            Would you try it, to see if you get the same results at checkout?

          2. ogurok

            Just tried via Taobao.app from my iPhone: yes, I see the “unavailable” wording but I can add to the cart and proceed to Checkout.

          3. ogurok

            Hi, u/Ok_Music_9596! Not sure if it's still actual for you but I came across this pretty neat advice: https://www.reddit.com/r/taobao/comments/1akfxnw/comment/kt14ut3/

            I have just tried this method on the new Model Y Tesla trunk tent and it worked!

            What you need to do to avoid this recent country availability restriction is:

            1.Download Cainiao application from App Store.

            2.Login there using your Taobao account.

            3.Copy the official Canada (Your Country) Forwarding Station address from the Cainiao application: there will be a button that copies everything,

            4.Go to Taobao/Tmall app and paste this Canada (Your Country) Forwarding Station address. It will automatically paste all the fields for you!

            And just like that, you will be able to add country restricted Tesla items to your cart, pay for them and ship to your country!

            The Cainiao service is the same that Taobao uses when they ship overseas so it's all should be working pretty smooth!

          4. Ok_Music_9596

            it now possible to get the on the Tesla store in North America


          5. ogurok

            Finally! It took them quite a while 😀 Hopefully, the next released thing will be the Model Y Canopy! BTW, the official price is almost 2 times higher (comparing Canadian price) the one from Tmall Tesla China with shipping

  12. Ok_Music_9596

    Now available directly on the Tesla Store


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