tesla error code cp_a139
Anyone seen this code? Car wont charge. Sounds like some device near the front is trying to run. Can get it to charge sometimes if we power the car totally of, but this is really alarming.
I have made an appointment, but is not till next week. I asked if they could respond on the app or mobile to diagnose the code, but haven't heard anything.
FIXED EDIT: If you are getting this code, just bite the bullet and get a new mobile charger.
answer list:
Im having the same issue. I don’t know if it’s the whole mobile charger or just the detachable plug at the end of the charger. I don’t want to spend the $45 just to find out I need to spend the $200+ for a whole new charger or vice versa.
My Model 3 RWD LR ended up having a problem with one of the 16 amp connections on the PCS. It would charge at 32 amps (since 2 of the 3 connections were working) but unable to charge and gave error message at 33 amps and above. Car is at the SC now, and estimate to fix is $1800 since car has 50K miles and is outside of warranty. They don't consider the PCS a part of the battery warranty since it is not the actual battery pack or the drive train. I am negotiating. Anyone else had this situation?
Hey guys I’m getting the same error code on my mobile connector for my model 3. Sometimes it charges and sometimes it doesn’t. I tried multiple plugs. How does the whole replacement process work? Do they send you a new one first? Trying to limit the time without a charger at home. Also, is it best to call Tesla customer support or use the mobile app and submit a service request? Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers.