For starters, I understand why pre- conditioning is good and useful. But why on earth do I need to pre-condition in the summer to save less than a minute? Is there any way to turn this off when it's not actually needed?

Wasting around 15% of the energy on pre-conditioning when it's not actually saving time or improving battery health fells pretty bad.

Tag: Tesla's battery health


  1. urlang

    Your only option is to navigate to somewhere near a supercharger but not the supercharger

    1. CourseEcstatic6202

      This. And then about 10 miles from the destination, switch back to the supercharger for preconditioning.

  2. danhoyle

    You can't turn it off manually if you have navigation set to a supercharger. You could get around it by setting navigation destination to a place near by supercharger and not actually supercharging site or don't use map/navigation to go to a supercharger. I think SEXY button have feature to manually control preconditioning by using its commander/Bluetooth buttons. Its probably not going to hurt battery all that much to not precondition since supercharger will simply charge slower. I've seen battery temp go high as about 140~150 F during supercharging.

    1. leebickmtu

      Tap on the yellow preconditioning message above the navigation direction and it will stop preconditioning. Has to be done each time, isn't a permanent setting. But it works.

      1. danhoyle

        This for all Teslas? I gotta try this.

        1. leebickmtu

          I can only personally speak to the Model 3, but I would imagine it works on the others or at least a similar process.

  3. adorablefuzzykitten

    Any way to start pre-conditioning without navigation to supercharger?

    1. -MullerLite-

      S3XY buttons

      1. slow_cars_fast

        Help me with these. I learned about them and don't understand the use case. They're buttons that do what the screen 5" away does?

        1. -MullerLite-

          One popular option is to precondition the battery on demand instead of having to trick the car by navigating to a supercharger.

          1. slow_cars_fast

            I looked at them, but couldn't figure out a reason to have them with the screen right there that does everything. The pre-condition thing is such a corner case for me, I only supercharge on a road trip and then I have navigation to the charger.

          2. -MullerLite-

            There are plenty of other things they can do, none of which your screen can do.

          3. SupraTico

            You can't think of a reason why you'd want a "one-tap" button, that you can hit without swiping through separate menus, can do it without taking your attention from the road, and can simplify a number of customized processes?


          4. slow_cars_fast

            I know, it's weird, I don't change a lot of settings while I'm driving. Managing Spotify is about the extent of it. I don't know what y'all are doing while driving that you need all these buttons for. Or what customized processes you're running.

    2. mwebster745

      I wish, there are actually situations where I'd like to get the best experience from a non-Tesla charger. My state is pretty rural but has invested in small non-tesla chargers in a number of areas I otherwise couldn't access without major detours

    3. Moru21


    4. 2022_kitchen_sofa

      iOS Shortcuts

      1. SlothTheHeroo

        Please explain

        1. 2022_kitchen_sofa

          Open Shortcuts on an iOS device. There’s a template/default one

          1. 13300c

            I have this setup, but I feel like it does more preconditioning for the cabin and not the battery.

          2. 2022_kitchen_sofa

            I assumed it was both. I might be wrong…

          3. 2022_kitchen_sofa

            I ran this iOS Shortcut today when the car was cold and as well as doing the AC, I spotted this in the app

          4. 13300c

            Oh that’s cool, I didn’t know that. Thanks!

  4. MikeMelga

    It's not 15%.

  5. Toastybunzz

    If you want to stop it from preconditioning click on the text popup that shows by the directions window.

    Also it doesn’t precondition full blast the entire time, it just tells you as its scavenging heat along the way and will turn on stronger if it needs it as you get close.

  6. -MullerLite-

    I use my phone to navigate if that's an issue. If I'm expected to arrive with a very low SOC then I'd rather save the energy to make it there and spend an extra minute or two charging.

  7. fursty_ferret

    Don’t forget that pre-conditioning can be as much about battery health as fast charging. If you own the car it might be worth considering leaving it on.

    I get resentful though, especially when it navigates you to a 120kW charger where you have to fight for your share anyway.

    I lease my LR and have no qualms about returning it in a year to the world’s most evil leasing company with a battery that’s been both supercharged cold and repeatedly filled to 100%.

  8. Super-Kirby

    What I do is set my destination to Jersey Mike’s which is 20 feet away from the SuperCharger. You can do that.

    Edit: because of the funny comments I would like to add: find a store near the charger and set it to there lol

    1. T3kster

      This answer seems oddly specific.

