1. 0bviousTruth

    Here are my suggestions:

    Glass & Screen (safe on tint): Stoner Invisible Glass

    Exterior Rubber/Gaskets: Nextzett Gummi Pflege

    Interior Plastic/Dash/Trim/Vinyl: 303 Aerospace Protectant

    Seats: 409 or Car Guys All Purpose Cleaner

    Carpet: Car Guys All Purpose Cleaner

    Clear Plastics (Tail Lights, Reflectors, Headlights): Plexus plastic cleaner protectant & polish

    Tire Cleaner: Don't buy special, use All Purpose Cleaner or Car Wash Shampoo

    Tire Dressing: VRP or Car Guys Tire Dressing

    Wheels & Calipers: Anything, you don't really need special wheel cleaner unless they are in really bad shape

    Car Wash: Lots of choices (Optimum No Rinse, Meguiars Gold, Chemical Guys Mr Pink, etc)

    Wax (Synthetic Sealant): Blackfire WetDiamond All Paint Protection or Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant

    Towels: The Rag Company (Amazon or direct from their website)

    Towel Cleaner: Chemical Guys Microfiber Cleaning Cloth Cleaning Detergent

  2. kamarinj

    I use Griot’s Interior Cleaner and Nextzett Cockpit Premium. The Griot’s Interior Cleaner does a good job keeping things looking like the matte factory finish.



  3. kayabusa

    Been using they hydrosilex products for my MYLR. They’re great all around, only complaint is that it doesn’t come in larger volumes.

  4. azkMT07

    I really like the turtle wax hybrid solutions graphene flex wax. You can wipe it on and off after washing and drying, or while the car's wet before you dry, or spray on and rinse off; works on trim/plastics, glass, wheels as well. There's almost no wrong way to use it (main caveat I think is to not spray it onto the brake rotors/calipers), and it gives you a nice protective ceramic wax graphene coating.

    If you use it, definitely follow the instructions when it says 1-2 sprays per panel. I had heard the same advice, but still felt like it would be too light and did maybe 1-2 sprays extra per panel. Spent the rest of the night buffing off the excess.

  5. chkthetechnique

    Highly recommend r/autodetailing to learn about products. Make sure to visit the Wiki.

    For brands, you'll get a million opinions. I've found Griot's to be a good balance between quality and value.

  6. TrillDaddyChill

    I was use to the automatic car wash before getting my Tesla, so don’t have anything special on hand. I heard not to use armor all on the interior. Saw some people mention 303 aerospace protectant. Any special brushes to wash or just microfiber to wash and dry?

  7. Exciting-Giraffe-908

    I have used baby wipes (alcohol-free) to spot clean. Local detailer suggested a damp microfiber cloth with just a drop of dishwashing liquid soap to clean dirt or grime from the seats.

    Remember, the seats are not leather, so you don't need any special leather products.

  8. Middle-Froyo4337

    I have a brand new Highland in Ultra-Red. The front leading surfaces are PPF coated. There is no way I'm taking it into an automated wash, even if it's convenient.

    Here's a step-by-step procedure on how to hand-wash your Tesla right: https://youtu.be/S6_zylmkw3Q?si=MXrQir6f6-whyZJi

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