1. [deleted]

    Go to a tire shop not Tesla. It’ll be half the cost

    1. Haysdb

      And wait two weeks. I’m in Austin and I’ve had an unbelievable number of flat tires and one bent rim. Took it to a local tire shop once and they wouldn’t even look at it because they said they didn’t carry the tires. They suggested Pep Boys so I took it there and they wouldn’t even give me an estimate of when they could get to it. 2 weeks maybe. Got it in to Tesla and got it fixed. Two other times Tesla road service fixed me up. More expensive? Maybe. A third party tire shop isn’t going to be able to replace the wheel for half price.

      1. inspaceiamfamous

        For future reference, here’s how to save:

        if you want to keep the Tesla wheel, order on marketplace or eBay for a quarter of the price. Order tire online at tire rack/ discount tire and it should get to them the next day usually. Most of them have walk in availability if you go early in the morning.

        just replace all four wheels and replacement bad tire for the same price Tesla charges to replace one wheel and tire at tire rack and discount tire. They sell aero wheels that wouldn’t affect range there as well.

        1. Agloe_Dreams

          It blows my mind at how many people don't realize that tires are not rocket science. Your car takes 255/45R19 XL tires. They are under $300 installed from any brand. The rim can be bought under $300. Boom, under half Tesla's price.

          1. [deleted]

            Load index is the XL part, I did cover that.

            Additionally, you only need to replace the tires on the axel and only if the old tires have more than a few 32nds of wear. Some shops can also trim tires. EVs do not have mechanical linkages between the front and rear.

            Third: that is all mostly a load a crap for eeking out an extra Wh/mi at the cost of hundreds of dollars.

          2. Agloe_Dreams

            Load index is the XL part, I did cover that.

            Additionally, you only need to replace the tires on the axel and only if the old tires have more than a few 32nds of wear. Some shops can also trim tires. EVs do not have mechanical linkages between the front and rear.

            Third: that is all mostly a load a crap for eeking out an extra Wh/mi at the cost of hundreds of dollars.

          3. Tsunami_Destroyer


            People think EV Tires are the only option out there. Tires are tires so long as you get the right size/load rating 🤦🏻‍♂️

          4. ko-sher

            decent primer is important

          5. Competitive_Band_125

            Don’t forget speed index too. (W, X, Y, Z)

          6. Haysdb

            My wheels don’t cost $300 from any source. The tires either. I’m not about to mix tires - 3 high performance tires with some random $300 tire special.

          7. Tsunami_Destroyer

            I don’t think he’s talking to you.

          8. choerd

            I would recommend against mixing tires. Speaking from experience. The difference in friction / diameter despite the same formal measurements will be picked up by the traction control system. I did this on a Mitsubishi Outlander and it threw various errors. When diagnosed, it turned out the tires have to be the same on each wheel. You can just simply mix them.

          9. Competitive_Band_125

            Tires are actually a lot more complicated than you think. Lots of R&D go into making the perfect compounds, tread patterns, sidewalls, speed & load ratios, tread life.

            Going for tires just because they are the right size specs & are cheapest is a terrible reason to buy a tire brand.

          10. Agloe_Dreams

            Im not saying cheapest. I’m saying you can buy well rated products rather than needing some Tesla specific tire. The actual cheapest tire is $100, not $300

        2. willmok

          That's right. Easy to buy OEM rim on ebay or Facebook marketplace.

      2. [deleted]

        You need to go in to the conversation knowing what tires you need, and sometimes buy them and bring them with you if the shop doesn’t / can’t / won’t bring them in.

        1. Haysdb

          As many tires as I go through I should keep spares.

      3. Marzatacks

        Well here in California tire shops have no problem supplying Tesla tires.

        1. Haysdb

          I wish there were more options in Austin, but so far Tesla has taken good care of me.

      4. [deleted]

        Tirerack.com easy tire replacement and they do it at your house.

        1. Haysdb

          I have had a guy come to my house also. When I had Tesla road service I was San Antonio once and in north Austin once. When I need a tire, I need it ASAP, and Tesla road service has had me back in the road inside of 2 hours.

          1. [deleted]

            Can’t beat that. I’ve only had my model y for about a week so far but hoping I never need to use the roadside but absolutely would depending on where I get the flat

      5. CopeSe7en

        Tirerack, simpletire, or discount tire will ship tires in 1-2 days for cheaper than a tire shop. used wheels can be found on eBay or Tesla forums in a couple days. You could even buy a spare wheel or replica and have it shipped in a day and still be way cheaper.

