Definitely worth it. Was hesitant on buying 3rd party ones due to potential failure with the lights and causing issues with the window mechanisms and possibly leading to cracking the window. Now that Tesla came out with these in the US, I had to get me two sets!

Will be installing the other two for the rear doors when they arrive tomorrow. Which should fit the rear doors considering the part numbers are the same for both the front and rear puddle lights.

Tag: Tesla OEM puddle lights


  1. Jestered2303

    Yes, the front and rear are exactly the same.

  2. masta_shonufff

    Great now I have to order a set for the rear. 😂

    1. PilotID30

      Lol, that's why I'm receiving the 2nd set tomorrow because I ordered one set at first, then quickly ordered a 2nd for the rear.

      1. Stromberg-Carlson

        i got mine today and installed them on my model 3. both front and back. easy, no issues.

        1. PilotID30

          Nice! Good to hear!

  3. East-Contribution794

    How difficult was the installation IRL? I watched the Tesla install video and it seemed fairly easy.

    1. PilotID30

      I did the 1st door in about a minute and did the 2nd door in about 30 seconds. It is extremely simple and easy. I have prying tools that make it easier and protect the door panels. May feel like the projection lights may not fit at first, but just have to insert it in an angle.

      1. whats-a-potato

        Thanks for this! Do the clips on the original light break when you remove them?

        1. PilotID30

          No problem, and no they do not break. Used a prying tool.

          1. whats-a-potato

            Awesome, thank you!

    2. Stromberg-Carlson

      i got 2 sets and installed them on the model 3. once you get the first one done, the rest are easy as you know how to unclip them. taking my time i did all 4 doors in under 12 minutes.

  4. arclite1234

    Looks cool. Where did you get it from?

    1. PilotID30

      Tesla's website.

  5. Matsweeper

    Hey! They look really good! I ordered a pair for our teslas as well. It arrived today however on my model Y the passenger side “Tesla” word faces away from the car vs the drivers side it faces towards the car like it’s supposed to. I ordered a new paid and I’m waiting for return slip. Did you encounter this issue? I was afraid to order a new one because I didn’t know if it was a wide issue. Did yours work facing the correct way without any unneeded adjustments?

    1. PilotID30

      I did not encounter this issue. Did you install it in the proper orientation? Each light was labeled, one with an R (passenger side door) and L (driver side door). Watch the video. There are tabs on the lights that need to be inserted on the correct side(towards away from the car). Video will show you what I mean.

      1. Matsweeper

        Thanks for the reaponse. Yes the L went to the drivers side front door and the tabs fit perfectly on the side. Tesla appears facing the car. However the R passenger door if I put the tabs where it belongs, the word Tesla appears facing away from the door. If I change the direction it appears the way it should however the tabs would be forced where it doesn’t belong. I ordered a new pair and can’t wait for it to hopefully this return goes through quickly. I don’t like pending items. For the model three it went in perfectly without an issue so I assumed mine is defective.

        1. PilotID30

          Yeah, it could simply be a defective unit. Hope you get your new set in soon and installed and working properly.

        2. alexjcast

          This happened to me to. I took them out and checked, LH is on the left side and RH is on the right side. The tab on passenger sides are backwards.

          1. Matsweeper

            Oh wow! Yes that’s exactly what happened to me. I didn’t get the return label yet so hopefully tomorrow. I already ordered a new paid though.

            Can’t wait! Did you get your item returned okay?

          2. alexjcast

            I was just going to leave them in with the passenger tab backwards until I read your comment and it confirmed I wasn’t crazy. I’ll process a return now 😊.

          3. jasonsbat

            I’m having the same issue. Did you get a replacement unit yet? I’m curious if I should try to get a replacement too.

          4. alexjcast

            I got the second set and the passenger side is still upside-down. Disappointing.

          5. photograft

            I think they are all like this. I’m pretty sure Tesla just forgot how they make their own lights when they designed these.

        3. jasonsbat

          I’m having the same issue. Did you get a replacement unit yet? I’m curious if I should try to get a replacement too.

          1. Matsweeper

            I started the return, and ordered a new one. It was just shipped so should arrive Tuesday or Wednesday.

    2. Zocanta

      Did you hear the one about the roofer who was throwing away every other nail because the points were in the wrong end?

    3. noles_alum

      Just installed mine and it was the same issue on the right side door. It still went in fine, just not with the little notched out groove

    4. [deleted]

      you installed them swapped 😂

  6. LoveAllHistory

    Is that so you don’t forget what you’re driving?

    1. PilotID30


    2. ApeSleep

      Aesthetics. Are u mad?

      1. [deleted]

        Haha you’re mad. Only mads say bless your heart in response hahahaha

        1. ApeSleep

          Haha you’re mad. Only mads say bless your heart in response hahahaha

  7. Lovevas

    Damn it! They don't have it for S/X!

    1. PilotID30

      I feel like they might come out with a set for them based on how well these do. We shall see.

  8. Digital_Zen

    These look great. Mine come in next week but didn’t know they fit the rears too. Will have to order another set lol

    1. PilotID30

      Purchased my 2nd set a few minutes after buying my 1st set after looking up the part numbers and confirming they are the same for the front and rear doors.

  9. TerrysClavicle

    Mine come tomorrow. We have similar taste. White seats and a white armrest cover and that’s it. My reason for the cover is for the dogs cause they like to sit on it.

