Posts tagged with Tesla's battery health

Hi everyone, I’m going to be going on a long trip next week. (Europe) There are literally over a hundred superchargers along the route but they aren’t tesla brand so they don’t pop up in my car navigation. Just has its own app.

I know normally you’d select the supercharger in the car navigation and the car would automatically put it in precondition mode when you arrive at the charger.

Is there a way to manually do it?


For starters, I understand why pre- conditioning is good and useful. But why on earth do I need to pre-condition in the summer to save less than a minute? Is there any way to turn this off when it's not actually needed?

Wasting around 15% of the energy on pre-conditioning when it's not actually saving time or improving battery health fells pretty bad.

So I just picked up my 2021 model 3 on Wednesday, and it’s been amazing. But my only concern so far is the battery health. It’s a long range awd (I tend to take business and personal trips and wanted an ev that could do that), and at 80% charge, I was sitting at 266 miles, which if my math is right was about less then 10% degradation.

I was really happy with that math until I noticed today a 26 mile drive cost me 50 miles of range, and a 1 mile drive cost me 4. The math ain’t mathing anymore. Is this normal? I know there will be some loss range over AC (I am in Texas) and sentry mode, but almost two miles for every one mile??? That seems odd/bad.

I heard it takes 20 mins to pre-condition the battery during cold weather like 10 degrees, I don't want to lost too much range daily, so I would like to pre-condition the car, I heard that's good for battery life. is it true?

Due to narrow garage space, I don't want to park the car in my garage every night, only when i need to charge the car.