        1. Haysdb

          That’s ok if you don’t mind waiting a couple of days.

    2. maxuwerotisuk0926

      Tire shop? It's all a capitalist conspiracy! Obviously, the tire in the photo looks great and the OP will still be able to pass it on to his children as an inheritance.

  2. mynamecalledbruce

    Take it to a wheel repair shop

  3. kaleosaurusrex

    Get the rim on fb marketplace

    1. donsqeadle

      You can probably find both the rim and tire off fb/offer up/ebay.

    2. [deleted]

      Yup I got 400 for 100 each over a year ago best decision ever.

  4. WhatWouldJoshuaDo

    Replacing the one damaged tire is gonna cost $300 outside. Doubt a single rim will cost $900, but I don't know if there are any sensor need to replace.

    1. [deleted]


      1. Beematic83


      2. mynamecalledbruce

        Cocaine is one hell of a drug!!

      3. No-Dot-6573

        Nah, those are simple bluetooth sensors. The main difference is, that they use bluetooth instead of 433mhz. Yes, tesla was the first to introduce those, but there are already some reliable aftermarket tpms available that can be programmed by independent repair shops. At least here in europe.

        1. JHerbY2K

          they sell them on the tesla page. Not that expensive.

  5. Sweet_Yellow_8646

    Plenty of old wheels on marketplace. Check there first.

  6. azentropy

    Yes you need to replace both, but as others have said look at FB/Nextdoor/Craigslist. Just make sure you are getting the actual RIM and not just the covers. Everyone and their mother has listing for the covers/hubcaps!

  7. Fun_Muscle9399

    Stop using your tire as a curb feeler.

  8. Adventurous-Bet-3928


  9. AthiestMessiah

    Of course they suggest that lol.

  10. Alert-Consequence671

    Yes aluminum rim will continue to fracture along that point and if not leaking now will shortly in the future. Aluminum is not like steel, that fracture will grow especially because of the forces your wheel is supposed to withstand daily. Steel as long as the forces remain below a high threshold will not crack/fracture. Aluminum however once a fracture is introduced has a quite comparatively low threshold at which the fracture will propagate.

  11. c_c_c__combobreaker

    Most side wall punctures will need replacement. I think from your photo, you definitely need to replace it. Not sure about the rim though. Most mechanics will err on the side of caution and simply tell you to change it.

  12. 63367Bob

    Definitely replace tire!!!!! ASAP. Wheel? Cannot tell from picture.

  13. jesserandall

    Tire yes and no for the wheel. It can easily be repaired cheaper than a replacement.

  14. sococaliman

    I’ve seen whole sets of 4 barely used Gemini wheel/tires on facebook mp or offer up for less than $1000. Look there if possible.

  15. MeepleMerson

    The tire, absolutely. The wheel? Probably. You'll find used wheels all over the place at a reasonable price. I'd get the tire at a tire shop and have them do the balance and install for you. It will cost a fraction of what Tesla proposed.

  16. Total-recalled

    Someone is selling a Gemini wheel with the Continental tire already mounted for $400 on eBay, check there

  17. Nyandaful

    Check a tire and wheel shop. Should be fixable since it looks to be just the lip. If not, you can get second hand Geminis for 200 all day and then another conti for 300 or so.

  18. Bamfhammer

    Yes, replace both.

  19. NewSinner_2021


  20. [deleted]

    Not even a month of owning my new MY I got a low pressure notification. I was able to exit freeway and my tire was completely flat. I thought I would make it half a block to the gas station but I didn’t make it. I called roadside took 90 minutes to get a tow to Tesla in burbank Ca. Took 3 hours and $450 later for one new tire installed. You can go to other shops pay a little less but most shops won’t get care if they damaged your car more.

  21. [deleted]

    Jesus, don’t drive on that. Anywhere. Tow it to the shop.

  22. PerspectiveNo1620

    Go to “tirerack.com” order the tire there and they will deliver it to a local installation center. The tire also comes with hazardous road warranty. Tesla doesn’t. I worked for Tesla, and this is still how I purchase tires for my Tesla’s.

  23. HatRemov3r

    That wheel looks fixable from here. I would try that

  24. derivativesdebtex

    Definitely replace wheel and if able use RunFlats, less pressure of driving with no spare

  25. kensic9

    if you have the money pay the 1200$ to replace both. headache free. no other effort requirement. move on with your life

    but if you want to save some money. some effort required. scout on fb for one wheel (which can be time consuming). go pick it up once found. go to america's tire (or other tire shop). and it done there. saving is probably $500.

    so your time or $500

  26. gregra193

    I wouldn’t drive another mile on that tire.

