tesla Car counting mileage incorrectly ?
Took delivery of my 2023 M3 on the 12th of December, I love the car and everything about it. However, when I checked the mileage it seemed a bit higher than what I thought I’d driven. For context, I wfh and only really drive 20/30 miles a week for errands. I accounted for the extra miles driven for the holiday festivites etc and I’ve had to make a couple airport runs which are about 30 miles each way, but it still doesn’t add up.
I also switched my insurance the day I took delivery and got progressive snapshot which tracks your miles and driving. When I compared my odometer to the mileage count in the snapshot app there is almost 50 mile difference. I expected maybe a few miles (>10) but not 50.
I put in a service request in the Tesla App and they gave me this message which doesn’t make sense because a mile is a mile whether it’s hot or cold or however I drive the car.
My concern is because I have a lease 10k/36 months, when I calculate my driving it’s plenty of miles as my last car didn’t even get to 28k miles and is just shy of 4 years old. However I’m worried now if the M3 keeps on like this. Anyone ever experienced this?
So you think the onboard mileage in car systems are less accurate than your mobile phone and progressives snapshot.
In several months progressive will ask you to confirm your miles, because it’s not accurate. I do the same with statefarm.
The mileage listed on the car is accurate, and I believe it’s completely illegal for it not to be.
I don’t think on board is less accurate than my phone, I just don’t think they should be that different. I forgot to include it in the original post but I tested the miles driven on a straight road against the GPS mileage and it was doubled each time.
That’s actually quite interesting. I surely hope Tesla hasn’t been falsifying miles. That would be a big deal lol. I’ve never actually paid attention to this but I will tomorrow when I go to work.
It’s not your imagination; Tesla #odometergate may be a thing now https://x.com/factschaser/status/1782247551896269052?s=61&t=lXN7FQMr6xzoT4epWuGR5Q
I’ve supposedly driven more miles in my Tesla than I’ve ever driven in a year. Now I’m starting to wonder if they’re calculating the odometer based on the listed remaining “range” instead of ACTUAL miles driven?
Edit: I just tested it and verified. 6 miles driven matched 6 miles on the odometer despite costing 9 miles of range (cold weather right now where I’m at). All is right in the world. Maybe I’ve just driven more since I don’t have to think about the cost of gas.
Ain’t no way that would be legal…
There's literally 0% chance something like this could go unnoticed. A couple laps on a track would add 100 miles.
Uh-oh. Same here. I’ve done about 30% more than usual. At least.
The odometer isn’t something you ever question.
I’ll be watching it now : /
I tested and it seems to be accurate as it should be. 6 miles was 6 miles despite costing 9 miles of range.
I wonder what the Vegas Odds are on Tesla falsifying miles driven for one driver for no apparent reason but the giggles.
Or falsifying the odometer for every fifth drive so it’s harder to track https://x.com/factschaser/status/1782247551896269052?s=61&t=lXN7FQMr6xzoT4epWuGR5Q
I’ve been questioning this as well. I feel like some of my trips have inflated miles on them. Compared to gps on my phone and the odometer reading afterwards. It’s always slightly higher.
Yah there should be an odometer in the systems submenu. Do a google trip from your house to another known location. This will show you how far it is, then drive the car and see if it matches tesla or progressive.
Swipe the little audio menu bar on the bottom left to view the odometer.
I turned my odometer off but i made a "lifetime" card which shows odometer, lifetime kwh used, and lifetime wh/mi.
I didn't know you could edit the cards even. Lol
For some reason I always thought the mileage calculation was done by calculating how many times the wheels turned. Mileage is calculated by integrating the graph of speed over time? Or how is the computer doing it?
I did this on a straight road that was 1.5 miles per GPS. I reset the trip A odometer to 0. Tesla calculated 3 miles. Similarly did another route that was 3 miles, Tesla said it was 6.
Do you have another car? Can you try it out with that car and see how many miles it shows.
