1. d0nd

    Nope; you can use apps like Tessie, or self-hosted solutions like TeslaMate to store every detail you may think of overtime.

    1. Notsocooldad

      Thanks! That’s what I thought. Oh well.

  2. HengaHox

    You can tey asking the service center, usually when it goes in for service they take the odometer reading. You still won’t know the mileage on any specific day, but you will have some mileage data at least from the service visits

    1. Notsocooldad

      Thanks. Won’t help me in my case. I got new wheels/tires a couple of years ago, and for the life of me, I can’t remember how many miles where on the car at the time. I should have written it down somewhere, but of course, I didn’t. I do have a couple mobile service visits with the mileage recorded on the invoice, but none around that time (luckily, my car hasn’t needed much in the way of service).

  3. Head_Serve

    I'm quite confident it stores everything, but unlikely you can access it without special tools/sw. As far as tyres go, I wouldn't sweat about them :D

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