1. shocontinental

    Nope, but third party apps can. I use Tessie specifically for tracking mileage. It shows start and end mileages and locations for each drive.

    1. SMLBound

      Tessie is the answer

    2. brodude466

      Thanks. This is what I wanted to know.

  2. SpecialAgentFaxModem

    You may get downvoted as your title is not specific, just FYI.

    You can use the Trip A or Trip B in the car itself to track mileage between resets, or you can use a third party app. Options I can think of are TeslaFi, TeslaScope, and Tessie. I've used TeslaFi since the second day I owned my car. Works well.

    I'd recommend trying one and seeing how you like it. Do not use multiple apps at once though, as it can mess with the cars ability to sleep.

    1. Humaningenuity

      I hope someone can fact check me here but my experience is the Trip settings aren’t road miles but overall consumed mile equivalent. In other words, your AC usage is also calculated into that total.

  3. FergyMcFerguson

    I use Tezlab.

  4. NeonCobego

    Eevee has been great and is free

    1. Logitech4873

      The renderer for Blender?

      1. NeonCobego


  5. markn6262

    And there is Teslamate

  6. bitNine

    Check out teslascope.com. Just know it’s not perfect, but for the price it’s great.

  7. ReticlyPoetic

    The bottom of your app shows total miles. Write that down or take a screen shot and you have miles between logs.

  8. Intelligent_Top_328

    Question, do teslas keep track of overall miles? For insurance stuff

    1. Toastandbeeeeans

      Like the odometer?

      Of course they do.

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