Also, did you modify your car - like your wheels/tires?
Yeah I have another car. This is a route I drive often so I know it’s not 3 miles. It’s just a straight road from my house to the coffee shop. And I have not modified the car at all.
You do realize you and support are talking about two different things right?
Range does fluctuate based on driving style.
Mileage should be calculated correctly by your tesla.
Subbing to this for answers since I’m curious I don’t know how they would manipulate it so the odometer mileage would go faster than actual miles traveled
I don’t know how to edit the post but update.
I did what a lot of you were suggesting, put in a google trip, drive with another (ICE) car to a specific location on a straight road. I did this twice. The first, gps and the ICE car both calculated 1.5 miles, Tesla said 3 (I also reset the trip miles to 0 to be accurate). The second trip was 3 miles according to the ICE car and GPS said 3 as well, Tesla said 7.
This is a route I drive weekly, almost daily as it’s just the way to get out of my neighborhood on to the main road, then on to the highway, so I know it’s not 3 miles.
I will say, maybe Tesla didn’t understand my service question and is referring to range in the app so I will try wording it another way to see if I get a different response.
Did you happen to get pictures of the odometers of each car start and finish? This would really help to back up the account of your test.
Yes I did
Yes I’m looking at the odometer or the miles by the battery. If I was looking at the miles by the battery I wouldn’t have a complaint because it would be significantly less than the miles I think I’ve driven. Also those miles would be going down as I drive more…
Yes I’m looking at the odometer or the miles by the battery. If I was looking at the miles by the battery I wouldn’t have a complaint because it would be significantly less than the miles I think I’ve driven. Also those miles would be going down as I drive more…
They've sent you the wrong standard message and haven't understood your complaint. This is the message sent to people complaining they don't get the advertised range not questioning the accuracy of the odometer.
Currently 16k miles on my car and my work commute should only be about 12k, it’s not hard to believe I put another 4k miles in less than 6 months but ima keep a closer look at the odometer mileages for the next few trips to see if it’s accurate, my morning commute to the SC was 44miles and it was spot on I’ll keep track of it for a week or so.
In service menu you can select wheel size. If this is of it would count mileage incorrectly. Check there first to make sure it has your actual wheel/tire size listed.
This shouldn’t matter though since all the stock wheel and tire sizes should have the same outer diameter
Do they? I guess aspect ratio makes up for rim diameter?
so its possible to change the wheel size in the software and lower the milage of your car overtime??
Barely. I think the maximum difference is about 0.5%, so if you had a Model 3 Performance with the 20” wheels and set the car to 18” wheels in software, you could lower the amount on the odometer by about 50 miles for every 10,000 miles you drive.
+1 to this thread..mine seems incorrect for how much I typically drive. Took delivery in nov and already have 1200 miles on it when prior three years in my old car I averaged 5500 miles per year. I’ll be paying a bit more attention to odometer over the next few weeks..
These are more fun
You sure you don’t have it on kilometers? Are your wheel sizes correct on the UI?
Not on kilometers ,and just checked last night, wheel sizes are correct on the UI
My odometer seems off as well.
I wish the trip computer showed tenths of a mile on the mileage reading. I took delivery in November and am also on a 30k mile lease.
Big deal if there is indeed a discrepancy.
You should reply to Tesla in app and tell them they did not understand you correctly the first time and that your issue is with the car tracking miles on the odometer, not range.
I’ll be checking how far I drive vs miles added today!
My car indicates 75 mph yet gps shows 72. Could be GPS issues. Or a way to trick is into thinking we get more range
Or the fact non-military gps isnt actually that accurate lol
There’s no reason even the worst gps would be consistently off. There can be minor fluctuations, also if you’re on a steep incline, but the timing of commercial gps should be more than enough to get an accurate average.
