tesla How do you see the odometer while driving?
Recently picked up my LR, AWD, Model 3 and am just wondering (since I can't find the answer in the manual) how I can see the odometer while driving?
I'm so used to being able to glance down and see my odometer reading, plus be able to see a trip odometer at the push of a button. I need to keep track of mileage for work and often need to be able to call up the mileage quickly to mark it down.
I can't see any way to see the mileage other than pressing the Tesla logo on the screen. But even then, I don't know how to call up a trip odometer or have one on the screen.
Is there any way to have the odometer on the screen at all times?
And before anyone responds by saying that you don't need to see the odometer - yes, I do. Fairly frequently. And I need to set trip odometers as well.
Swipe to the right where the wiper controls are. It’s the left most dot. Then you scroll down. Or just hit Tesla T.
Ok. Thanks. Still trying to find out if it can stay on the screen all the time. But it seems like it can’t do that.
Not permanently, but the “card” display with the trip meters can stay up for your entire trip. Note that you can even still get to the rear-camera display by swiping up or down on the “app launcher” button (the “^” one) without having to take down the card. (Also try swiping up/down on the music button next to it.)
Thanks. I'll check this out tomorrow as I head out for the day's driving.
Upvote as I would like this as well. All those rollover milestones we are missing! 12,345! 100,000! 111,111!
Why not use something like Teslafi and just have it log all your trips for you? Then you can pull the mileage from a PC when you sit down at the end of the day.
I don't know what Teslafi is. Never heard of it. I take a look at it.
So you sign in there and they get your API, then they monitor you car 24/7... every trip is logged and calculated for where you started and where you ended. You can try for a month or so, then they just ask you pay for some of their server fees... like $40/year.
Wow. Interesting. And very comprehensive too. Thanks for the tip.
I’m on the trial and it’s amazing. I use it to log work trips too and it’s perfect for that. It also calculates how much charging costs you and how much money you save on gas. My 26 mile daily commute costs me about $1.82 total. It’s amazing to see how much elevation and temperature affect your range.
Interesting. Do you think you'll continue to use it after the trial period ends?
Definitely. I was using a mileage tracker app before so now I can cancel that and save $5 a month. That alone is worth it but I love looking at the data too. There’s also a battery health section which is very useful information to have.
Ok, this is sounding better all the time. Thanks.
Also shows up in the app at the bottom, above your VIN/Software Version.
Yep. I knew it was there too. Trying to see if there’s a way for it to show up on screen while driving and essentially keep it there.