  27. alphascan_tv

    Thanks all. The car was towed to Tesla. That's how I got the quote. Definitely replacing the wheel based on the feedback here. Was told that the rear tire needs to be replaced too. Total $1650 2 x tires and 1 x wheel. I'm motivated to look on FB since it's two tires now - saw someone selling 4 wheels and tires for $2k. PS. Nothing wrong with the car or tesla here, completely my fault driving. Wish their service was a tad cheaper would have definitely go with them for the convenience.

  28. [deleted]

    Yup I had to that done Wednesday. thankfully. I bought spares off Facebook marketplace. For 4 tires with rims for 100 each. I used one last week and also keep one in trunk for emergencies. I

  29. Koflach12

    The rim might be saved, but that tire needs to go. Forget buying them from tesla though.

  30. rsg1234

    Yes replace both but not through Tesla. Go on Craigslist or FBM. I got a full set of almost new Geminis with brand new tires for $1200 to replace my wife’s MYP Uberturbines. It was a small independent tire shop.

  31. Clear_Split_8568

    Yes. Fracture will propagate.

  32. rastascott

    Look for a wheel on Facebook marketplace. You can probably find one for a fraction of the cost.

  33. echo5juliet

    I've had to replace two front wheels due to the wonderful potholes of San Diego. Part of Tesla's magic with speed and range is aerodynamics and weight. Downside is the wheels are thinner and more fragile. Costly repair for sure. But at the same time they just replaced my batteries in warranty after four years so I just got a free life extension on my car. Win some lose some.

  34. Roland_Bodel_the_2nd

    My local tire shop (in CA) now serves lots and lots of Teslas per day so they have all the relevant tires and wheels on hand. Maybe your area is not like that yet.

  35. bayarea_fanboy

    I’d replace the wheel, try and find a used one in good condition.

  36. Hayaguaenelvaso

    Fortune favours the bold!!!

  37. Clear_Quit8181

    Don’t go to Tesla?

  38. ryachow44


  39. gt40mkii

    Replace the tire and repair the wheel.

  40. DueTip9044

    Get the same rim on Facebook market u can buy the whole set for around 500$

    1. alphascan_tv

      You mean wheel and tire combo for 500?

      1. DueTip9044

        Yeah I buy wheels all the time on Facebook

  41. Alternative_Mail_330

    Not to be rude but it’s a pretty obvious answer.

    1. alphascan_tv

      What is?

  42. AnApexBread

    pause poor direful spark murky combative cobweb cake voracious ask

    This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

  43. DueTip9044

    I mean the whole set all 4

  44. d00mt0mb

    That looks bad man. Yes replace both

  45. MattNis11

    But a used pair on Facebook marketplace or eBay

  46. FunDry5342

    I’ve never seen a side wall so scuffed up!

  47. Historical-Bite-8606

    You can get a brand new set of four Hankook EVO ION 255/45/19 EV tires from Priority Tire via their eBay store for under $700.

    You can find a rim repair place that will fix for $150-$200.

    So all new tires, fixed rim, mount balanced for under $1000

  48. John-PA

    Yes, sidewall damage is dangerous and risks a blow out. Much less an issue for tread damage.

  49. Rusteen4594

    Tire is diffidently toast. The rim might allow some machining. In that case, if the cosmetic doesn't bother you just put a new tire on.

  50. eskjcSFW

    You let your wife drive too?

    1. alphascan_tv

      Habhahwh golden did not want to admit but it was her. Both right side tires @&&$@$

  51. alphascan_tv

    These are 19in Gemini on a MY less than 3 months old.

  52. wesbos

    just buy a brand new set of tires + aftermarket rims for $1500, then throw the remaining 3 wheels + tires on marketplace for $500 each and walk away with a new set of rims + tires for free.

    1. my2kchild

      Nobody is going to pay $500 for a used Tesla wheel and tire.

      1. wesbos

        Except the guy who made this post and is being quoted $1200

  53. Haysdb

    What is your alternative?

  54. ZanoCat

    If you don't want to be causing an accident, yes.

  55. waterboy1523

    If your question is, can you fix that Tim, I’d say no but I don’t definitely know. If you’re asking is the tire patchable, I can definitively say no and you definitely need a new tire.

    As someone else said, you can get aftermarket wheels/tires.

  56. [deleted]

    Yes. That wheel is fucked.

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