The speed indicators of cars have very loose requirements on accuracy though. I actually found my Tesla to be more accurate than my past four cars , which were all , consistently ~ 5-10% overestimating
Commercial GPS works on timely based pings, meaning that it checks location, seconds after checks again. You see everything flowing nicely in the screen because there is a calculation for "best prediction", but most (if not all) actually are tracing straight lines from last measure, so there is always going to be a slight discrepancy with an actual odometer.
The car shows a rounded up speed in the UI. The can bus reports 1kmph less than the UI for me, in fact the CAN bus has both the UI and true vehicle speed values.
Car speedometer is almost always shown as a few MPH more than actual speed.
It’s so you have a little leeway when it comes to the limit. Most cars saying they’re doing 30 are actually doing 27-28.
The image is almost definitely referring to estimated battery range. I’ve never heard anyone, especially Tesla, refer to the odometer or trip distances as “range”, that’s an energy efficiency thing. It’s just referring to the “X mi” next to the battery icon in the top left of the display if you don’t have it set to percentage (which I recommend you do for exactly the reasons in the image).
In terms of any discrepancy between the odometer and and other external measurement of distance the car has driven, I agree with some other comments and would look at the wheel size in settings.
As for the snapshot app, I’m not familiar with it, but if it’s not either connected through the OBD or tapped into your Tesla account, then it must be tracking via location services on your phone, which over long periods of time will rarely be accurate as the app probably isn’t pinging for location as often as it would need to for perfect curves during turns or small movements in parking lots for example.
Personally, if the wheel settings are accurate, I’d trust the odometer way more than anything else.
Is your question about range? Why did you post that screen shot? The range varies depending on how you drive, the weather, wind, hills, etc...
No not range. The odometer reading, miles driven.
Yes but the picture you posted is regarding mileage of the battery not odometer
Did you read the second last paragraph in the OP?
The OP very well knows that the text in the image doesn't make sense in his situation. The image shows the irrelevant reply he got from Tesla.
He is writing that their reply doesn't make sense. Which is a correct observation, because their reply has no relevance to his problem.
He is writing that their reply doesn't make sense. Which is a correct observation, because their reply has no relevance to his problem.
except it does make sense. They’re just talking about two different things. Op doesn’t know that and therefore posted this picture.
And his update proves I’m right, he now knows and is gonna ask the question differently
The fact his photo didn’t show what he asked means we don’t know why Tesla responded this way
The Tesla response points towards even the team at Tesla not knowing what he was talking about
Yeah so?
I agree but again, so?
Like to add, use a GPS speed app to see what your GPS rated speed is, or find a local radar check on the side of the road. That’s how I found out I’m always 2 miles slower than the speedo shows, which means I gain miles I’m not driving lol.
make that make sense... you're driving slower so why are you gaining more miles?
The car is reading a faster, miles per hour, so it’s calculating the miles based on speed it shows as being 2mph faster than I’m actually going. I’m physically driving less miles, but the car is calculating more miles.
Real speed is 78, speedo is saying 80, car is gaining miles the car hasn’t driven.
Makes sense now… sorry and thanks for helping out
u/SpiceShawtyyy - Energy App is a good place to start. This is an oldie, but a goodie: https://youtu.be/Nt4U_I7-qT8
Also consider going to:
Car Menu --> Trips to help you learn about the trip cards. More specifically the "Since Last Charged" and "Current Session"... try to do a long single continuous drive session where both those metrics show identical info. That will give you a realistic range for your car.
Finally, use the built in NAV as a range calc before setting off with a trip. If your battery shows 90% and you press the display for battery to toggle it to a number... then try to map to a Tesla Supercharger at or near that distance away from you (Then click on "Remove all stops", it will now show you how negative you will actually arrive at that location based in your actual range of the car... this will be be about 60% of the EPA rated range).
Download the app EEVEE, it tracks your trips (and charges)
I have the same problem with my car. Tesla support couldn’t help me at all. They didn’t know where to start.
Do you use any third party apps like TeslaFi, or Tessie that tracks your drives and odometer readings?
No, but I’ll download it now to see a comparison
Any update