1. [deleted]

    Well that's no fun.

    1. [deleted]

      Well that's no fun.

    2. JSchnee21

      This to me is the Achilles heel of Tesla.

      They designed the battery packs to be unserviceable (they’re mostly glued together) based on an assumption/modeling that they should last for 1MM miles. Some will, most won’t.

      And they don’t sell extended warranties on the 3/Y. So if your like me, and drive a lot (maximizing the cost savings versus gas), I’ll have hit 120K (‘21 LR) miles in 4-5 years.

      Then if my battery fails it’s like $15K to fix it. Watching Weber Auto on YT, Ford has does a much better job of designing the battery pack to have serviceable modules.

      Or Tesla could just sell an extended drivetrain warranty like everyone else.

      Otherwise I need to either take the risk or trade in my car before the warranty expires (which wouldn’t be a bad thing, but rather wasteful).

      1. extendedwarranty_bot

        JSchnee21, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty

        1. JSchnee21

          Awesome! I’d like to buy one for my ‘21 M3 LR AWD. Drivetrain warranty extension to 250K miles. I’ll pay $2500. This seems “fair” as the battery is supposed to be good for 1 MM miles. Front and rear drive units, not so much.

          1. bisco904

            from what I understand, it's the drive unit that's is supposedly rated for 1M miles. the battery modules are rated for 350-500k before you can expect individual module failures. this is all just according to tesla's documentation, not my own thoughts or opinions etc.

  2. DoublePotential6925

    ‘18 138,018 miles. Bought it in ‘20 with 7k miles on it.

    1. [deleted]

      Mine was just sitting parked and the message came up.

  3. Medical-Kit

    I just went through this last week. 60,000 Kms on the car. Got the same message. Booked service. Got the car in 2 days later, they gave me a model x loaner, 3 days later I picked the car up and all is good

    1. [deleted]

      Thanks I hope that is the case. The soonest appointment I could get is next Friday so fingers crossed. What was the issue exactly?

      1. Medical-Kit

        They don’t tell you the issue. Especially under warranty. But they did disclose they had to change the HV (high voltage) battery, which I already knew from looking at the invoice through the app.

        In manufacturing, premature failure on some products is inevitable. Working in the auto industry i remember countless brand new vehicles coming back for failures on major components.

        It’s upsetting when it happens on a new car, for sure, but when you think about it, it’s better to get the issues outta the way early on, and while it’s still under warranty

        Usually, the replacement is a refurbished battery, which often times goes through more testing then a new one so there is really nothing to worry about as far as quality of repair.

        I do hope your Tesla experience is good though as that is the difference maker

        It’s not about “if” things go wrong, it’s how does the company handle it when things do go wrong.

        My experience was wonderful but I know other people have a hassle at their service centres

        1. [deleted]

          I hope my experience is as good as yours. Glad you got it all fixed up quick.

        2. [deleted]

          You are right, full battery replacement. They told me the wait was 1 to 2 months and I fought with them and got a loaner.

  4. Odd-Quail-5583

    Hi. I just received the same error on my tesla model Y. Only owned it 2 years at this point. Just scheduled a service appointment. What did ended up happening with your car?

  5. grantismoney

    this message just appeared on my model y 3 days ago too. battery at 45% and wont charge anymore

  6. Low_Protection156

    Found this in another thread. I had the same error.

    Pulled the plug under the rear seat and did a hard reset. Issue resolved for the moment.

    1. Low_Protection156

      Follow up, the error came back after a battery cycle. I reset and it came back again two days later.

      I kept the appointment with Tesla. After they had it about a week and said there was an issue with the battery and it needed to be replaced. They gave me the option of a new LFP battery or a refurbished NCA.

      LFP would also require a suspension upgrade and would add about 10 miles of range to what I bought. I had to go in to sign off on the LFP upgrade. Repair took about two weeks but they provided me a loaner the whole time. (Nothing fun a similar model 3 with a speed capped at 85 [not used to being the slow guy on the highway in texas]. It did have fsd, so not losing that with a loaner was great.

      Everything was covered under warranty at 56k miles.

      Overvall it took longer than expected but my only real inconvenience was being capped at 85 for 3 weeks.

      1. mlkmade

        This just happened today to my Model Y, 2021, 40k miles. Wasnt given an option of battery pack, assuming there is only one for LR. What model did you have?

    2. ChatterChy

      Can you pls explain, this just happened to my car right now and im terrified because I’m out of warranty.

      1. Low_Protection156

        I posted an update above

    3. MassiveCelebration58

      ho there, was your tesla stuck with unable to drive or limited charge level?

