1. edc6996

    I had to start from the front of the car for them to come out, there isn't much to damage in an area anyone would ever see just yank it hard and it'll pop out, you're never going to put the regular lights back in anyways so don't stress it.

    1. CommonSense___

      Thank you ! I used the pry tool on the hard to reach side (closest to speaker) and they popped out easy. The instructions are incorrect on the Tesla website. The clips are on the speaker side. Anyways it was easy after that.

  2. rex_regum

    Curious, why are you trying to remove them?

    1. CommonSense___

      I want to install the Tesla logo light that is sold online .model 3 projection lights

  3. Haydn31

    Try using a narrow bladed screwdriver. It will fit the cutout in the original light and give you better leverage.

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