1. Goneincognito78

    Why on earth would warranty cover a flat tire (1 day or 1 year old)?

    If you don't want to pay for a tow, you have 4 options.

    1: Use Tesla Roadside Assist.2: Pump the tire up and if it holds air, drive to a repair shop.3: Pump the tire up and if it doesn't air, find the hole and plug it then drive to a repair shop.4: If you can't do options 2 and 3, take the wheel off and take it to a repair shop.

    1. WhoopDareIs

      My last mini cooper replaced a tire that got flat under warranty. This is NC USA

    2. CrabFederal

      People on here act like this is their first car.

      1. Dry-Barracuda-7733

        My first car without a spare. Yes.

        Normally I'd just put the spare on

        1. CrabFederal

          You can buy a spare.

        2. SHale1963

          AAA. they come to you.

        3. Goneincognito78

          And what would you have done if the spare was also flat?

  2. Sweet_Yellow_8646

    I would pump up the tire and see if it can hold air.

    Then drive to discount tires or something

  3. Zealousideal_Top6489

    I believe the road side assist is free, show up and get you to a shop by loaner wheel or tow as long as your within a certain distance (don't know how being at home changes that) my wife destroyed the sidewall within 2 weeks of buying so it just made sense to use their identical tire. It was 415ish total for the tire replacement and it was done at the site versus taking the car anywhere.

  4. Hot-Magician-5451

    Not sure how it is there but in Australia, yes Tesla warranty covers tyres here. Use your app /roadside/tyres

    When I had a flat they brought me a loaner wheel and I took my tyre to my local shop for repair

    1. Goneincognito78

      That's not warranty, it's using Tesla Roadside Assist and something you will need to pay for.

      1. Hot-Magician-5451

        We get it for 4 years I believe… I don’t pay for it. They came to my house for free… might be something only we get in Australia then. But that seems weird

        1. Hot-Magician-5451


        2. Goneincognito78

          Correct. You have it for the duration of the cars warranty period. Dependng on the issue, you will need to pay.

      2. Hot-Magician-5451

        I just noticed you’re in Aus too.. so you should also be covered as long as your car is still under warranty… go to your app - roadside / roadside assistance policy… should be the first paragraph.. then it goes into specify what’s covered…

  5. Alarming_Wheel_1485

    What would you do for a gas vehicle that didn’t have a spare? The same thing…

    1. Dry-Barracuda-7733

      I don't know. My last car had a spare, so I just swapped them out. Hence I'm asking

  6. [deleted]

    If you’re a Costco member, they might cover your flat. There are other companies that will prorate your tire based on the tread remaining. In addition some tire manufacturers cover their tires in some way. YMMV.

  7. SK10504

    If you dont have Tesla roadside assistance, Get AAA Gold if in the US. Free tow up to 100miles. Easily pays for itself with tows, passport potos, drivers license renewal (ny), hotel/car rental discounts, etc. Just dont abuse the tow service. Otherwise, they revoke your membership.

  8. ralf1

    See if your insurance covers roadside assistance.

    If not

    Try a can of fix a flat, depending on The nature of the leak that might let you get to a tire shop for repair.

  9. mrbofus

    Use Tesla Mobile Tire Service. In my case, I had a flat, had the car towed to my house by AAA, and Tesla Mobile Tire Service came out the next day and gave me a loaner wheel and tire for free until I got my tires replaced (I told them I was going to get all tires replaced in a month, and they were nice enough to give me a loaner wheel and tire until I bought all new tires), so I didn’t have to pay for one tire.

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