1. Federal-Fun2902

    With soap and water

  2. Rancesj1988

    I just take mine through a touchless car wash.

    Seems to be alright.

    1. Objective-Novel-8056

      Likewise, through a touchless carwash.

  3. ridingzero

    I say depends. If you are anal then you can go all out touch less wash. If you are less anal then go with two bucket system. And drive through car wash if you are like a meh type of person that thinks it is just a car.

  4. OCR10

    The whole Tesla has weak paint thing is just a meme that’s been floating around the internet for years without any real meaning. It’s true that the cars in California are subject to EPA regulations regarding paint materials but I’m on my fourth Tesla and have never had an issue with the paint. If you want to protect the paint and keep the car looking shiny you can add a ceramic coating to it. But otherwise just hand wash the car or go to a touchless car wash. Car washes that use brushes are bad for any car as they create a lot of fine scratches and swirl marks. It’s nothing specific to Teslas.

    1. AthiestMessiah

      Think they use 3-4 coats of paint. When German cars often use 7

      1. Dixie_Sunset

        The new Quicksilver is 11-13. New paint system, and hopefully the future standard of paint at Tesla. But this is my 3rd, and I agree, the rumors about their paint seem exaggerated..

        1. AthiestMessiah

          11-13 sounds good.

      2. [deleted]


  5. Evening-Reach3345

    Hand wash myself.

    1. FragrantExcitement

      We are talking about washing cars, not you.

      1. UhOhSpaghetti_Os


  6. [deleted]

    Mine has been through touchless and I'm fine with it.

  7. [deleted]

    I was with hand,my car never felt cleaner and shinier before. I rinse it off first, then pour soap in to bucket of water and use the soap water to clean every part of the car, then rinse off again and finally clean with microfiber towel.

  8. [deleted]

    I would say the best way is something like a no rinse wash with a nice drying aid, its so quick, can be done in about 10mins once a month

    1. Smooth_Cupcake_2311

      No rinse wash? I’ve never heard of it. Do you have one that you recommend?

      1. sociallyawkweird

        Look for ONR on amazon

        1. imijry

          This is what I’ve been using on my MYP and it’s been great. Turtle wax ceramic spray a couple of times a year and ONR every week or two and I’ve been good to go.

      2. knataku

        DIY detail rinseless wash They have a great YouTube channel

      3. [deleted]

        What all the people responding to my comment said. Get optimum no rinse, the 5L bottle, you will use 30ml each time and it will last for a long time. And as some other commentors said, I initially did a really good clean, claybar and iron decon, laid down a turtle wax hybrid ceramic sealant and then whenever I was I use turtle wax and dry as a drying aid. I did 3 cars in 45 mins yesterday and most of that was trying to get my new drying towel to work properly

  9. TexasBrandon

    Hand wash with the two bucket method for the cheapest option and is good enough. If you are like me and spend extra to go the extra distance, then some more materials are in order. Electric Pressure washer with 45 degree nozzle, foam cannon, neutral pH foaming wash, ceramic or graphene spray (hybrid turtle wax for me), and a quick detail spray. If you go the pressure washer route, anything below 2000 PSI is fine, its all about GPM.

    1. bgross42


      Sounds like a lot stuff & work, but it’s worth a little trouble. And it costs less.

    2. Smooth_Cupcake_2311

      You are so nice to your car. How long does the whole process take?

      1. TexasBrandon

        It depends. If I’m just doing a quick wash and don’t need to apply the graphene, probably about an hour. I live in a rural area and have hard water so I need to be diligent about drying it and getting any leftover hard water stains. I also do a full clean on the inside with UV protecting products. If I do the whole deal, I’m usually outside for about 3 hours. In the end, people can do what they want with their vehicles, I paid good money for it and am OCD about keeping everything in as good of condition as reasonably possible.

  10. DaSandman78

    Its just a car, I take it thru a regular car wash every so often and its fine

    1. Fickle-Professor-560


  11. [deleted]

    Dish soap and acetone

  12. Costco_Bob

    I use a foam cannon and follow that up with two bucket

  13. jiboxiake

    I bought a risen free product still on the way. Will use it and let you guys know how I like it. It uses lots of target marketing for Tesla.

    1. Unhappy-Island3543

      How did you like it?

  14. Gold-Painting-2354

    Hand wash but mine is ceramic coated so it's a bit easier

  15. Edd916

    It’s a car… express car wash it is. No issues just like any other car I used

  16. djpavs

    A car wash…

  17. Affectionate_Owl_501

    I went through a touchless car wash the other day and one of the products used in the wash stained the plastic around the windows. Has never happened to any of the other 4 cars I've taken through there. It's quite upsetting

    1. Smooth_Cupcake_2311

      Oh no, sorry to hear that!

  18. Grenadas

    PPF that bad boy and never worry and go to any car wash.

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