1. justinreddit1

    It’s officially a Freezer

    1. LR_Photo

      Lmao. I didn’t even think about that. Well done.

  2. trustme_imadoct0r

    Is this a different texture than every other car? ….Asking for our southern friends.

    1. pirat314159265359

      No. Happens all the time to vehicles in freezing rain.

    2. benso87

      The flatness of the sides might be what made it, but they'd have to show other cars in the same uncovered lot to compare. My Model 3 looked like it had scales after a couple hours in yesterday's weather, so it can vary a lot.

  3. ZealousidealWar6241

    Turn on the heat and record time lapse

  4. kapara-13

    Do the doors still open?

    1. LR_Photo

      I didn’t want to try my luck lol. Plus it was annoyingly cold and the less I was out there the better 😂

      1. lommer00

        Tesla claimed the door opener could push though 1/2" of ice. Would be great to test that!

        1. PrensadorDeBotones

          I've leaned my entire body weight against my CT's door, leaning at past 40 degrees, and pressed the open button. I'm a 6'4 205lbs dude. It moves me and opens the door at the same speed and with the same motor sound as when I'm not leaning on it.

          That tiny piston is crazy powerful.

          1. lommer00

            Sweet! Good to hear actual experience with this!

        2. Gambitzz

          Prob voids the warranty

      2. unimatrixZxero

        The internet would have loved you for recording if the door pusher would push through that ice.

    2. Skeppyberry

      No? Like any other car with that much ice on it. You’re not getting in. At least with teslas you can heat them up and melt the ice. If that was either of my Audis I’d be screwed

      1. IronGigant

        Well, that's a huge generalisation.

        My F-350 has been iced over like that a few times. Just whack the handle a few times, give the door a light shoulder check to make a crack, then pull with steady pressure.

    3. No-Firefighter-7785

      It should. There is a motor that pushes the door open about an inch.

  5. er1end

    op discovers ice exist.

    1. AlistairBennet

      Comment I was looking for. This is exactly what it looks like on every car lol

    2. Linton_M

      I’m in Florida and have yet to discover ice

    3. pile1983

      According to the OP, the frequency of "lol" usage makes it clear that they still have plenty of things to discover.

  6. pylzworks

    Not even the ice makes it cool

  7. longtimefanhim

    You got ICEd

  8. vonTrappAB

    Edit: OP responded below with some explanations. I'm still skeptical, but hey...cool images none the less.


    Respectfully...are you claiming this the result of freezing rain? I ask because there are a lot of signs indicating this was staged.

    Water pooling under the truck, but nowhere else

    Cybertruck is covered in ice, other vehicles are not

    the truck wheels are covered in ice, so the vehicle did not move

    awfully convenient that the truck was right there in front a massive USA flag

    surrounding snow does not look like it's been hit with freezing rain

    An instant bright sunny day?

    Photo 4 is the dead giveaway. Footprint in snow shows zero sign of water / freezing slush / rain.

    If you staged this to make a cool photo, then just say so. They are neat images...but be honest. This was not freezing rain. Looks much more like water poured / sprayed onto the body in cold conditions.

    1. MJC136

      Buddy, relax…

      even the red truck in the background has the same ice rain forming on it

    2. LR_Photo

      Hey, I don’t mean to seem annoying but I just wanted to let you know that I just posted some more photos of the other cars on the lot. I had a couple other people ask about the precarious weather so I made a post that hopefully clears up the sheer scale of how many cars were affected. I don’t blame you for being skeptical. It was some weird weather for these parts👍🏼👍🏼

      Edit: Spelling

      1. mb303030

        I'm not buying it. You're just the master of all the crazy crap that guy above pointed out 😂

      2. vonTrappAB

        All good, OP. Have a great day!

        1. LR_Photo

          You too! 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻🤙🏼

    3. DidIGetThatRight

      Tell me you have no idea what winter is like without telling me you have no idea what winter is like

    4. LR_Photo

      Hey, take a look at my page. I just posted a Red GT500 that was also covered in ice. This was a unique weather system that passed through the area. 🤙🏼

      1. LR_Photo

        Thought I’d add: The vehicles in the back are under the overhang which is why they are mostly dry except for the red HD

        1. Dorkmaster79

          Seeing people get aggressively incorrect like that is wild.

    5. tricenice

      Jesus christ, weird thing to hyper-analyze. Who cares?

    6. Mychatbotmakesmecry

      It’s all marketing bud. And terrible boring lame manipulative marketing at that.

  9. Impressive_Good_8247

    TIL ice on a vehicle is "crazy texture"

  10. VirtualLife76

    Almost looks CG.

    1. LR_Photo

      True! The ice made everything look so off lol.

  11. Boris_art

    Very cool shots. Thanks for sharing

  12. Beginning_Night1575

    That’s ice

  13. garoo1234567

    Very cool. How was getting in after? Did that ice pop right off or did you have to warm it up before you could get in?

    1. LR_Photo

      To be completely honest…I didn’t even try it.

  14. GroundhogGaming

    Looks cool tbh

  15. bafadam

    Wild - it can get uglier!

  16. BreadThief02


  17. IASILA15

    So sick.

  18. Professor_Game1

    And i bet it started easier than an f150 would have

    1. forestcridder

      I bet it was harder to enter the vehicle than an F150.

      1. Professor_Game1

        There's no door handles to freeze and you can preheat it from your phone so I doubt it

        1. forestcridder

          There's no door handles to

          pull the door open.

          Do you even live in an I see climate or are you just going to blindly defend the Cybertruck no matter what?

          You'd have to warm your truck for hours to warm up the door panels.

          1. Professor_Game1

            I live in new England and the ice starts to melt in 5-10 minutes, ice will never hold the door shut unless you shot your car with a hose the night before

          2. PrensadorDeBotones

            You can open the doors from the phone app. Each door has a powerful electric piston motor that can easily break ice. I've personally tested leaning my entire 205lbs body weight against the door and trying to shove it shut while opening it.

            But if your app isn't connecting, you only have to chip a tiny amount of ice to depress any of the door buttons a tiny amount and boom, the door will pop open and you're in.

  19. whoevenkn0wz

    That’s so sick, someone should make that a wrap

  20. mrpockets44


  21. Mediocre-Message4260

  22. catfish08

    I’ve never seen an angle of the CT that actually looks good…

    1. whitemiketyson

      Spoiler alert: there isn't one

  23. Kerberos42

    Throw some fireworks in the back, that’ll get rid of the ice quickly.

  24. DGTIGER007

    Looks cool! Send it to Elon he will love it!

  25. ObeseSnake

    Need more CT content here. Great pictures!

  26. VJTX

    Looks like a frozen turd now.

  27. sychox51

    There goes your warranty…

  28. TheBurtReynold

    You can just hit it with a hammer to get it off

  29. happycabinsong

    so cool, the warranty is officially voided by the way

  30. RaidLord509


  31. nastasimp

    Annnndddd.... warranty voided somehow.

  32. Kingofhearts1206

    Congrats CT, you got promoted from fridge to freezer.

  33. Taquitofingers

  34. Independent-Virus-54

    Definitely less chance of it exploding with this skin.

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