How do you deal with the frozen door handles in cold climates? Tips please!
Hi everyone!
This is my first winter in northern Europe with my model 3. Please people who live in colder climates, give me your tips!
Currently (thank you climate change) the weather can go from +8 degrees to -8, so there is raining and the next day it's all ice. So, the "invisible" door handles can be completely frozen, there's like a freaking layer of ice on top, and I just can't push them open. I have tried the defrosting mode, but it doesn't do anything for the doors/handles. I'm afraid if i try to break the ice I'll damage the handles/paint etc.
So, what do you do??
Thanks all!
In app, hold down where the 4 control icons are and a menu with more control icons will pop up. Find the one that is for “unlatch door” and drag it up to the dock during winter months.
Oh my I didn't even know about this, thank you!!
Please note that only the driver's door is affected; exercise caution when passengers are present.
One his last few updates addressed the issue.
Thanks! I've read the owner's manual front to back multiple times and I didn't know about this. Not sure I'll elevate the fart control to the front page though.
I didn't know that either lol, I was just hitting the thick part of the latch with my palm and that usually breaks off the ice
That’s so cool!!! I just tried it, thank you so much!!!
You can remotely open the door with the app.
How did you get 5 icons? I only have option to replace one of the four.
You need to very carefully fiddle the 5th one to the extreme right side. Use just the tip of your finger.
Just the tip.
Hold an icon like you would normally to move it, while held, use another finger to move the icon to the dock - a fifth slot would then magically appear!
Wow, that actually worked really well.
I think it was a recent update a month or two ago. Try to edit it and see if it’ll let you add a fifth option.
I don't have that... is that a premium connection thing? Although I don't remember seeing that when I had the premium connection tho
Edit: Just got more info on how to find it, thanks for letting me know!
Update tesla app. Then long press on one of your hotkey icons and you can customize the bar and add the open door button. You have it trust me.
Yeah found it and added it, thanks for the tips!
Do you mean unlocking the car? I haven't seen where it could actually physically open the doors? Plus, unfortunately last time the whole door frame was also partly frozen shut, so I needed to yank it open forcefully holding the door handle.
Bonus: I'm also worried the windows will be damaged when they are so frozen and they come down automatically a bit when you open the doors?
It might be a bit harder on the weather striping if you pull on the door while the windows are up, but shouldn’t break anything. If you’re super concerned, just put the car in “defrost” mode 15-20 minutes before you need to drive it. It’ll melt everything that’s frozen in no time. And yes, the button I showed in the picture will physically pop the door open remotely.
The time when I couldn't open any doors or the trunk I blasted that defrosting for 45 minutes before I tried. I got so pissed I took my husband's Audi haha. I need to work on these strategies, clearly.
You can also try parking so your driver’s side faces the south for more sun-radiation melting! Every little bit helps! Other than that, you could drape an anti ice mat over the door frame and part of the roof to keep ice from sealing the window shut. Then you will be able to roll the window down and pull the door. Easiest option is to just use the app to pop the door open.
I finally had the time to answer you, but thanks again for all your tips, and p.s Loved your car's name, Bluey is much happier now too haha!
For sure, enjoy the car! Stay warm!
Hit the door handle like this and watch the windows and hit the area around it too
Basicly how it's written in the manual.
Oh thanks, this was a good tip for the windows! Got a bleed on my hand the last time I did that to the handle from all the ice -- because why would i have mittens when it's only -10c outside haha. Thanks again!
Push on front narrow part of door handle and it will always work!
This… theres a bit of play on the opposite side of the handle and its usually enough to crack the ice free.
In newer models it is designed to move when you press the pointy end of the handle. Most of the time that helps freeing it from ice and you can open the door normally. Sometimes there can be lots of ice on the handle and that needs some gently knocking. Third winter with tesla in northern europe and so far that has been all that has been needed.
Yup. This has worked 100% of the times for me. I always am able to open when frozen doing this method.
Precondition the vehicle and if it's still a problem pop the door latch from the app.
This may be helpful as well
Oh that's great I'll look through this asap, thank you!!
Canadian here, driving 2 Tesla's since Nov 2020.
Pressing the front part of the door handle first always does the trick.
I felt this picture in my soul, may the odds be ever in your favor haha.
Same solution if the charge port is iced-over. The app has a button for that, too.
I didn’t know about adding/changing the app icons, turns out you have to press and hold on one of the existing icons. Pressing in between in the gap doesn't do anything..
Body heat works really well in a pinch if you’re stuck with no other options. Lean against it with bare skin for a few minutes to melt the ice and warm it up. Then pop it open as usual.
If you think of it ahead of time, turn climate on 10 min early.
We also have an extension cord and hair dryer, which is handy for frozen doors on non-Teslas too. (And frozen ice makers.)
It gets too cold here in Canada for it to be a major issue. A couple times in the spring and fall I just have to hit the fat part of the handle and then it works great.
Yup wouldn't have this problem either if i still lived in the north and not in the south, much prefer a true snowy winter than this random can't make up your mind rainy/snowy mess!
If nothing else works, will a plastic bag with hot water and place it against the ice. Don’t do this on glass though
Knuckle sandwich
I gave one spritz of WD-40 to the hinge inside the door when I first got the car four years ago, and it hasn't been a problem since. Each year, I do need to run (an expired) credit card down the length of the window to separate the seal or gasket from the glass.
If you open the door and the window doesn't drop, don't close the door! The glass will damage the trim around the outside of the window opening on the car side. That's why the window drops a little whenever you open the door.
Oh those are really good tips, thank you so much!
I forgot the word "handle"! The WD-40 goes on the hinge pin of the door handle not the door itself. I got that from the Winter Tips page someone else already shared with you.
Live in San Diego
Another reason to keep your Tesla in a garage when you’re not using it.
Not everyone is fortunate enough to park in a garage, but thanks for your sage advice 🙄
Run climate longer and or get a spray that melts the ice and keep in the trunk.
Yeah I think I need to get a spray like that, because last time I couldn't get any doors to open and I blasted the defrosting for 45 minutes haha. Thanks!
Read your manual ?
Tesla recommends that you bang around it with the same force you’d use to knock on a door. You can also push in either direction of the door handle to break the ice. The side you’d normally push in to open it, and the far corner goes in a bit as well. Take turns pushing both in one at a time to break the ice.