      1. Super-Kirby

        Lmao. The amount of business Jersey Mike’s gets from me is ridiculous btw

    2. AgentLostInFarts

      Because jersey mikes signed with Tesla. There’s one by every supercharger now. This should work great for everyone.

  9. LongTallMatt

    I guess you're not a battery engineer or chemist, so why do you care?

    Tesla batteries age extremely well, right? So they are doing something right?

  10. HeyItsPanda69

    Pre conditioning I feel turns on way too early. I'll navigate to the place the super charger is at rather than the charger itself unless it's in the dead of winter. So I'll go to the Wawa rather than the super charger itself.

    1. revaric

      Yea, those dumb engineers don’t know what they’re doing over there. /s

      1. HeyItsPanda69

        My car will pre heat itself up to temp then back off 3-4 times before I get there... That combined with "your car will drive itself from California to NYC on it's own by 2018" and I'll say I'll stick with the scoreboard over fandom on this one

        1. revaric

          You probably heat your cast iron at full temp from start too, huh.

          Edit typo

    2. dace747

      On long trips in the winter I've had to do this. Consumption goes through the roof. Preconditioning will turn on at the start of my 2+ hour drive. And recommend I stop much sooner than needed. If I just navigate to a location with a charger further away with no preconditioning I can get there no problem. And charge as needed.

    3. [deleted]

      It is, in winter it's fine. But in the summer it'll pre condition 3-4 times up to temp before I get to the charger.

      1. HeyItsPanda69

        It is, in winter it's fine. But in the summer it'll pre condition 3-4 times up to temp before I get to the charger.

  11. Jeremy_VW

    No way to turn it off, but there should be.

  12. s24086

    Can anyone confirm if the preconditioning will take into account the amount range you require to keep in reserve to actually make it to the charger? I’ve never trusted it to not leave me stranded because it prioritized preconditioning over actually arriving.

  13. KTAXY

    Wow, save whole whopping 20 seconds. They should have some thresholds before they pop these insane tips.

  14. BootlegStreetlight

    It may not save you time a ton of time, but it will lessen the time spent charging that can make a difference for the people waiting at a busy supercharger location.

    1. monkeylovesnanas

      In this case it doesn't appear as though it'll save any time. On fact, the opposite is probably true.

      It has lost 17 miles of range SO FAR due to preconditioning, and will only save 18 seconds charging time. The energy it has used to precondition the battery pack so far (and who knows how much more will be lost before the destination) is almost certainly greater than what could possibly be delivered by the supercharger in 18 seconds.

      In this example it looks to be a net loss from a time standpoint.

      1. SupraTico

        It hasn't been preconditioning for 17 miles though. It lost 17 miles of range due to preconditioning consumption

        1. [deleted]

          On average, 17 miles is about 1 minute on a super charger. The difference either way is going to be measured in seconds.

          1. BaneSilvermoon

            On average, 17 miles is about 1 minute on a super charger. The difference either way is going to be measured in seconds.

          2. SupraTico


          3. SupraTico

            Yes but that's different than "preconditioning for 17 miles"

        2. monkeylovesnanas

          Apologies. Misread the notification. Fixed.

          The point still stands though. It will definitely have consumed more energy for preconditioning on this trip than it will save on charging time.

      2. LongTallMatt

        So what does it do for battery chemistry and battery health? So you're saying you are 100% confident that preconditioning is only to provide faster charging...? If you've read this somewhere I would love to see what you've read.

    2. CourseEcstatic6202

      Yep. By at least 30 seconds

  15. PiedPiperofPiper

    I agree with these frustrations. I’m sure the time saved from pre-conditioning is easily trumped by the time needed to restore the charge lost to pre-conditioning.

    1. [deleted]

      Def not the case. You don’t usually burn 9miles conditioning the battery.

      1. gxh86

        9miles is about 3% of a typical model 3 battery capacity. in my experience it uses anywhere 3-4% of capacity to precondition

        1. [deleted]

          Mines never been close to that percentage. Maybe conditions?

  16. therealtrajan

    I live in Houston and it may be May but it’s is way hot enough by now to keep the battery warm enough to charge well. Why is preconditioning a thing down here in the summer. Really wish it was more intuitive and based on battery temp not just a default

  17. MrGoogle87

    This ain’t just for yourself. That minute is 20minutes if there are 20 stalls. Saves others time also

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