      1. Low_Protection156

        Limited charge level

      2. MassiveCelebration58

        yes. suddenly bricks disbalance too high, unable to charge and to drive

        1. Low_Protection156

          I was able to drive, but regardless of how low it got it wouldn't charge. The hard reset always let me charge but the error kept coming back.

          They eventually replaced it with the newer battery version.

  7. ckelley1311

    I just had this happen on model 3 2021 with 22,000 miles. They are replacing the battery. Any ideas if I had the non LFP model battery do they put that in or do they still have the older style batteries they put in since mine was right before the new battery refresh

    1. Parvis7

      I got it today on my MODEL 3 2021 SR+.

      What did they do with your car?

      1. ckelley1311

        They replaced my battery under warranty and gave me a loaner

  8. Gannon345

    Had this issue pop up about 2 weeks ago. Haven't touched the car since, because we have no Service Center. Does the HARD reset void warranty or should I continue with my shipping plans (which I rather not because of how expensive)?

  9. ScrollingIsTherapy

    How old is your car?

    1. [deleted]

      2020 only 10k miles

  10. opticspipe

    I just got that at a supercharger yesterday. Called in and they couldn’t tell me more. Took it home and it charged fine to 90% with L2. Suspicious something is going on in firmware.

    1. [deleted]

      We have a level 2 charger at home and also just tried the super charger and nothing will work

  11. BoxGroundbreaking135

    I did a software update the next day after I got the message. Model 3 2021 model, 28k miles. After the update it let me charge again. No problems. I’ll update if it happens again.

    1. Gannon345

      Did it happen again?

  12. qqqzt

    Reset the battery under the back seat and in the fronk behind the cover where the washer fluid is. See how on YouTube. Solved it for me in 5 min.

    1. ChatterChy

      Wait do we just reset or do we fully place the battery like the video? Sorry, first time and so scardd

    2. ohnoyoudidntrick

      Qqqzt, did the error ever came back after you reset it?

    3. Potential_Highway_38

      I did this today since Tesla had the earliest appointment almost three weeks out. After following qqqzt steps the bms_a079 error was gone and my car was able to charge again. Tesla was stating that due to the error I had to get the hv battery replaced! Crazy how the general public has to troubleshoot their own products to solve the problem.

    4. No-Hold-8341

      Can you link this video? All I’m finding is people driving their cars below 10% then supercharging back up to 100.

      1. GroundbreakingBid56

        https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=76PtZPF-Dvo

    5. ConsciousMost4521

      Qqqzt, will you let me know where on YouTube you found this? Thanks!

      1. GroundbreakingBid56


  13. NiceGuyEddy00

    This happened to me today on my Tesla model Y. Bought the car two days ago and it only has 66 miles. Hasn't even been charged yet.

    1. raymann1977

      I just had the same error this morning. Did the hard reset method under the back seat and the error is gone and I am able to charge again.

      1. DrewFarrar

        Did it ever come back ?

        1. raymann1977

          Yes I followed this method I wrote about in another post.


          1. DrewFarrar

            Thanks. Did you end up having to replace battery

          2. raymann1977

            Sorry I was not clear when I said yes to your question. It never came back after I did what I described and I have never had another issue.

          3. Gannon345

            Checking to see if it came back.

            Dealing with the same issue and might have to ship the country back into the US for repair.

          4. raymann1977

            Have not seen the issue again after 1 year. Good luck!

          5. Gannon345

            Will this void warranty?

          6. raymann1977

            I do not know for sure but I dont think so and I am not even sure how they would ever know.

      2. 747_full_of_cum

        Can you link the youtube to this? I got this error today on my '21 m3. They already fully replaced the battery last year after some other problem. I'd prefer not to drive an hour to the service center tomorrow if I can fix it myself. Ty

        1. raymann1977

          I did exactly what this guy in the video below did but I didnt have those white clips on my back seat or the styrofoam piece either. The info you need starts at 1:39 into the video. I also did the soft reboot he suggested after the hard boot. Good luck!


          1. DManInAZ

            I just got it on my 21 m3 sr+, after being away for a week. Unplugging under the seat, wait 3, and then soft reset worked like a charm!

  14. Annual-Committee9073

    I got this error yesterday and my concern with doing the reset is that Tesla will know and it will void my battery warranty, thoughts?

    1. MAirosus


      yeah, does this void the warranty?

    2. DManInAZ

      I should think that if that were the case, it would be harder to access.

  15. Apprehensive-Sun7305

    FYI.. I had an issue with my Model Y not charging today. I disconnected the low voltage battery and the high voltage “ red fireman loop” for about a minute. Hooked it all back up and now charging fine. Thanks to this thread, I was able to fix my car!

    1. Awkward-Concern-9043

      How do you do it ?

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