Projector puddle lights should come stock on Teslas.
They are cheap and make great visual difference.
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They are cheap and make great visual difference.
Who knew puddle lights were such a sensitive subject for people
Yeah, it's strange. I never wanted them and couldn't care less about them.
It’s just Tesla owners. By far the worst group of car owners in any sub/forum I’ve been apart of.
Really? Worse than, say, BMW?
I remember when porsche announced a Diesel SUV ….
Lmao What about mustang owners when they announced the Mach e?
The difference is you’d expect it there.
Tesla owners are way way way worse.
Everytime someone gets in my Audi they are impressive by this simple detail.
To all the people that say it’s a “useless” feature. You really think everything in your Tesla is 100% “useful?”. The video games, fart mode and light show would like to argue otherwise. You bought a quirky car, it’s ok to have a little fun lol
I think the difference is software vs hardware, Tesla relentlessly remove hardware to their own detriment at times. Look how long they’ve resisted putting in a basic cheap rain sensor that the rest of industry uses and functions significantly better than my experience with camera wipers. Puddle lights are hardware and they just don’t want the expense however minimal.
Yea and the cost is so minimal it’s actually kind of embarrassing. Aliexpress has these dirt cheap at volume I can’t imagine them costing over $5 a unit… labor costs would be identical it’s a plug and play light.
I suppose if you sell 500k to 1 mill cars that’s 10-20 million. Maybe that’s a preview of how stingy DOGE will be with every $ the gov spends lol and likely will be to the detriment of many lol.
Don’t get me wrong, I get why they don’t add it - to save cost. But people trying to cope by saying is tacky and useless lol. I guess the ultra sonic sensors are also useless
kind of my thought. Why not focus first on the basics and sell puddle light as premium package thing. My biggest wishes: Working wipers, built in garage door opener, trunk that opens on its own fully, etc. not even asking for self driving anymore.
For sure. The S4 logo looked sick
Tell me any useless hardware feature in a Tesla. They are even removing the useful ones to reduce costs.
Falcon wing doors.
Also teslas are computers on wheels. There’s not much hardware features you can really have
Those were the best. Miss them dearly in the bland Y. The automatic doors were absolutely amazing for dropping off excited kids who forget to close the door properly. Every time I have to get out of the car to manual close a rear door properly, I miss them. Also they were great in tight parking spaces. Useless feature? Only for those who never had them.
They aren’t as good as sliding doors for low ceiling parking garages. And the fact they are too complicated and have failed multiple times
Ignore all these negative comments. People always trying to put others down. All that matters is if you like them. I think they look good. Enjoy YOUR car!
P.S. - I have them on all doors of my MYP.
I have these Plaid ones on my ‘18 X and ‘24 Highland, and they are significantly brighter than the stock lights. They do also make simple ultra-bright puddle lights for those who think the projector-style logos are tacky.
At the end of the day, it’s your car. Do with as you please :)
What's the brand that you got?
I got the ones for my X from PimpMyEV and Highland from Abstract Ocean. Admittedly they look the same in terms of sharpness and brightness
I like mine
I think they’re dope, OP. I got some for my MYLR and I dig em. 👌🏻
I want animated puddle lights
3rd party
Pass. Looks cheesy. I am glad they are not stock.
Same. Kinda silly really. I prefer the functionality of actual puddle lights that illuminate the ground; not a dumb logo. I don’t love Tesla that much.
Well, you folks are clearly too mature!
These are brighter and provide better ground visibility than the crappy stock lights.
Look, sometimes I forgot what kind of car I'm driving so it's great to open the door at night and see "Tesla." I thought I was driving a Pontiac for a minute.
Ironically, aftermarket puddle lights are typically brighter than OEM. This is a prime example of that. Not sure what disliking Tesla has anything to do with being in favor of puddle lights, though.
I don't see how brighter is helpful when it's bright letters... I want an even patch of light so that I might see what I am about to step into. Like, a puddle, for instance.
Buy lights that say Toyota if you hate Tesla that much.
Because the puddle lights say "TESLA" as if you and everyone around you don't already know what kind of car it is
Why is the line suddenly crossed at puddle lights? No issues with the logo being on the trunk, hood, steering wheel, wheels, seats, floor mats, windows, door jams, etc. Why is this app filled with so many argumentative people lol, I never knew puddle light haters existed until now.
