How to display videos on the main screen when car is in drive and not just park?
How to display videos on the main screen when the car is in drive and not just park?
Is there any tips and tricks to do this?
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How to display videos on the main screen when the car is in drive and not just park?
Is there any tips and tricks to do this?
Uh. You don’t. People shouldn’t be watching videos and driving….
They can watch them on their phones. I don’t care if you asked for my opinion. Your question is stupid and you clearly have no common sense. Distracted drivers on their cell phones are bad enough, couldn’t imagine people watching movies and driving at the same time too.
They can watch them on their phones. I don’t care if you asked for my opinion. Your question is stupid and you clearly have no common sense. Distracted drivers on their cell phones are bad enough, couldn’t imagine people watching movies and driving at the same time too.
They should, on their phone/tablet. You should use your driving screen for your driving.
People are going to do what they want while driving? So I can get loaded behind the wheel?
People are going to do what they want while driving? So I can get loaded behind the wheel?
Hopefully you don’t have children. World has enough dummies.
Did you figure a workaround? I'm trying now LOL
You can't. It's llegal and for a good reason. The screen is for you, not your passenger. If you weren't missing a chromosome then you'd understand this.
But you don't have the correct setup. You aren't even looking for a correct setup. You just want to bypass it because you think you're special.
But you don't have the correct setup. You aren't even looking for a correct setup. You just want to bypass it because you think you're special.
It is illegal, a TV or computer screen that’s visible to the driver is a traffic offence in some states
The main screen in the model 3 is always visible to the driver. It doesn’t even pivot. What are you on bro
You can’t argue that the only place your speed is displayed isn’t visible to you
The main screen in the model 3 is always visible to the driver. It doesn’t even pivot. What are you on bro
You can’t argue that the only place your speed is displayed isn’t visible to you
My screen pivots and extends because I paid to make it pivot in all different degrees and extend. Are you really dumb or are you messing with me?
So you’d let the screen pivot for your passengers, which would make it so you can’t see the speedometer.
Go try explaining this to your CO
If you have so much money, just buy an iPad to keep in your car so your passengers can use it!
If you have so much money, just buy an iPad to keep in your car so your passengers can use it!
Believe it or not, straight to jail.
There’s no way to accomplish this.
Oh okay yeah I was looking
Yeah, sorry. Tesla even blocks Hulu, Netflix and what not on the internet while in drive. I’ve tried several things but Tesla is smarter than I am.
Oh okay yeah I was trying find something. On long road trips it would be nice for the passenger watch/ play games. I got an internet browser interface that allows you to play Xbox account games so it would be cool for a passenger to use.
Some people are so dumb.
Bro is taking L’s left and right 💀
OP, I am on your side for this one. My brother and I agree that our niece shouldn’t have a phone. I let her sit in the front seat and I’d like to be able to play a video for her. I don’t do distracted driving as to me that’s far too dangerous and not worth the risk. It would be nice if Tesla implemented an option and they used the cabin camera to ensure no abuse is taking place
My man, take the L and move on. You asked a question and got overwhelmingly negative answers and feedback. It’s really not difficult to see why this would be a terrible idea.
My man, take the L and move on. You asked a question and got overwhelmingly negative answers and feedback. It’s really not difficult to see why this would be a terrible idea.
Take your AK and swallow it
Take your AK and swallow it
Many years ago, Mercedes had a neat idea. They had a special filter on top of their screen and every alternating vertical line was either showing a display for the driver and a different one for the passenger. So the passenger could be watching a movie while the driver had his navigation map, all on one screen.
But since we don't have that, and you can't trust people to not abuse a system (ie, the extra warnings and the strikes for the AP comes to mind), unfortunately, you can't watch a video using the built-in players. Maybe from the Browser, but I haven't tried it. If it works, once it's also abused, it will be surely taken off too.
Yes I can read, can you be less condescending?
Why would Tesla accommodate you and your aftermarket gimmick screen swivel? Does the car know which direction the screen is pointing to? Like I said, people abused the system and restrictions were put in places, live with it and get off your high horse ffs.
Yes I can read, can you be less condescending?
Why would Tesla accommodate you and your aftermarket gimmick screen swivel? Does the car know which direction the screen is pointing to? Like I said, people abused the system and restrictions were put in places, live with it and get off your high horse ffs.
If you had taken the time to read 'til the end, you would have seen I said to try the browser but I guess you have a too short of a fuse to even finish a paragraph. What a joyful person you must be in person. I pity your entourage. Goodbye.
If you had taken the time to read 'til the end, you would have seen I said to try the browser but I guess you have a too short of a fuse to even finish a paragraph. What a joyful person you must be in person. I pity your entourage. Goodbye.
I didn’t take the time to read to the end because your initial response didn’t meet the mark of my question. I’m a fan of getting to the point. You should try it. Also reading to the end as u suggested proved my point.
Calling me condescending when you mentioned Mercedes and safety when all I asked was it possible in a Tesla. Go somewhere.
You're a fan of being an asshole and it shows by the negative karma you have. I don't block people lightly but you're now part of my select blocked users.
Yeah while driving you can type whole urls and search queries but you cant have a video playing.
Yeah while driving you can type whole urls and search queries but you cant have a video playing.
Doesn’t work. Tried.