How do you replace wheel with tire yourself?
When it comes time to swap out winter for summer tires.. and you do it yourself, what is your procedure for doing it when it comes to your own garage? Do you get 4 separate tools to lift up your entire car, or use some kind of lift, or some other way? Or do you lift up just one corner with a single lift and change one tire at a time? Would be interested in what you do and what tools you use.
No one is going to have something to mount tires at home so you'd want to buy a separate set of wheels/rims and tires.
Jack the car up, take the old ones off one at a time, put the new ones on. Torque the lugs to spec.
Are you talking about swapping out tires from the wheels? That's not DIY friendly. You will need some specialized tools and you will need to rebalance the wheels afterwards.
If you want to swap tires in between seasons, better have a whole set of wheels and tires.
You only need one jack, one lifting pad (jack puck), lug nut wrenches and a torque wrench.
You can use any 3 ton jack you can find from your friendly neighborhood hardware/auto parts store.
Jack pucks are nice but honestly, you don't need them.
If you have the budget, go get an impact gun. it'll cut your work time in half.
Get an impact rated socket that fits your lug nuts. They make nice ones with a vinyl coat that will prevent the socket from scratching the wheels.
I use a $20 torque wrench. That should be good enough for a tool that I use a handful of times a year.
I don’t have a Tesla yet. But here is my procedure when swapping wheels on my Camry.
Break lugs loose before jacking( don’t want it do that when the car is in the air) Jack one side up(both wheels come off the ground on my Camry so I assume a Tesla sedan would do the same) (I don’t use Jack stands for a short time I will have a wheel off but if laying under the car or prolonged work like brakes I do) Use impact driver to remove lug nuts(battery or air, I have both but battery is much easier) Pull wheel off Put other wheel on Start lugs by hand Impact them on(not excessive) Lower car til tire touches Torque to spec using torque wrench Repeat Retorque after 50-100 miles
As a home owner a floor jack and one wheel at a time, most cost effective way assuming you have one set of tires for each season. I would also recommend the lifting pucks to put in between the jack and the bottom of the car. If you have it an impact gun to make quick work of the lug nuts and a torque wrench to torque them back on after changing them.
Floor Jack from Costco, impact wrench and socket, 1 corner at a time
Please google Jack stands before you attempt this.
People get crushed by their cars due to inexperience in jacking up a car. I’d recommend getting a buddy to help you the first time.
also, once you know what you’re doing, you don’t need jackpads.
Just save yourself the hassle and go to Discount Tires. You’re welcome!
Replace can be done one wheel at a time. Rotate (front to back) will need one jack and one jack stand. I prefer a hydraulic floor jack like Harbor Freight.
I am too poor and I don’t have enough space to have 4 jacks at home… and I have never been in a situation where I need more than one tire off the ground at the same time. Would lifting the whole car be easier? Yes? Do I have the room to do it? No. I consider myself pretty handy and one jack work just fine. Takes a little longer but that is nothing a cold beer and good tunes can’t take care of
I put the jack on the rear wheel mount point and start lifting. Then I loosen the lug nuts on the rear with a 24" break bar and lift a bit more, then loosen the weight of the front wheel and finally, lift until both wheels are off the ground. I then put a scissor jack under the rear control arm to act as a gail safe in case my jack fails. I use my punny impact wrench (hence why I need the break bar) to remove the nuts then the wheel. I mark on the rear side of the tire with chalk where it came from. I clean the mounting point on the wheel hub and the new rim. Make sure the tire pressure is fine and inflate if not. At that point, I'll clean the brake if it's spring time. Otherwise, I just reinstall the new wheel and put back the lug nuts. Then put the scissors lift under the front control arm and proceed the same there. When both are done, I drop the jack and use my torque wrench to torque back to 129 lb-ft in a star pattern. Then repeat on the other side. Takes 20 minutes (without brake cleaning).
Not trying to be a jerk at all, but I really don't get people who get nice cars, and in your case, summer/winter tires versus all season or similar, and then try to do things yourself.
I would think that if you have the money to run multiple tire sets per year, you have the money to have a shop do it really quick.
Again, not trying to be rude, I don't get the point of it. Seems like I'd rather spend that time elsewhere. My local discount tire does it for like $50 bucks, I think.
I personally just enjoy doing these kinds of things myself.
That’s fair
There is nothing Tesla specific about this: