Embarrassing PSA re: Autopilot not available (code DI_a175)
TL;DR - if autopilot won't work due to error code DI_a175, and there's no reason for it, try opening and closing all the doors and the trunk/frunk!
If TESLA ever reads this - I saw/detected no alert or error related to doors not being closed, and if an open door was causing this error that seems like an expensive way to figure it out (ie taking it into service costs both of us time and money). I was going to bring the car in for service and neither of us wants it to come to that!
My car - 2022 MYP with about 5k miles on it and only cosmetic issues so far (spoiler came loose was fixed, tiny infuriating curb rash incident).
Yesterday I drove out to a friend's house, a long drive (50min). At some point I showed him my car, opening doors here and there and stuff like that. On the drive home, no autopilot. This persisted through multiple drives, and there aren't a lot of recent posts about this specific error code, but all the posts I saw about it all ended with "service request" and/or "rebooting it worked". Rebooting did NOT work, and the Tesla documentation for that error DID mention about making sure doors and trunks and frunks were all closed. I saw that, noted it, and completely forgot to actually do that. Because I was opening doors up and stuff. After I had given up and made the damn service appointment in my phone, I remembered about the doors and that was it. I just opened and closed them all, and the frunk and the trunk.
The post is wordy, but I'm putting this out there in the hopes that somebody googling for this error code will find this page one day. Also, since the "I" could also be a lowercase "L", I'll also include Dl_a175 so google will still see this page.
Thanks, and I hope you all have great Tesla driving, better than I did on the dark/rainy no-autopilot drive home from my friend's house yesterday!
Known bug that will be patched in an update. Thanks for sharing 🤙
Literally just had this happen to me yesterday. A message about a door or something being potentially open would’ve been nice.
Holy shit I can't thank you enough. I just got my car back from service and after the first couple of drives autopilot refused to engage. I've been dealing with this for 4 days now and nothing I could think of worked. I just tried this opening every door frunk and trunk as well and firmly closing them and all is good now! Thanks again! Wouldn't have thought about this as all doors were showing closed. I wonder if this is possibly why I am occasionally having an issue where it won't auto lock when I walk away.
Glad it helped! I felt foolish but my google safari didn’t turn this up prominently (Tesla does mention it but not in allcaps and also the lack of a “door open” error feels like a bug or oversight.
This is happening now (currently on road trip) will definitely try at next rest stop
Edit: tried opening and closing all doors, including trunk, and frunk. Unfortunately, it did not help with the situation. We then tried turning sentry mode off, which also failed to help. As a last resort we cleared the camera calibration, which would be under the safety toggle. That cleared the issue and everything is back to normal. So hopefully this may help others fix the issue. We have a model 3 2022 for reference..
On a side note I noticed today that both of my drivers side doors weren’t closing neatly looked like new panel gap doors not fully closed visually). The bolts holding the little silver metal latching rings to the car frame were loose! This felt very Chevrolet circa 2000, I had to tighten them back up and will probably ask the service center to torque them if they come loose again.
I had the same issue after leaving my car parked for 9 days. The doors did not solve the problem but resetting and re-calibrating the sensors with the “Clear Calibration” did get my system back in working order. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