1. DuckTalesLOL

    Had my car 5 months and didn’t even realize you could long press those 4 icons and change them.

    1. PilotPirx73

      You can actually fit a fifth one there if you are skilled.

      1. Jaws12

        Also used to be able to glitch in a sixth one, but they patched that at some point.

        1. CarbonKLR

          What about 7?

          1. clubba

            Was only ever an option on the black model y's. I have a white one and was only ever able to get 5.

      2. Train2Perfection

        Teach us the ways of the Jedi master.

        1. SpaceCadetHS

          you just gotta drag it to the very right of that row, half the icon will be off the screen and an invisible square will appear for that new 5th icon

          1. Natural_Avocado3572

            Bro. 😎

          2. TapForeign3340

            Thank you for your service 🫡

        2. FearTheClown5

          Use your right thumb to drag an icon up to the right, hold it, then use your left thumb to slide the whole row to the left. I believe that is the easiest way if I remember right.

          1. whats_for_lunch

            I just added a 5th icon. Dragged the icon I wanted to the right with my right index finger. Then used my left index finger (from the left side of the screen) to move the icon further to the right. Basically, your left index finger takes over movement from where the icon is and not where your finger is placed.

        3. PilotPirx73

          I watched some YT video an 10 minutes later, there were 5…

      3. Low_Desk1822

        I have the fifth one for years now!

      4. nole_knob_gob

        skilled = Where a persons IQ is above room temp.

        1. elatllat

          Depending on the room.

      5. PristineForm5280

        I tried and made it once and then forgot how for the second car lol.

      6. defein88

        you are a gentleman and a scholar my friend! blessings upon you!!

      7. Croppin_steady

        I can usually fit 4 in the back, 2 if they’re fat.

    2. dayfroind

      Wtf I’m 1 year into ownership. TIL

      1. meowed

        Tesla owner since 2019 and holy shit my mind is blown.

        1. yjn_park

          no literally same but 2020

    3. Gurren_Ninja

      I also had no idea. I just switched things up a bit! Thanks OP!

    4. blunt_drama

      Ha. Me too!

    5. MundaneEjaculation

      Had my car for 4 years. Whoops

    6. DylanWagner77

      Dude same!!

    7. PristineForm5280

      If you long press on the car hood it changes the color of the car. 🙂

    8. T-Branny

      lol new owner of a month and a half and you just made a dream come true! Had no clue this was a thing

  2. rabbimarshak

    Just a reminder for Model Y owners in cold regions: the engineers in California and Texas didn’t anticipate frozen door handles after freezing rain when designing this engineering masterpiece. Add the hidden “unlatch door” shortcut in the app’s custom controls section now to save yourself the frustration this winter! You can add it by pressing and holding one of the shortcut icons and the full menu will appear where you can drag the unlatch door shortcut to the top. Hat tip to the engineers that came up with this genius solution!

    1. LionTigerWings

      What does unlatch door do? Haven’t gone through a winter yet.

      1. rabbimarshak

        same thing as pressing the open button from the inside

        1. LionTigerWings

          Oo. I see. Is this the only way to get to this button?

          1. rabbimarshak

            yes, crazy right

          2. LionTigerWings

            Yep lol

    2. Whatfforreal

      As a new owner in the Midwest, thanks!

      1. mitcheath

        Same! First winter incoming!

    3. short_bus_genius

      TIL! I had no idea they had this button as an option

    4. marnewein

      First Midwest winter here, thanks!

    5. ResponsibilityOk197

      Are these instructions for Apple? I can't seem to figure out for the Android/Pixel device .

      1. needlenozened

        Android too. Press and hold any of the icons on the hot bar. The rest of the icons will appear.

  3. naturalbornunicorn

    Note: this function may fail if the window is also frozen over.

    Remember to turn on climate/defrost before you head out to the car.

    1. gochujanggochujaru

      2 years into ownership here. Spray the door handle springs with silicone wd-40 and wipe it all over the rubber seals. Glass windows shouldn't stick to the glass as often! The door handle spray is documented in Tesla owners manual here.

    2. rabbimarshak

      never had the issue with the window freezing, just door handles a few times every winter and this works every time. but good idea, will remember to defrost as well.

      1. naturalbornunicorn

        Happened to me for the first time this week, but it's also my first Winter with my Model Y. I think it was because we had rain followed by a drop to freezing temperatures only in the early morning.

  4. Bst1337

    Yesterday morning my door handles were completely frozen due to icy rain and frost. Instead of using the app, you can just push the doorhandle inward in the opposite end. This way, it will crack open from all ice and you can open it normally. So easy.

    1. Tikus87

      This. It’s in the owner’s manual.

    2. Kolyei

      That's what I'll do

  5. organicfreerangetim

    It’s very frustrating that they didn’t consider this issue with the flush door handle. They could have put a small heating element in the handles at the very least

    1. chefsoda_redux

      I’d be thrilled if they just added a little light behind the handle so I could find it in the dark without feel all around the door!

      1. scubba-steve

        This is a good idea. Would probably look cool too

      2. DefinitelyNotSnek

        Even my old Hyundai Elantra would light up the door handles when the keyfob got near the car. Would be cool to have something similar with the phone key on Tesla.