    1. PilotID30

      Worth it! Yes, nice and simple!

  10. rsxstock

    Does it provide any actual brightness to the area?

    1. PilotID30

      There is some from the letters but nothing significant. The letters are very bright and high def though.

  11. DziungliuVelnes

    Looks good but not 60$ good

  12. Lonely-Without-Me

    Dang, Mine are spelled wrong.. it says "STELA" when powered on. Can the letters be moved?

  13. Jumpy_Implement_1902

    Wow! Didn’t know they made these. Is this to remind you what kind of car you are getting out of in case you forgot?

    1. Tookmyprawns

      Seems like how sports fans are with sports teams but with a giant corporation. Apple, Harley Davidson, and Tesla have something in common now.

  14. Welfi1988

    I've been using 3rd party ones for almost 3 years, no problem

  15. Tookmyprawns

    So it’s a brand that is projected onto the ground? I don’t get it. Ground effects shit free advert?

    1. PilotID30

      You don't have to get it.

  16. danTHAman152000

    Do these cause the windows to move if they go bad? I bought some aftermarket ones from RPMTesla but never installed after hearing the window automatically moves if that light malfunctions, and will break the glass. RPM states they use high quality parts so they shouldn’t fail but I didn’t want to chance it.

    Ironically my front windshield randomly cracked without a cause today.

    1. PilotID30

      Unfortunately, the way Tesla designed it, if the lights malfunction if does cause the window to either not go down or up when opening and closing. That's why I was hesitant on buying aftermarket ones, but these being Tesla OEM lights, I feel more at ease knowing that it's made by Tesla and shouldn't void warranty if we come across any issues relating to the lights.

      1. rotarypower101

        I assume they are built in a simliar way?

        Be curious to know if Tesla built a circuit into their system that negated that problem so many have ran afoul of.

        1. PilotID30

          I believe they are.

          Yeah, I would hope so too.

  17. ordinaryflask

    Can’t tell in the pic but do they cast any additional light besides the word “tesla”?

    1. PilotID30

      Just "TESLA." Very bright, though.

  18. Teslaaforever

    I bought mine $9 each 5 years ago 😀

  19. Madison464

    potential failure with the lights and causing issues with the window mechanisms 

    I'd like "Things with a 0.00001% chance of happening for $1000 please, Alex"

    It's an LED light bulb.

    1. PilotID30

      Yeah, and if it malfunctions and goes out it will mess with the window going up and down when opening and closing the door. You can easily find post of people having their windows crack because the light malfunctioned and didn't roll the windows down when the door was opened and ended up closing the door with the window up and hitting the trim and cracking.

      Yes, there's a chance an aftermarket one may not malfunction at all, but I'd rather not take that risk and spend more for an official Tesla product anyway. Also, if the Tesla one does malfunction, at least I know I won't have to worry about Tesla trying to void a warranty due to an aftermarket product.

      If you don't want to spend the money on it, don't. 🙂 I'm not telling anyone to buy it or which one.

      1. Madison464

        You can easily find post of people having their windows crack because the light malfunctioned and didn't roll the windows down when the door was opened and ended up closing the door with the window up and hitting the trim and cracking.

        Really? Where are all these posts?

        You can buy whatever you want, but the fearmongering is 😂🤣😂

        1. PilotID30

          Look them up yourself if you really care to know that bad. Exactly what I've said, buy whatever you want. This is just one of my reasons for buying these. Don't understand how it bothers you so much that you had to stop and comment because you didn't agree with me. Next time, just move on. Have a blessed day!🙏🏼

  20. y0Mark

    Is it any brighter than the stock puddle lights?

    1. PilotID30

      I believe so, but it's probably because it just stands out more that makes it appear that way. It's very bright and high def. The light is sharp and does not bleed out any light besides the letters.

  21. BoneFish44

    Has anyone done the illuminated door sills?

  22. Routine_Depth_2086

    Lol why

    1. PilotID30

      Why not?

      1. MrDonDiarrhea

        It’s cringe AF

        1. PilotID30

          Then don't buy them. You're acting like you'll be getting into my car and have to look at it. You don't like them, then just keep scrolling.

  23. foodwiggler

    Is there an AliExpress link?

    1. PilotID30

      These are directly from Tesla's website. Didn't want to take the chance of buying aftermarket ones and having them malfunction.

  24. Life_Connection420

    I’ve never seen the point in cars having these features. I already know that I have a Tesla

    1. jxl180

      They are puddle lights. They are for looking to see if you are about to step into a puddle (or mud) at night before you get out.

      I think puddle lights that advertise the car’s logo are tacky; however, and it should just be a standard light.

      1. Life_Connection420

        Makes sense.

    2. Stromberg-Carlson

      thats great!

  25. Quattro_Gecko

    Finally, the missing piece of cutting-edge EV technology: lighting up the ground so everyone knows you’ve arrived... as if the lack of engine noise and self-satisfaction weren't enough. Because what’s the point of saving the planet if your Model 3 or Y isn’t projecting a glowing 'Tesla' onto the asphalt like it's auditioning for Tron? Truly, this is the pinnacle of automotive innovation. Next stop, Tesla-branded holograms of Elon personally applauding you every time you unlock the car.

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