Official Tesla Puddle Lights
Official Tesla Puddle Lights
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Official Tesla Puddle Lights
That looks nice!
TQ very much :) been loving them
Would you be able to provide the part numbers please? I think the rear is
Where did you buy these?
Tesla officials website, but the china version of it
Do they ship to US? Would you happen to have a direct link to them? Thank you!
Had to get a friend to send it over. Would gladly help if I could. But they have limited purchase to 2 pair per customer
Did you have to make a new account to checkout on the China version? I can find it but can’t checkout with the US login and password.
You currently aren’t able to buy it outside china. Even if you buy it from TaoBao, they won’t ship it outside the country. The only way is to have a friend send it over
You can use a China shipping agent that is basically a forwarder. I’d recommend Sugergoo and CNFANS. Then you don’t need a friend in china!
I was trying with VPN on Chinese version of
Thanks 🙌
Damn I want it
Ooh those are CRISPY
Does it work on a VPN? Or does it have to be shipped to an address in china?
You currently aren’t able to buy it outside china. Even if you buy it from TaoBao, they won’t ship it outside the country. The only way is to have a friend send it over
What if I use an agent?
Not too sure, you can try. I heard of these services but didn't want to recommend them to you guys as they seem sketchy and I don't want to have the conscious lingering with me that I got you guys scammed.
Wondering this as well
These look great.
I'll be getting these when they come to the UK.
It will prob get there in a few months, but wouldn't take long. But if you aren't patient like me you can take the scenic route and fumble around with Chinese customs, they are a real pain in the arse
I m selling some at cost atm just trying to make my money back, don’t want to make a profit. I bought 2 sets to make re-shipping from china reasonable.
So 4 in total?
Would they be compatible with the new model 3?
Yes I have two sets that were listed as ‘ front’ for sale. Each set has two lights one for each door.
Re compatibility with highland I can’t answer, they should be but as per below comment they appear to be listed on the Tesla CN site separately for highland? They also have separate listings (well a drop down) to select front and back… the front and back appeared the same when I installed them on my 22 M3 the packaging is identical nothing to indicate front and back being different.
Not for highland?
there is a “highland” version. But i feel like they are all the same. prices are the same. look the same. function the same
Is this the right one? For highland?
That’s like $25USD
I was literally on the Tesla website a second ago and I didn’t see these 🤯
You need to head to the China version of the website.
Ah and I bet they don’t ship to the US
I had a one of my friends over there send it over to me. I wanted to buy more for my local friends but they have limited purchases to 2 pairs per customer.
You can get these in the US but be prepared to pay double. Got to do like OP and make a friend in CN.
It's pretty simple actually, you just need to head over there purchase a factory and start a vape business and you are all good.
Prob even more actually, the few that are floating around are 100 dollars a pair
I found them for exactly double, but ill wait for official US site links probably. Pretty sure this and the Caraoke mic will make it over.
wanted the mic as well, but it was 899 yuan, around 130 USD seems pretty expensive to me
These things should ideally come free with the car
Tesla doesn't become a multi billion dollar company from giving away free stuff haha. But in all seriousness they are kinda tacky for some people's taste. I can see most people not wanting it. But 25 USD for a pair isn't outrageous. (Just my 2 cent opinion)
How hard is the install?
Very easy actually, all you need is a flag head screwdriver or a pry tool.
What flag though? Switzerland, Aruba, Israel, Japan, Somalia…?
Nice! What did you pay for them?
25 USD per pair, so 50 USD for front and back
Oh wow that’s way cheaper than I thought
You can buy from aliexpress from 10 to 15 bucks for all 4 doors
Original or chinesium?
How much was the shipping from China tho? lol
Depends where you stay tho, I have friend in the states and his shipping was 15 USD for both (air freight). No Tax at customs tho so that's a plus.
Okay not bad actually
Do they all work at the same time if all doors are open?
Looks pretty cool, wonder why they aren't sold in the US tho
From what I notice, most accessories will come out in china first and slowly spread to other markets sooner or later
There are several listing on Amazon for similar products.
How much was that in China store?
