Tesla Tire Replaced
I went to Tesla local store because of I started feeling and hearing pumping noise from front passenger side tire.. When I parked the whole night nothing happened no tire air dropped... I thought something happened and went to Tesla store and suddenly the tire out of air and they said need to be replaced instead of fixing.. cost me $570 for 1 tire. Model Y Pirelli Scorpion MS elect tire.. my Model Y is only been driving for 2,300 miles. I took the old tire home to see if local shop can fix it. I drive Tesla for Rideshare. What do you guy think Tesla replaced the tire instead of fixing the nail hole?
Discount tire will repair tires for free if it can be safely repaired. Just a heads up for future tire scenarios.
Can vouch! I tipped the guy $40. Tesla wanted to charge me $600, Discount saved me $560!
That's about right, I paid about the same for replacing it at a 3rd party tire shop, not at Tesla, just the tire+shipping was about $450, adding labor and taxes made it about $510. I had to call Pirelli's customer service to get it shipped to a nearby credentialed tire shop, calling tire shops was useless because no employee had any idea such tires existed...also, Tesla was about 80 miles away, so I opted to a nearby shop....BTW, "discount-tire" patching minions of this sub: this is a "premium" Pirelli MS Scorpion"Elect" tire which is "EV and V rated", late 2023 and all 2024 model Y are shipped with it, it's the same tire that comes with the new Masserati EV, Pirelli forbids repairing V rated tires. no reasonable tire shop would patch and pretend they are assuming the liability. https://press.pirelli.com/pirelli-scorpion-ms-the-new-all-season-tyre-for-premium-and-prestige-suvs/
Source: https://d3nv2arudvw7ln.cloudfront.net/document/global/559/194/Consumer-Warranty-E-4505505011188.pdf
It depends on where the puncture is. If it’s in the sidewall or too close to it, it can’t be plugged. If it’s just a nail hole in the middle of the tread it can be easily patched. Most garages will charge $10 or so, or you can do it yourself. I have heard that Tesla won’t ever patch it but there are plenty of places that will.
Not in middle… not on the side either
So where was the hole?
How do I upload the photo?
But way too expensive for $570 for that tire… some online retailers selling around $200 for these tire and some selling $450 for each tire don’t know the difference
looks like $200 tires are professionally repaired not new one which cost $450/tire
I had a nail in one of my tires while at a service center, they said it couldnt be patched only replaced… I told them leave it. Got home and did mobile service, they came and gave me a loaner , patched it then brought it back the next day.
$120 vs $500
I think it just depends on the service center/tech
Yea… if they can patch its $120…
I don’t understand why so many people go to Tesla to get their tires worked on. Listen people, there isn’t anything special about the tires your Tesla is using. The tire you paid $570 for is $449 right here at Tirerack:
Before you spent the money here are some questions to ask:
Can you plug the tire? Let someone who is trained tell you because if it’s too close to a sidewell then the answer is NO.
If you can plug it, what do you charge? If it’s more than $30 you need to leave. Discount Tires plugs for free and maybe shops charge $25. If you want to buy a plug and do it yourself create a learning lesson.
You essentially panicked and Tesla charged you and arm a leg.
I think for a lot of people this is their first car and they have zero knowledge on cars.
Tesla service center quoted me $130 to patch a tire. Yea no thanks. Another $90 more and I can buy a new tire. I had it patched at my local tire shop and they charged me $30.
Tesla, or any garage, wont fix the tires if there's a puncture. Not 100% why (maybe it's because they're reinforced and the puncture compromises that??) But I had the same experience and no garage (Tesla or otherwise) would repair it. They'd only replace it.
We are missing some important information about what type of leak or puncture this is.
I had some nails in my tires recently and was told they didn't do repairs anymore. Historically they did, but when I asked the service rep, he said the repairs were great and so they stopped.
I'm in Houston, TX. May vary by location.
Go to Les Scwabb its free.
Tesla is not in the tire repair business. They will replace with an OEM part. If you want repair then go to Discount tire.
Tesla does not want to become a tire replacement service center so they charge well over 2x what others like discount.com charges. So if it's not a mechanical or software problem with the car, take all tire and wheel issues to a tire service company like Discount Tire.
So did you go to the ICE stealership when you had an issue with a tire too?