      3. kri_kri

        You can get glow in the dark handle wraps

  6. iwest15

    Pro Tip you can fit 5 buttons on there

  7. Accomplished-Owl-386

    I wish this was an option from inside the vehicle. It would be helpful when people are about to get in the vehicle

    1. jsreally

      It is if you have the S3xy buttons

      1. MutableLambda

        I wish they made a tone sound or 1-2-3 clicks, or something else so you could understand on which page you are when rotating the dial. These buzzing sounds are a bit confusing.

  8. saecocadmus

    Thanks OP!!! Didn’t even know this existed.

  9. lordstryfe

    Thankfully I live in San Diego,lol.

    1. Ckn-bns-jns

      In case you head to Big Bear or Mammoth. 😉

    2. bittabet

      Indeed, I solved this issue I had with the Model 3 in NY by moving and buying a Model Y in Florida. Now I have no door issues at all in the wintertime!

  10. UnicornHorn757

    I didn't know this was a thing and now I'm going to spend WAY too much time deciding what icons I want at the top. :)

    1. Justifiers

      Can add a fifth if you haven't already


      Could also do this via Enhauto s3xy buttons if you are willing to buy and install those


  11. scorpi_o98

    OMG. i didn’t know you could do this. Tysm!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 i live in Canada, you’re a life saver. 😅💗

  12. East-Campaign1218

    You just showed me the light. This is crazy. Had no idea there were more options let alone 5 could be added

  13. BatInteresting4853

    Thank you from Buffalo, New York. Winter is coming

  14. Madison464

    Also, insulating glass roof works!



    1. MutableLambda

      I just got an electrostatic shade from ali or something, it was $20. A bit of a pain to install, and it's not semi-transparent.

  15. Thomas2140

    Reminder that you can slide a fifth button up there

    1. justbiteme2k

      How can you do this please?

      Edit: Found it...you just gotta drag it to the very right of that row, half the icon will be off the screen and an invisible square will appear for that new 5th icon

  16. BOARshevik

    You actually don’t have to add the button for this to work. If you press and hold the buttons in order to edit them, you can just tap the unlatch button to use it before you drag it into place.

  17. dynamite647

    I Wd40 it, no issues in Canadian winter.

  18. TopicHuge4096

    I’m on my second Tesla and I’m just learning this today. 3 years of Tesla smh

  19. ay_squared

    I like to add the defrost option there as well

  20. CedarMirror

    I absolutely did not know you could change these buttons

  21. SatisfactionNo36

    I love Reddit and its users might be only social network actually giving good input and information to this world.

  22. zR0B3ry2VAiH

    Another PSA - A shovel is a godsend when it comes to removing snow off a car.

    1. Rambeezy10

      I’ve been using a leaf blower, my ass would break a window with a shovel lmao

    2. davocvi

      Especially metal ones

  23. Unfair_Tonight_9797

    Yea I live in coastal California.. I’ll stick to earthquakes and fires.

  24. Pinkaliciousbabyy

    Would anyone happen to know if you use the button to open the door, will that affect the window itself if it’s frozen. Since usually when you open the door the window slides down and then up when you close it.

    Will this ruin the window when closing?

  25. Bluebottle_coffee

    Never used this but does it drop the window, also what if the window is frozen and you close it won't it hit the bright molding trim and potentially Crack the window

    1. rabbimarshak

      i use it a few times each winter and have never had any damage as a result. i guess it would be no different than opening it up from inside as a passenger, its the same thing as pressing the open button inside.

      1. BuffaloTexan

        I would assume we'd need to preheat as normal. Which being in Buffalo NY area I'll need to be doing anyway!

  26. Justifiers

    One of the many uses of S3xy buttons

    Can do this for all doors


  27. cssrgio907

    This does not always work.

  28. Turbulent_Bluebird50

    Nice! Thank you.

  29. Nuubopotamus

    Game changer

  30. nezr

    I use this feature all the time to open the door lol

  31. Computers_and_cats

    The funny thing is the handle isn't the biggest problem even. The real problem is moisture getting in both window seals and freezing.

  32. Ordinary_Ad1263

    Thank you!!! Always need this reminder yearly 🙈

  33. JimGerm

    That button is great but it REALLY needs to have a confirmation with it, cause you can’t hit it again to close the door if you accidentally hit it.

  34. Rare-Winter3355

    Thanks!!! Had no idea!

  35. Confident_Shower8902

    Good thing it’s like 40° lows in the “winter” here.

  36. SuccessSea1852

    Thank you for this. I had my car for 3 years and had no idea you could do any of this 😂

  37. codechisel

    I'm new to owning a MY and I would've been that guy that's too frustrated to problem solve at 6am worried I'd be late for work. Thanks!

  38. AriiMay

    Incase someone didn’t know you can squeeze in fifth icon for quick access


    Thanks for the reminder!! I’m in AZ but last year my handles were completely frozen and I had no idea what to do, lol.

  40. Appropriate_Wafer_38

    But that doesn't solve freezing rain when the window glass won't go down 😭😭😭

  41. drknight09

    Might wanna update tour post to say newer Model 3/Ys. Not everyone has that function in their vehicles!

  42. Welfi1988

    Had that this morning. But more frustrating was the window was frozen in place so I couldn't open the door at all. Only after defrosting several minutes could I open the door

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