1. rocker_01

    If there was, the batteries in the TPMS sensors would die in months, not years.

    Go drive your car if you want an update.

  2. carrera4s

    No, I believe the sensors go to sleep when not moving. Otherwise the batteries would die much sooner.

  3. MindStalker

    It requires spinning force to generate power. You'll have to use it. There are cars with better tpms sensors that will last a long time at a stop, the sensors are way more expensive.

    1. MrSourBalls

      It requires spinning force to activate them. They are battery powered :) You can replace the battery if you REALLY want to, but it is all one big epoxy blob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5TZzSJEX6M

      1. MindStalker

        It seems you are correct. I had heard they generated power from rotation. Seems that just a concept, but not used.

        1. MrSourBalls

          I find it weird they don't use some form of kinetic energy or just have replaceable batteries. Seems wasteful this way to have to buy a whole new sensor every 5-10y

  4. bkervaski

    $2.00 tire gauge?

  5. SucreTease

    The display shows the last reading received from the tires, and the TPMS only sends out readings periodically while the wheels are spinning.

  6. Kuzame

    If your tire is going flat, I think it'll force refresh that specific tire. You'll get notification from app too under a certain threshold

    1. pmpredditor

      I have a 2019 Model 3 and recently had a flat. It did not refresh when parked. I got a notification in the car while driving a minute after I left home.

  7. Hot_Vermicelli436


  8. Aggravating_Fact9547


  9. HotQuietFart

    Seems like your front right tires are attracted to pot holes.

  10. JewelerRoutine707

    I do wish I could give recommendations to Tesla, my 2013 Altima would honk and flash lights when I filled to proper pressure and would honk 3 times if too much air, such a convenient feature my wife can even use

  11. Infamous_Bee_7445

    Yes, go stab one of the tires.

  12. IPThereforeIAm

    Thanks for this. I didn’t know there was a way to check tire pressure in the app.

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