Agree with you both. I'd be embarrassed if someone pointed it out. Now if I had some run down Chevy that fit them, that's a different shits and giggles story
It's for when you forgot which car you drove
Exactly…. Do you need the car to tell you what kind of car you drive? Might as well get a Tesla emblem and put it on a necklace
Hard Pass. Dorky AF.
Glad they don’t.
Hmm, I had these, but I missed puddle lights that light up the whole area so I can see where I put my feet.
So I replaced them with wide-area lights stronger than the stock ones. Usability over style.
We can’t even get stalks mate, calm down 😂
I added cheap, aftermarket ones a couple of years ago. Had a mobile tech come do a minor fix & he warned me that they might void electrical warranty in the future. Now they sell them in the Tesla shop for 5x what I paid. 🤔
R8 has this, gets more compliments then the motor
I agree. I put 3rd party ones in too, and I think they look great.
For anyone looking, any 3rd party model 3 puddle lights seem to FIT in the Highland, but they aren’t aligned/focused quite right so there’s some distortion on the projected logo.
No thank you. Would rather have the actual puddle light there is now. I believe that most people know its a Tesla...
Same with the Mercedes cars that project the Mercedes logo. It’s not a matter of being able to identify the maker of vehicle…
Love mine, and got them in all four doors. Kids love them and it looks awesome everything I open the door at night. Got my mom a pair for her Y and she loves them. Guess unless you have them you’ll never know how cool the little touches are.
Sounds more like fan boi junk than anything else. It's supposed to be a puddle light not a puddle logo.
It’s almost like the logo is created by light a less effective manner
My 3rd party ones illuminate better than stock, and you see the logo. Both things can happen at the same time.
Boo hoo
Most of what people do to their cars is a matter of preference and cosmetics.
Why? I don't want to pay for them.
Why? They provide zero meaningful benefit. If they didn’t say Tesla, maybe.
Pretty tacky in addition
These are in my cart lol trying to decide if I want to go Temu or Tesla 🤣
lol no way, they’re so tacky. It looks so silly on a $40k car.
What price car would they not look silly on?
The fact is that they replace functionality with vanity. It looks no good on any car. I’ve done this on my bimmer back in the day. Over it
As someone he has debadged his Tesla this is the LAST thing I would ever want.
Only brand obsessed people think this is cool.
I’m debadged too. So much cleaner that way.
Nah, it's tacky imo.
Love mine
Why’s it upside down?
Curious if the Tesla OEM puddle lights still have the failure mode that doesn’t allow the window to position itself correctly, and potentially can smash the glass when closing the door?
I thought the whole point of puddle lights was to light up the floor so you can see where you’re treading when getting in or out? I get that people want stuff that’s ‘cool’, but not at the expense of functionality, surely? All these logo projectors on cars are just doing a worse job at lighting up the floor than standard puddle lights.
These are very bright, much more so than the standard lighting.
Be careful, The puddle light is linked with the door switch so if an aftermarket light goes bad your window won’t roll down and the glass will break when opening or closing.
I would trust the $40-$50 sets but not the alibaba $10 sets lol
Yeah i have seen that too. I trust these as Their from Tesla vs those cheap ones from temu or ali express.
Absolutely should be a stock item
In case you forget what car you drive before you step inside.
Bunch of losers commenting, haha. Should definitely come stock. Seems like a trend more auto manufacturers are going to and I’m all for it. It’s a subtle touch but when it’s noticed people always mention how cool it is.
Shuttle touch 😤
It’s a subtle touch but when it’s noticed people always mention how cool it is.
This thread is about these puddle lights and about half of the comments, from owners, are saying that it’s dorky.
So, no. People don’t always mention how cool it is.
Someone gifted the T logo lights to me years ago, I installed them and quickly realized how tacky they looked and how little of the ground I could see compared to the standard light. Replaced them for brighter, normal puddle lights.
Now, if you think only “losers” think that way, I suggest you check out other manufacturers for your next car that offer more options. Then you can get the Call of Duty Black Ops version of your dreams, and put those dorky toys on your dashboard too while you’re at it.
Blah, blah, blah. Not that serious little man. Speaking from personal experience, all my passengers liked it
Calling people 'losers' and 'little man' because they have a different opinion about a puddle light kinda puts you in both categories, right?
