1. MrMasticate

    I assume that overs labor and tax? Sounds about right. You’ll need more expensive tires than econobox ice cars. Maybe Costco is less idk but that’s about right for a “dealership” price.

    I use discount tire fwiw so labor prices are negligible. Not sure about Tesla service fees for that first hand.

    1. raj649

      The only issue with discount tire is the unavailability of their appointment, Tesla had an appointment the next day

      1. MrMasticate

        Yeah certainly hit and miss depending on where you’re at.

    2. Brother-Shreb

      With taxes it’s like 437. How much do you pay per tire? Also which tire do you get at Discount?

      1. MrMasticate

        Price and tire need will be determined on your location and tire availability.

        For my area, I like the Michelin pro sport all seasons. But they are also a hard tire to find in stock.

        Around me that comes to roughly $450/tire before tax.

        Maybe that’s good for your area, maybe it’s not. For me, I’d take the Tesla service at that price point.

        But that’s based on me and what my tire desires are in my area with current availability.

        1. Brother-Shreb

          Gotcha, thanks! I’m new to this, just picked mine up last Thursday haha

          1. revaric

            Flat so soon, oh no!

  2. xn0useforanamex

    I put 4 brand new bridgestone quiettracks on mine for around 1200.00

    1. xn0useforanamex

      Yep! 255/45R19. Treadwear is 800 which is why i bought them.

    2. Brother-Shreb

      Dang. Those fit the 19in on the MYLR?

      1. xn0useforanamex

        Yep! 255/45R19. Treadwear is 800 which is why i bought them.

        1. jaredsparks

          Can you explain what treadwear is 800 means please? Thx!

          1. xn0useforanamex

            Treadwear is an estimate on how long your tires will last for under normal driving conditions. Sometimes it also dictates how hard the rubber is on the tire.... the higher the number the longer the tread is supposed to last. I believe they are saying 80,000 for these.. but it's not likely you will get that many miles. I run Toyo tires on all my other rigs and normally get YEARS out of them.. they have a high treadwear as well.

          2. jaredsparks

            Thank you for the explanation because this will help me.

          3. RidesDeepSnow

            If you even get 30k miles that’s as much as you are going to get.

          4. xn0useforanamex

            ? Not necessarily true. Ive had tires last 50-60k on quite a few rigs. Although I don’t drive fast, nor like a dumb A. And median speed around here is 40-50 and trips are normally 10-20 minutes max

          5. RidesDeepSnow

            Your “rigs” were teslas?

          6. xn0useforanamex

            8000 pound 2500 HD truck and Yukon XL 2500 HD towing about 12K for recreation since 2007. I already have over 10K on my bridgestones and they still look brand new.

          7. RidesDeepSnow

            2500 crew cab long box weighs 7100 not 8000 chief. Electric cars are a whole different animal on tire west sue do their weight and torque. You don’t have street tires on your 2500 do you? Just funny some guy with trucks is commenting on a Tesla tire thread.

          8. RidesDeepSnow

            And if your tires look brand new that means your truck is a mall crawler, congrats

          9. junkfunk

            Not necessarily true. Just needing new tires now and have almost 50k on my Tesla Y LR. Typically drive in chill mode. Plenty quick for me in that mode

        2. Brother-Shreb

          Do you have a link? Is it better than the Continental ones that come stock with the car? It’s too late for me and this one tire but I’ll consider these for the next set

          1. xn0useforanamex


          2. xn0useforanamex

            I don’t think the continentals are very good tires in general. Lots of complaints about tread life.

      2. RidesDeepSnow

        Or get $150 tires that are just as good.


        1. Brother-Shreb

          I’ve never heard of this brand

          1. RidesDeepSnow

            What’s it matter if you have heard of them or not? They are tires, they have standards to meet to be sold in the USA or whatever country you are in.

            Do some research.


          2. Brother-Shreb

            I’m just saying that I hadn’t heard of them. No need to get upset.

          3. StoreImpossible7929

            Lol. Stay away from cheapo Chinese stuff. Safety first when it comes to tires. Spend the money.

    3. just_killing_time23

      where did you get them installed?

      1. xn0useforanamex

        I got them installed at a local dealership called Bungos. They are not a chain, just a small local tire shop.

  3. JackS15

    Sounds a smidge high, but not unreasonable.

    Just ordered some new 20” tires and they were $318/tire excluding tax/shipping/install and they’re back ordered until mid September. I would’ve paid $400/tire to have it done today.

  4. m4rc0n3

    My local service center recommends Costco

    1. RidesDeepSnow

      Your local Tesla service center?

      1. m4rc0n3

        Yes, the Tesla service center recommended going to Costco for tires.

  5. gcas1194

    Two price points in Pittsburgh. Out the door at SC was $379.5 and at Mr Tire $365 for OEM 19 inch. I'd say you are right there. The problem I had is no one has the tires in stock except the SC which is a distance away. It's been said before, the most expensive part of this car ownership is the tires and I've gone through two flats in 9 months.

    1. Astro-funky

      Currently waiting for a tow truck in hot hot Dallas right now with a flat. I’ve never actually had a full flat tire before. This thread is super helpful…

      1. gcas1194

        Best of luck... Hopefully you are home by now!

