I just want my tire pressure to update to this century at least!
I just want my tire pressure to update to this century at least!
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I just want my tire pressure to update to this century at least!
So the world is less than 7000 years old
Elon Musk: "Teslas team of 150 Autopilot engineers easily outperforms competing teams of 3000"
So the car will pull itself out of a parking space, drive you to your destination, then park itself, something no other car comes even close to.
But it reports the wrong time on the tire pressure display so it's all crap.
I wish FSD did that. We're still stuck dealing with situations where it doesn't even read the traffic lights correctly...
Well I hope the quality control on the code that keeps cars from driving into bridge abutments is better than the quality control on the code that reports the tire pressure
Also, if you think the Tesla AP system is drastically outperforming in a way "no other car even comes close to" then you are just high on hopium and the Tesla Kool aid
Well I hope the quality control on the code that keeps cars from driving into bridge abutments is better than the quality control on the code that reports the tire pressure
Given that it gets many thousands of simulated driving hours before ever being loaded on a physical car, I'd say so.
I'm not aware of any other car that can do map-agnostic full self driving (IE drive safely from JUST what's on the road, without any database augmentation).
"I'm not aware of any other car that can do map-agnostic full self driving (IE drive safely from JUST what's on the road, without any database augmentation)"
Nobody cares how it works when it performs worse with less safety and more interventions
If you're familiar with the period, consider the early days of the Internet vs. AOL. Think early 2000s.
AOL was a walled garden. Within AOL things worked great. But you could only do whatever was within AOL.
Outside AOL things weren't as clean. You needed 3rd party apps for many different things, IE if you wanted to chat that was another program, if you wanted to surf the web you needed a browser, email was a separate app, etc. You often had to pay for these apps. And the quality of both the apps and the overall experience was inconsistent.
For a lot of people back then, AOL was the better choice because 'nobody cared how it works' or that it's proprietary because it was simpler. Punch in your credit card and plug in your modem and you're good.
But in the end, the larger capability of the Internet overall won, mainly BECAUSE of that larger capability. Those who built the Web bit off a much bigger task and it took them longer to accomplish it, but the result paid off much more.
I see Tesla much like that. They bit off the task of 'we need this to be able to drive safely on any road, anywhere, with or without map database'. Getting from zero to where FSD is today is MUCH harder than getting from zero to where a map-needing system like BlueCruise is today, because you can't rely on preprocess data. You have to figure it out as you go, and that's way harder than just using precomputed safe routes and adjusting for traffic.
But it will ultimately make a much better system.
We're where AOL was in the early 2000s. Yeah for the 'walled garden' areas BlueCruise might have fewer disengagements / takeovers than FSD. But that advantage won't last, not if Tesla can do half of what they claim they will.
Too long, too patronizing, too much Tesla hopium, didn't read
I was making an analogy to illustrate how a slightly better but more limited experience is 'solving the easier problem', and how by attempting to solve the harder problem, Tesla is likely to end up with a better product overall. I was making an argument in good faith.
If you want to write me off as patronizing or say it's Tesla hopium and not read it, then I wish you a good day sir (or madam), but I'd encourage you to not participate in discussions unless you want to do so in good faith.
There's that Tesla hopium again moving the goal posts just like it has been "one more year to FSD" since like 2016. Only took a day to go from Tesla autonomous performing at a level "no other car comes even close to" to "Tesla is likely to end up with a better product overall" meanwhile Waymo and other autonomous driving startups are out trialing fully autonomous robotaxis right now and years ahead of Tesla. It's a clearly better strategy that GM, Waymo and others are using considering that most people drive the vast majority of their miles on high traffic mapped roads and they can always supplement as the . Vast majority of people would prefer high autonomous performance on mapped highways over mediocre performance on all roads and situations, which is probably complete vaporware and impossible to achieve. Tesla just needs this strategy to work because it is necessary to keep the air in the vaporware of the robotaxis business or blow up the stock price. What is going to happen when it becomes obvious to everyone how superior the high def mapping strategy is Tesla will just quietly adopt it to supplement their existing system and pretend it was the plan all along
Your post makes it obvious that you didn't read my longer post above as I addressed this point with my analogy.If one company tackles a problem that takes 100 man-hours to fix, and gets 99% of the way finished, that doesn't mean they're ahead of the other company that tackled a 1000 man-hour problem but is 66% of the way finished. The first company's product will appear more complete sooner, but the company with the bigger task will have more capability in the end. That was the point of my analogy.
Waymo, GM, etc appear 'years ahead of Tesla' because they bit off a much smaller chunk of the pie. They didn't go for solving the hard problems, they went with the 'easy way' of mapping the entire road system at centimeter precision. Those easier problems are easier to solve, which is why you see Waymo autonomously driving paying passengers while Tesla sometimes can't make it through an intersection.
Tesla CAN do more capability than the others (the afore mentioned summon-drive-park), on any road, mapped or not. It doesn't do it fully correctly yet- you can't do a full hands off trip without at some point needing to intervene and avoid the car doing something stupid. I'm not arguing Tesla works perfectly or even reliably, for the record. Right now FSD is far from perfect.
But I watch FSD beta videos, and I have for some time. And I see regular, noticeable, constant progress. The sort of progress that makes it reasonable to say 'if Tesla continues improving at the same pace as they have been doing for the last year or so, they will have a L3-L5 ready system within a year or two'.And when that happens, FSD will have a huge advantage, because it won't need those maps. And unlike the others which depend on the maps, it won't have to give up and release control the instant it hits an unexpected construction zone or closed road or accident or whatever.
Finally, you say that mapping everything is the right answer and Tesla will eventually come around-- I think you forget your history. Tesla USED to be in this camp! Back when Tesla was using radar, Elon often talked about 'herd intelligence' and having cars create maps other cars can use. They've been there, they did that. They moved on. Just saying.
LOL @ the thought that someone believes a Tesla will do all, or actually any, of those things reliably.
Maybe not today. Today it's close but not there.
If I had a dollar for every time someone said one of Elon's companies 'would never' do even half of what was promised (and then it happened anyway), I'd be getting a Model X Plaid for free.
You came from LA Brea?
If your app is updated under controls and there's a button on the top right
If your app is updated under controls and there's a button on the top right
Is this iOS only? I just updated my app and there is no tire pressure in controls. :(
I have android and it says PSI in the top of the screen
I get this often for the first day after a time jump. Give it a few days in this time to adjust.
Do you think we'll ever get a standalone Time Jump feature, or will it only be available in FSD forever? Would love to fix a few past mistakes in my life without breaking the bank...
I think they’ll keep it as part of FSD, to help differentiate it from Advance Autopilot.
Maybe just subscribe to FSD, until you’ve fixed things up?
Yeah it already fixed itself after my shirt drive this morning. Interesting bug though, wonder why it's that specific number
Check the time on your home router. It maybe getting a it’s date from it.
Could be a coincidence, but it seems to go back to year one of the Julian Period.
I'm not really sure why that would be used though.