25 USD per pair 50 USD for 2 pairs.
That's awesome. I'm sure here will be much more!
Would this fit in the y?
There's also a "model Y" version, but they are basically the same. I ordered 2 pairs, one was for a model 3 and the other was for a model Y. So they are interchangeable
Link please?
Looks good! Would get these for the car if they were available here
You can buy this with My order comes Tomorrow (Germany)
Where do they go? Like it’s a plugin?
It's goes where the original LED puddle goes, you have to DIY extract the old one, unplug, and replug the new one in. So it's basically OEM and doesn't need any extra batteries
Oh so cool, I need this
Do you have the Taobao link? I’m in Hong Kong and would like to try ordering it
【淘宝】 CZ8908 「Tesla/特斯拉 modely迎宾灯外观造型时尚精致光彩照人官方出品」 点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开
here you go, this one is for the model Y, but its the same. you can look at their store page to see if there’s model 3 specific ones or highland ones.
they currently don’t ship outside the country tho. I don’t want to get political put I’m not too sure about whether HK is apart of china or not. you gotta message and ask them
Appears to be nice crisp lighting
Thanks, they are Very very sharp and crisp. Way way better than third party option
I just installed these. Bought em when I was in China last week. Very dope add, I got all 4.
These are good for when I forget what car I just got out of.
I have those in blue to match my ride.
Left is ori, right is fake. The real one is much more quality.
Where can I get a fake one?
Is this design on Amazon? I've ordered multiple sets of the T logo version of the puddle lights
If you go to AliExpress you can actually request them not to have the T logo and just the TESLA wording. But you will have to converse this in Chinese tho as that's what they only know most of the time.
How much did you pay for them?
25 USD per pair 50 USD for 2 (Front and back)
Wow they charge a lot. I picked up a 4 pack on Amazon for $14. It has the word Tesla and Tesla emblem that shows on the ground. They works really great too, I haven’t had any issues with them for about a year now.
That texture makes it look like they're 3D printed :/
I mean... 3D printed or not it goes somewhere where you will never see it unless you find it. But I can 100% confirm it's injection moulded tho haha.
Nothing against 3D printing - I own a couple of printers and have them running at least a few times a week.
I'm still not a fan of that texture - it'll trap dirt and will be really hard to clean.
In the USA service center, they see these official lights from China and void the warranty for something wrong with the door of the car. That would be funny even if it was a official Tesla part.
Saying from China sounds bad, but it genuinely is from Tesla themselves they even have it written on the instruction manual stating to only use genuine Tesla accessories to prevent damage. They can't void your warranty for something they made.
I read another post where someone brought suspension from the current Model Y and put in their earlier model. Tesla will not install it and assume no warranty for the suspension because it is not a part that is listed for that car. I'm sorry for the China thing.
This is as cute as the fake antlers you put on pets at Christmas.
Probably as useful too.
I think pets with antlers are very cute. and the puddle lights are very useless
I already bought the Chinese -knock-offs on an aftermarket site. Will try those first, but these do look sharp!
They look brighter than other Chinese models. Looks like they still light up well in the daytime. Can you confirm?
in direct sunlight no, but in brightly lit parking garages yes.
I will have one extra set for the back and front next week. Anyone interested please text me. Asking for 75USD plus shipping (what I paid for) in the US and can ship from Canada when I visit Vancouver.
Pm sent
These are now available in Denmark for Model 3. Do you they also work in the rear doors? I have a model Y.
Yes the do, one pack comes with 2 piece only, so if you want for all 4 doors you need to buy 2 packs
How do you know they rattle? Do you have the Tesla Chinese ones in your car?
How do you know they rattle? Do you have the Tesla Chinese ones in your car?
They don't rattle actually, the parts are from TESLA themselves so the fitment is spot on. They look, fit and feel OEM.
While they might look nice, i don't get the usecase for these. With those logo lights you can barely see the ground apart from where the logo is?!
There is additional light that shoots down to illuminate the ground as well.
Use case? When I need to spell Tesla I can just open the door. ✨
Does it work in RWD version as well?
Yes ofc, It's universal
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They have been offering this for cars for decades, and it was as lame back then as now.