Looks dope. Ignore the haters.
I had this in my genesis g80. It was cool in 2016. Became a gimmick after.
I hope it’s not an aftermarket part. If it breaks down one day, you could end up shattering the door window.
I like mine. They're brighter than the stock ones and they look nice.
Wow you guys are haters! Haha. I have some of my own as well as ambient lighting and a custom sound system. Never heard anything but praise for my pretty lady.
Zero value add
Much rather actual flood light. Our bmw had it. Was cool for the first time LOL
Just in case you forget what kind of car you’re driving.
Just like ultrasonic sensors are cheap lol
They removed the stalks to save even more money... They would literally remove everything they could to reach least production costs.. so yeah they won't add something like that as standard since doing so adds more costs per car assembly.
I'd rather keep my working useful lights than just a logo
I’ll get custom puddle lights when it says “Elon’s insane”.
But they aren’t for model S for some reason. Neither are there light up door sills. If someone knows why or knows if Tesla might pls let me know
It’s not for me but I won’t criticize someone who does.
Now, shipping guards on the splitters of Dodge vehicles is another thing. 🤣
A couple of bucks from Aliexpress. 5 mins to fit. Sorted.
They are fine, but I prefer they do their job rather than just a logo, if it was made so it did both, then sure, but lighting up the area is more important than a logo.
Those would be much better if the text was black, and the area around it was illuminated. They would actually work to light up the ground around the door then.
I need to get some, have been thinking about it for a while.
indeed. I have it in my Ford EV, and it is impressive! wow effect guaranteed.
I agree with OP. They should be stock and I love mine. I’m getting 2 more to add to the back doors as well.
But they don’t the area more visible so therefore I think it’s pointless
No highland 😢
How much power does it draw?
This is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) replacement part, identical to the standard light. The unit consumes power only when the door is open.
Mine has them, and I’m pretty sure it’s a stock model 3. I don’t see what the fuss is about though.
$20-30 from Amazon and 5min to install. Love mine. Add a classy touch.
Ehh? What about the plastic spinning rims and bedazzeled steering wheel covers?
No, if you constantly need to be reminded in what car you sit I recommend something else.
I think on a Tesla these somehow work, as they're that type of car. I've seen them on other marques and felt they looked tacky (and actually worsened the function of the light as it doesn't illuminate as much area). But yeah, on Tesla it sort of just feels like something a Tesla would do.
If it was stock, you’d still be paying for it. They aren’t going to add them for free. Since some people don’t want them, why not have them be an accessory and save the people that don’t want them money?
Are the projector lights compatible with the refresh model 3?
I bought some but ended up returning them. They looked cool, but I really wanted functionality over appearance. Ended up buying some puddle lights that are way brighter than the stock lights, so I now can actually see the ground.
Where did you get it man i like it picasso
I just ordered these a few days ago. Did you do the install yourself? Was it complicated?
I think the divisive nature of this comment section is clear why they don’t come stock.
Some find it cheap, some love it, everyone is at the very least okay with normal projection lights. Tesla did the smart thing and went safe. Aftermarket is cheap and easy so it’s a win for everyone.
Personally I find most puddle lights to fall in the cheesy territory, that’s my taste. I had them for a short while on my 3 series….but I was also 23 at the time so my tastes changed.
Nah I’m good without them I’m not going to be that guy
I love mine!
I'd rather have rear cross traffic alerts, or integrated garage door opener.
I can imagine much brighter puddle lights could serve a practical purpose. But projecting the word Tesla really seems a bit useless to me. I know it's a Tesla. Don't need the reminder. It's a bit like people putting Apple stickers on their car. To each their own, I guess. I don't see why I should be creating extra brand awareness unless I'm getting paid to do so.
They’ll just need a subscription fee to use 🙄
Why do you need them? Don't you know what car you are driving so you need to be reminded all the time?
careful with these after market puddle lights. they're wired into the door latch sensor which can cause you frameless to fail to drop and you will shatter your window when you close your door
Can I put other things beside “Tesla”
No, they shouldn't. I can remember the brand of car I'm driving and I'm more interested to have broader area enlightened.
It’s sort of cringe imo.
Those puddle lights should come with free window replacement