I am taking delivery of the new M3P next week and was buying some accessories on abstract ocean like their blacked out emblems.

I was interested in purchasing their puddle lights for either the two front doors or all 4.

However, I was googling them, and I was coming across horror stories in prior posts saying that can mess up the electronics of the door, or cause the window not to work correctly or even break the window.

Does anyone know anything more about this? Are the ones from abstract ocean safe to use?

Tag: Tesla OEM puddle lights


  1. [deleted]

    I wouldn't do it. I had issues with my puddle lights where they stopped the door latch from working. The light then fell apart and the wired part ended up inside the door, with the fixture also jammed and stuck in the hole. Was a nightmare to resolve. Too much of a risk for the small improvement they give.

    1. CHB12312

      Interesting thanks for the feedback. It seems like such a simple upgrade (just unplugging one puddle light and plugging a new one in). I wonder why it causes so many issues. You wouldn't think it would be that difficult to make a puddle light that works correctly with it? Or is there something in more depth I am missing?

      1. [deleted]

        I think it's something to do with wiring, sensors and software. If you unplug the existing puddle light, you'll see the car kick on with beeps and errors on the screen. I think the window also stops working when the light is disconnected. Crazy how it relies on that circuit so much.

    2. [deleted]

      I'll add they weren't from this supplier you mentioned, but still... there's a lot riding on the risk you take.

  2. darkmatterhunter

    I’ve been using them for 5 years, no issues. There’s a risk with everything to some extent. I honestly haven’t seen it be an issue all that much.

  3. Wolkenflieger

    Be careful, Tesla rep told me today that they can cause issues with the windows not rolling down in order to close the door. This could result in a shattered glass window if one closes it without it rolling down a bit.

  4. Brobbyy

    Tesla tech here. Don’t do it. But if you do, don’t go cheap or it won’t be cheap in the end lol

    1. CHB12312

      Have you really seen that many issues from them? From my understanding, the main issues seems to be if the light goes out, it can mess with the window going down. So if you see the light is no longer working, just make sure you don't slam your door shut, no? lol

      If one goes out, can't you just swap it back for the OEM puddle light?

      1. Brobbyy

        I mean I’ve been with Tesla 2 years now. I’ve changed two factory puddle lights so far but probably about 4 or more aftermarket back to factory. So I mean it’s probably THAT much of a common issue. But when it become and issue… a cheap 40 dollar mod turns into a $400+ dollar window and another few hundred for the trim that gets scratched from said window hitting it before breaking lol

      2. Brobbyy

        And on top of that, that window is fast af. Often you won’t notice it went back up before you try to close. And often it of people use the handle just to pop the door open and then let it go to grab the edge of the door to fully open. The window goes up as soon and you let that handle go. So the window isn’t even fully past the trim and there goes the window.

  5. The_FlatBanana

    Just isn’t necessary.

    1. CHB12312

      The question wasn't if they are necessary? You could say the same for any after market stuff such as tinting, coating, PPF, etc. None of it is "necessary". I was asking if it's safe.

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