I would like to do a fact check of Dojo in it's current state. I see all kinds of BS floating around, both from Tesla and the Cult of Musk flapping their gums about it. Latest is their presentation of new Teslabot abilities that was discussed superficially and of course shot down as pure fabrication, another stock pump scam feature.

I'm looking for hard info on:

How much hardware and what kind have they actually got running to train NN. Did Nvidia sell and deliver 10.000 H100 units to Tesla? I see this posted from several Cult sources but I can find no hard info, press releases etc. from Nvidia. They should be boasting this sale as they did with V100 units for the cars, right? Has anyone seen or built these racks/blades whatever in a datacenter somewhere?

What kind of outcome/result have they had from the 1.5 petabyte dataset they propose to have taught NN with? Have they shown any kind of hard proof that NN improves FSD or Teslabot?

Personally I think its all a scam. Their AI does not exist or if some sort of data result has come from the NN training, it is of no importance. TBF it's a complete scamfest only designed to pump the stock. Prove me wrong please.

Tag: Tesla Dojo


  1. mrbuttsavage

    How much hardware and what kind have they actually got running to train NN. Did Nvidia sell and deliver 10.000 H100 units to Tesla?

    That's the thing. Buying a bunch of commodity hardware that's better than Dojo already (H100s) will not pump the stock. So why talk about it?

    1. GroundhogDK

      SoMe is reporting on this like wildfire. If it's real why hasn't Nvidia mentioned it? H100 is hardly commodity hardware. It's insanely expensive HW at $30k a piece, so 10k units sold is a big deal. The pump lies in the implication that this purchase will enable them to accelerate NN AI training.

      1. Safe_Manner_1879

        It's insanely expensive HW at $30k a piece, so 10k units sold is a big dea

        Its loots of money for us, but $300 million is coffee moeny for Tesla. Especial for a depreciating assets, that you can make a tax deduction on.

        The pump lies in the implication that this purchase will enable them to accelerate NN AI training.

        So you do not think the computer will accelerate NN AI training? Why?

        If Tesla want to pump the stock, they can spend $300 million on advertising, in trational media, and they will fall over themself to sing the praise of Tesla.

        1. GroundhogDK

          > So you do not think the computer will accelerate NN AI training? Why?

          No I don't, because I don't think feeding it camera recordings will make it better at predicting the utter unpredictable chaos that is traffic. It's just not possible.

          1. viperabyss

            And yet, Tesla's "autopilot" can work with roughly 80% accuracy. It's just the logics of how a vehicle should respond to certain situations that need to be improved.

            As accuracy improves, way more effort and data is needed to get to that last 5% of situations that even human have trouble responding to.

          2. GroundhogDK

            You want to get in an accident 20% of the time you go for a drive? Or even 1% of the time? I don't think that humans having trouble responding to 5% of situations is correct. Where do you get that from. It's much less than that. The observant human driver will react responsibly to avoid situations much more often. 0,01% or less accident rate seems more correct.

          3. viperabyss

            The whole point is that while "autopilot" in it's current implementation is not as good as human drivers, (and it is my view that "autopilot" will never be as long as they are solely on vision), but GPU do accelerate the development of NN on image classification for vehicles to recognize its surroundings.

            We've already went from absolutely no self-driving capability, to L2 (Tesla) and L3 (Merc) capability, all thanks to GPU accelerated NN.

          4. ghostfaceschiller

            “It’s just the logic of how a vehicle should respond to certain situations that should be improved”

            uh, yeah. That’s a pretty important part of it.

            “Our new dipping sauce is great it’s just the way the dipping sauce tastes needs to be improved”

          5. Safe_Manner_1879

            feeding it camera recordings will make it better at predicting the utter unpredictable chaos that is traffic. It's just not possible.

            So you think trafic is to chaotic, I will play along for the argument, now imagen a tesla-bot in a very controlled and predictable environment, like a manufacturing plant, then the tesla-bot need to do a limited number of things, in a very predictable way.

          6. GroundhogDK

            If it's predictable they wouldn't need AI. But unpredictable events can happen in factories too. That is usually when accidents happen. Teslabot is a candidate for Wall-E "The Reject Robots" :D

      2. [deleted]

        Not sure about the reduction, afaik Nvidia can't supply enough, they sell this things like hotcakes so I don't see why they should discount them

        1. therealbobzer

          Not sure about the reduction, afaik Nvidia can't supply enough, they sell this things like hotcakes so I don't see why they should discount them

    2. RCotti

      Why did tesla need to buy nvidias hardware? I thought they released hardware way better a long time ago. The stonk is the product

  2. GroundhogDK

    I just found this on Teslarati. As an example of the Cult's hype and stock pumping.https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-dojo-d1-chips-order-tsmc-doubled-report/?fbclid=IwAR1b2rccbuWWc_MDFrLSh8N4v2V5vSVJH9WMgul8JJBRKcml8pOLgQLwxqk

    Note the number of times he uses the word "reportedly". Three times in that short paragraph. And he is using a circular or reiterating reference to an identical article on toms hardware as validation. That should give you a hint...

    1. pcnetworx1

      ...Reportedly 🤣

    2. thegtabmx

      Note the number of times he uses the word "reportedly".

      To be fair, half of the articles posted on this sub are based on "report" or "reportedly". It goes both ways. Either we trust both the pro and con articles when they say "reportedly", or we don't. Any blanket and one-sided dismissal based on reference to "reports" is obvious bias.

  3. jselwood

    I don't know a lot about Dojo or the matter you are discussing. But the reality is that Elon, Tesla and the cult never come close to delivering what they claim.

