tesla error code:BMS_u008,My Tesla X won’t let me drive
Not sure why but all these error messages popped up this morning after charge. I can’t drive the car out of garage!
Please look at image. Anyone know what this is?
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Not sure why but all these error messages popped up this morning after charge. I can’t drive the car out of garage!
Please look at image. Anyone know what this is?
12v is usually the first think to check.
Put in a service request and they will automatically run remote diagnostics to tell you what the issue and fix will be.
I put in service request and they want me to bring it in… but I can’t even drive it lol… so pissed…obviously a bot. I can’t get anyone on the phone or live chat. Tried AAA but nobody knows how to replace the 12v battery (my assumption as well)…
Just keep trying to call roadside assistance. They should be able to help you get it towed if their remote diagnostics show that.
I don’t think you would be seeing a BMS error if your 12v was bad. There’s a separate detailed error for 12v failure. A quick google of your specific error code (BMS_u008) seems to be more serious than a 12v problem.
If you have AAA I would take advantage of your towing benefit and have it taken to the service center. At best anyone here is only going to be able to guess what the issue is. You need to have it looked at at a service center.
When it comes to a Tesla you could drive your car off a cliff into a volcano and take a picture of an message you got just before it became one with the one ring and someone somewhere will pop into the thread to tell you your car is probably fine and just needs a new 12v battery.
how true,I had 4 tires put on at SC and I came out of gym following day and one was flat. Was sure it was the fault of the 12V although all SC would do was replace the tire
Ya thanks I’m getting it towed but next availability is June 4th FML and this is stuck in my garage and can’t charge my other Tesla since I only have one charger. FML
Can you put it in tow mode and push it out of the garage enough to get the other car into the garage.
Wow that's awful service, telling you to drive an undrivable car to them. Was it a software update that bricked it or just random?
You can't just call your local service center?
Define “older”, because I’ve never needed to replace the 12v battery in my 2017 S.
Define “older”, because I’ve never needed to replace the 12v battery in my 2017 S.
I’m a bit over 60k miles.
I’m a bit over 60k miles.
top off washer fluid
And check your tire pressure. That's 2 off the list.
Also make sure you press the brake pedal before you shift gears. Gets ya every time.
This happened to me too! My car is currently in the Tesla service center they told me it was the high voltage battery
Edit: I also have a Model X
My Raven 2019 X had the same issue, had to tow it to the service center, a little over a week of loaner and they replaced the HV battery under warranty.
That’s good to hear. I have also had a loaner for the past week and they said it’s going to take a couple more weeks until the part arrives. They also told me it would be covered under warranty, but I’m a little nervous until I get my car back, in case they change their mind. 😕
What year is your X?
Dec. 2018
Looking at getting a new X, but am scared to pull the trigger.
Aside from a few minor things, I love the car. This is easily the biggest problem I ever had and luckily (so far) it’s covered by warranty. The reason why I say luckily is because I feel like Tesla might pull the rug out from me at any time. I have had some bad experiences and some good ones. This latest issue (so far) has been a good one. I just hope I get my car back with no surprises. 🤞
It happened to our 2019 pre raven X on NYE of 2021. Despite the covid parts delays etc we still had the car back within 2.5 months with a brand new HV battery. From my understanding it’s very rare and nothing to worry about
This looks like HV bat to me
You’re probably most worried about that washer fluid warning.
I heard that the recent software update version 2024.14.6 was causing this, and that Tesla paused its rollout. Did your software update recently?
Where did you hear this?
It is all over the internet and especially on Reddit.
Not sure. Will wait til these guys are back in office to get back to me on next steps.
Oh goooood! I had 2024.14.6 with some new errors that made it sound like all the wiring from the charger and some other stuff with the battery was fucked. I was shitting bricks because I just sold this car and need to turn it in next Friday. Was scared shitless they wouldn't take it because of the errors (who would).
Just updated to 2024.14.8 and all errors are now gone. Praise be!
Also, sold the car against my will. I'll miss my Tesla. Will return later if they bring back stalks in next version I reckon.
Prolly a rodent attack. It happened to me when my M3 was 7 months old. Them rats chewed the shit outta the wires so my whip wasn't functioning and I still remember those messages popping up.
Just outta curiosity, were those repairs in warranty? If not how much did it cost
No they didn’t cover Shit. I had to pay out of pocket. they were telling me to claim the insurance but I didn’t cuz the total was less than my deductible lol. I paid around $850 and It took them 3 days to fix it cuz the wires weren’t available 🥲
How old is this car? Roadside have it towed.
click the roadside button in your tesla app and get it towed.
they’ll priority service it instead of making you wait for the next appointment.
Looks like you need air pressure in your tires. Lol
Rodent attack
Have you tried putting windshield fluid
Ordered a m3p at the beginning of may, everytime I see a post, I get so scared. Are these common?
No people with issues post problems, people without problems drive their cars
No they are not common
I hope this is true lol. I've had 2 cars for the last 12 years. I'm selling both to buy the m3p. It's not a good feeling to think my new car could be stuck in my garage without having another option.
The model X is an older design and a much more complex beast.
Wiper fluid is low.. Start there