1. fossilnews

    Netflix and kill.

  2. briollihondolli

    Why does a car need a web browser

    1. [deleted]

      for the optimal distracted driver experience

    2. SalmonFightBack

      How would it be a meme machine without the ability to view memes on it?

      1. briollihondolli

        I can change the wallpaper in my civic to whatever dank nonsense I want

    3. ffiarpg

      Luxury cars are full of things you don't need. They are called luxuries.

      1. briollihondolli

        You say that word “luxury” but I don’t think you know what it means

        1. ffiarpg


          "a material object, service, etc., conducive to sumptuous living, usually a delicacy, elegance, or refinement of living rather than a necessity:"

          So lets take the important part:

          rather than a necessity

          so basically:

          something you don't need.

    4. skyspydude1

      Eh, it's kind of nice if you're parked and want to look something up. Definitely more of a "Oh hey, it's neat it has that" feature than a "I need that in my next car".

  3. adam_newyork

    Nice! Put the car in autopilot, watch a movie and bam! Die!

  4. PFG123456789


    I am very happy that on the fanboy sub I always make fun of, the first 20 comments I read were slamming this bullshit.

  5. sixoctillionatoms


  6. [deleted]


  7. TheKobayashiMoron


    1. PFG123456789

      The Fly?

      1. TheKobayashiMoron

        What?! Come on man. Jurassic Park!

        1. PFG123456789

          🤦‍♂️ I deserve any ridicule I receive.

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