I have a 2020 model 3 (but bought in 2019). I only charge it to 80% now. But it feels like I can barely go anywhere without the battery going down significantly. I have about 90k miles on the car. I saw that the warranty is until 100k miles or 8 years. How to check battery degradation please and has anyone been successful using that warranty ?

Tag: Tesla's battery health


  1. 23andrewb

    You can run a battery health test under the service menu. Best to start with

    1. redditreader780

      I’m finally trying to do this and I hit a snag. I made it into the battery health screen but when I’m supposed to push on the brake and depress (hold down) the right turning signal, it’s not working. I did it both ways (holding the right turning signal up while depressing the brake pedal for more than 8 seconds, and holding the right turning signal down while depressing the brake pedal for more than 8 seconds). Nothing happened. Any tips?

      1. Disastrous-Expert-10

        I'm having same issue. Any solution?

    2. redditreader780

      Thank you. What is a level 2 charger ? I charge at home using 32volts

      1. 23andrewb

        Typically 240v, 32a or more. So yes that's a level 2 charger.

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