1. Tunafish01

    You have 3 ways.

    Open tesla app on your phone and go to the bottom.

    On your Tesla screen touch software it’s in there

    On your Tesla screen under the left are where music controls stay swipe left or right to get to it.

    1. Welfi1988

      Or 4th way in Settings>Trips (at the bottom)

  2. SparkySpecter

    Service menu or app.

  3. kasukeo

    On the bottom left, you can swipe between music, odometer + consumption, and tire pressure.

  4. Unstoppable999

    Several ways. Easiest I think is open the app and scroll down to the very bottom!

  5. skodes21

    Reddit posts that could be a Google search....

    1. Artistic_Pie216

      Unnecessary comments on posts you should just ignore 🙄

      1. skodes21

        It just doesn't make sense... Take 3 seconds to google it or 5 minutes to wait for somebody to respond...

        1. Artistic_Pie216

          You made your point thanks. You are also wasting your time. But what do I know I’m clueless

          1. skodes21

            I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a internet asshole and that was a bit internet asshole of me.

          2. Disastrous_Patience3

            But your first comment was entirely correct.

    2. treyhunna83


  6. HughDixxonButts

    Are Tesla owners this clueless…?

    1. s_m_d


    2. Artistic_Pie216

      Don’t answer if your gonna be a smart ass. Keep scrolling and don’t waste your time 🙄

      1. HughDixxonButts


        Maybe learn how to dyor.

        1. Artistic_Pie216

          Clever take your own advice there buddy

          1. HughDixxonButts

            Good luck on figuring out how your car function. Looks like you need a lot of help since you’re clueless.

          2. Artistic_Pie216

            Thanks your comments are enlightening!

    3. treyhunna83

      Just lazy.

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