    It's essentially about pumping stock, creating hype, appealing to the gullible who lack common sense.

    What I do know for sure is: Elon promised a robot that will do your household chores while you have a nap. In-fact he said it would happen by 2022. Only an idiot would really believe this is a realistic possibility in the semi-near future.

    Look at everything Elons companies have claimed... it's a list of crazy, amazing, wonderful things, then look at what they have actually achieved? the difference is hilarious.

    1. xMagnis

      Ugh, I'm so sick of cool marketing terms driving over-hyped technobabble products to the over-hyper.

      Dojo reeks of a focus-group name, like Bo-Concept. This single word is uttered like it will solve difficult problems immediately, because it's Dojo bro'. It will scale. Nobody is doing anything this awesome. It's future tech, today. Tesla is orders of magnitude ahead of everyone else.

      I'd love to see a brain scan of these fools who believe Elon when he says the word Dojo. I'm betting pleasure-response is max and critical thinking is absent. Seriously, these Elon-followers never stop to say, hey wait a minute, am I being fooled here?

    2. therealbobzer

      Dude you forgot a digit... It's happening for sure but in 12022

  4. boomzeg

    Assuming they actually did buy up those H100s: it's not in Tesla's interest for the world to know they are using Nvidia hardware in their AI pipeline. Remember, they were supposed to have these magical in-house-designed AI chips by now, which would blow Nvidia out of the water. Let's all give some thoughts and prayers to how well that's going.

    1. shearblack

      Tesla currently has/uses a Nvidia A100 based HPC neutral net AI training cluster. It may be that Nvidia's newest H100 '4nm Hopper architecture ' bests the Dojo 7nm D1 architecture (for now). TBD, but I think a Dojo D2 chip is likely forthcoming.

  5. Devilinside104



  6. SoCalDomVC

    Instead of us proving you wrong why don't you list at least some sort of evidence to back up your accusations. 🤷

    1. GroundhogDK

      Evidence has been presented in the analysis of the scam Teslabot and FSD videos. There is no doubt about that. But this could just be because Tesla is incompetent or the results they got from feeding Dojo petabytes of video data didn't improve FSD at all or help Teslabot work without faking it. This discussion serves to debunk their physical claims of Dojo hardware. If we can prove that no purchase and installation has occurred it completes the picture of this rather mundane but highly cult hyped scam.

      1. SoCalDomVC

        So show the evidence that's been reported. That's all we're asking.

  7. Withnail2019

    I agree, I think it's all lies. I also think all of the videos of the Teslabot are just remote controlled by a human. I don't think it's learning anything.

  8. viperabyss

    There are plenty of reports on this.




    1. GroundhogDK

      They all just quote Elmo... Facts please.

      1. viperabyss

        The TechRadar quotes Tim Zaman, Tesla's AI infrastructure team lead.

        1. Devilinside104

          Facts please.

          1. viperabyss

            You have a problem with a person who's not Elon making statement about their work?

          2. Devilinside104

            If they work for that scam company, yah

          3. viperabyss

            How is Tesla a scam company? People are driving around in their Teslas on the street.

            Elon loves to embellish to the point it's close to scams, I'd agree, but doesn't mean people who work for him are like that too.

          4. Devilinside104

            Oh I see, if you deliver some product that drives around a bit between service appointments, everything you promise and fail to deliver on and every law you break along the way is ignored.

            Got it.

          5. viperabyss

            Don't you also drive your car around a bit between service appointments? How is that specific to Tesla?

            And Tesla promised to bring EVs to the masses, and that's exactly what they've done. They've also promised autonomous driving, in which they not only pioneered assisted driving, but also working their way to full autonomous driving.

            By the way, I've owned 2 Teslas, and they have never needed to go to service appointments for years. But hey, you believe what you need to believe.

  9. Specialist_Arm8703

    First mistake by OP. Looking for information from a subreddit dedicated to shit on anything to do with Tesla. Good luck finding out what you are looking for. Seriously….

    1. Devilinside104

      Yes, look at your contribution here. You just did what you accused the sub of lol

      1. Specialist_Arm8703

        Expected nothing less from this sub. You all bunch of jealous, missing the boat sore losers 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

        1. Devilinside104

          Looks like a lot of you are missing your investments too, so don't worry too much about boats.

      2. Specialist_Arm8703

        I have been investing in it since 2018. Do the math 😉

        1. GroundhogDK

          Unless you sold the math will soon f**k you. The house of cards is about to come down hard. The AI bubble will burst and all the scams, including most Elmo projects that lived of the hype will come crashing down.

    2. Poogoestheweasel

      There are plenty of shills here, like you for instance, who could have helped him if there was any real info out there.

      But you failed and the best you could do is be negative.

      Go back to worshipping Elon and feeling persecuted here

  10. high-up-in-the-trees

    One bit of food for thought: FSD is supposed to 'safer than a human driver' 99.9% of the time. Why then is it being trained on normal human drivers who will be making mistakes and breaking road rules all over the place? I know Elon said some handwave-y woo about his supercomputer being so powerful it can just 'figure out' which ones are the best driving patterns, but aside from that sounding stupid idk how it would happen without a lot of human oversite. It certainly sounds like one of those big futuristic concepts that will never come to fruition, a Musk specialty. Even the name of it makes me sus. Dojo Supercomputer. Like ooh step into the AI fighting ring! And I assume it's using the proprietary software of the competitor AI company he started up, xAI. Again with the fucking x lol

  11. Feed-Working

    Does anyone have any seminar report regarding dojo?

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