        1. Astro-funky

          Thanks, I am! I just have a $450 tire replacement bill ahead of me when Tesla Service comes arrives tomorrow to give me a new tire. Currently have a temp tire from a towing company

  6. dadoc04

    Cost me 495 at tesla on the MYP..... Discount tire had NONE in stock

    1. Astro-funky

      Almost makes me wish I didn’t buy the tire warranty at Discount Tire. I need to utilize my warranty right now, but of course, they’re all closed on Sundays

      1. dadoc04

        Damn dude…sorry to hear that

        1. Astro-funky

          No worries, lesson learned

  7. m4gicx

    I paid about the same to replace a tire that caught a nail in Southern California. The tires are pricier than others

    1. RidesDeepSnow

      Paying almost 2x more for a piece of cheap foam that’s worth 50 cents to supposedly reduce noise. I can get these at $150 each not the $400+ Tesla asks.


  8. Beru52

    Replaced a 19” rear tire through Tesla last week due to a nail. Tire had around 5,500 miles on it so the degradation on it wasn’t too bad to swap out just the one tire. Paid 400 plus tax, also thought about going through Costco but they were out of stock.

  9. mijodo

    Had to get towed and tire replaced not long ago.

    Below is a copy of the invoice:

    Total Parts (USD) 300.00 Total Labor (USD) 55.00 Discount 0.00 Subtotal (USD) 355.00 Tax 29.50 Total Amount (USD) 384.50 Total Paid (USD) 384.50 Payment Due (USD) 0.00 Correction: Tire - Rear - LH (Remove & Replace) Price Adjustment Subtotal 55.00 0.00 55.00 Parts Replaced or Added Part Quantity Unit Price Price Adjustment Subtotal TIRE, 255/45R19 104W XL, 19AS(1188211-00-A) 1.00 295.00 295.00 0.00 295.00 TIRE DISPOSAL FEE(1025331-00-A) 1.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 Parts Subtotal 300.00 Pay Type: Customer Pay Total Parts Amount 300.00 Total Labor Amount 55.00 3 Concern: Update Vehicle Firmware to Correct Boombox Functionality Perform firmware update Correction: Inspect And Update Vehicle Firmware To Correct Boombox Operation Pay Type: Basic Vehicle Limited Warranty

  10. AccomplishedSir9899

    Pay $2k for a set of pirellis on my MYP

  11. rkfster

    I paid $346.86 for my M3LR tire. (Continental ProContact)

  12. itskevinvargas

    Yeah that’s roughly what I paid about 6 month ago.

  13. Astro-funky

    Get a Costco membership or get tire warranty from Discount Tire

  14. sethdowson

    Have an appointment in SF to replace all 4 tires, 20", they quoted me just shy of $1800.

  15. [deleted]

    Huh?! What tires?!

    1. Brother-Shreb

      Huh?! What tires?!

      1. [deleted]

        Still cheaper than most options. Do you have a link for the specific tire? Also when you got it mounted who did it?

        1. Brother-Shreb

          Still cheaper than most options. Do you have a link for the specific tire? Also when you got it mounted who did it?

  16. raj649

    I was charged $89 was fixing flat tire

  17. EnTruhhpeneur

    Depends on your trim level— Bigger tires and performance based tires will cost more obviously. Nonetheless, if you can afford a tesla, you can afford to pay the tire cost! Whenever someone ask me if it’s affordable , I tell them no gas so it’s cheaper But you still need to make a good income to afford one of these since they can be pricey to repair if god forbid insurance / warranties don’t cover you.

    1. Brother-Shreb

      Oh yea. I was just making sure I wasn’t getting charged ridiculously high!

      1. EnTruhhpeneur

        I have an M3 & I paid $1.1k for a set of Michelins. Also expect to change tires every 25-30k miles. These cars are FAST so they burn thru tires lol

        1. Brother-Shreb

          1.1k isn’t terrible though. Thanks for this!

  18. Which_Log_7843

    Lol no. That’s way to much for a fire. Only pay 300-350. You will need good year formula 1 eagle 20 in. Don’t let them give you a cheap tire for that price.

    1. Brother-Shreb

      ? I clearly have 19in for the MYLR. It’s not a cheap tire as it normally retails for 350 in my area.

      1. Which_Log_7843

        If you have a 19 in then get a 19 in and get the one it came from manufacture. They put a off brand trying to save money and my rotors went bad and it ended me costing more.

  19. therealschwartz

    Replaced for being flat? Or was there sidewall damage?

    1. Brother-Shreb

      Flat. Had a puncture from something that was on the side of the road

      1. therealschwartz

        Why couldn’t they just plug it?

        1. Brother-Shreb

          The roadside tech came out and tried and yeah…the puncture went straight through.

        2. CryMany3221

          Plugging punctures is a bit hit and miss. Most punctures I've had have needed a new tire. It seems to be the norm. It's very annoying when in 99% of cases it's because some careless tradesperson has dropped screws from his truck 😒

  20. First_TM_Seattle

    That's what I paid for mine from Tesla in Seattle.

  21. comfortablybot

    Why can’t they be patched? I know the run flat tires such as the ones that bmw uses can’t be patched. Do you have runflats on the Tesla?

    1. StoreImpossible7929

      They def can. Just tell the shop to cut a piece out of the foam and place the patch. Tesla tires are like any other tire with the addition of thr foam liner. I replaced my tires with non foam ones and honestly cannot tell the difference.

  22. Beneficial-Post-1131

    255 /45R 19

  23. yooooolo

    Johnny and my thip

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