Had my MYLR7 for a week and went on a cross-state road trip. Got home with lots of bugs and tree gunk on it. Tried a touchless car wash and for the price (and people saying don’t do it) it didn’t do a great job.

So I’m buying into the hype and going self wash. What are some tools/supplies you have purchased that work well? Brushes, scrubbers, sprayers, cleaners?

Tag: tesla Car washing tools


  1. ZealousidealRabbit76

    Rinseless only here. ONR is tried and true for me.

  2. sjeqi

    Koche Chemie I bought pretty much all their cleaning solutions and I use a solo 1 liter battery sprayer. Carpro for the ceramic coatings. P and s cleaners also.

    1. [deleted]

      Don’t forget a gentle claybar. I also picked up gtechniqs bug cleaner since u mention bugs

      1. sjeqi

        Don’t forget a gentle claybar. I also picked up gtechniqs bug cleaner since u mention bugs

  3. angrystonk

    u can go spend thousabd if you want to go deep. but i just use garry deans method. Take a home depot bucket pour some soap. dunk about 15 MF TOWELS and wash 1 section per towel. then rinse and dry using a simple wax/ceramic spray. enjoy.

  4. Bigholebigshovel

    Bucket. Grit guard. Garden sprayer. Big red sponge. Optimum no rinse. Dark fury. Tec582. Microfiber towels from rag company.

    Use the power washer at the local self service station when there is more significant grime.

  5. robotinmybelly

    First go watch some videos. DIY detail seems to have a good system going and make great videos. I’m already too invested in other stuff right now but if I was starting up would go their route

  6. sungbysung

    Costco has an all-in-one bundle that works okay.

  7. [deleted]

    Marketing. Their stuff isn’t bad, but you see it a lot because of marketing. It’s not the best (but still good).

    1. ZealousidealRabbit76

      Marketing. Their stuff isn’t bad, but you see it a lot because of marketing. It’s not the best (but still good).

  8. VillhelmSupreme

    Hijacking to ask for a request for a foam cannon

  9. metalhawj

    Good foamy soap, a bucket, microfiber towels as wash cloths and to dry.

    You can go very simple and do a great job. Watch YouTube videos of car detailing.

  10. sinistergroupon

    Foam cannon

    Also try to search there are lots of posts on this. r/detailing is also a good bet.

    1. gordy06

      Any foam cannon recs?

  11. ZealousidealRabbit76

    Generally, you will find some people that are brand loyal but the truth is no one brand makes the best everything.

  12. T-Money8227

    Why did they say not to use a touchless car wash? I'm pretty sure it says in the manual that you should only use a touchless car wash.

    1. Minnemize

      I’ve seen where a touchless wash would break ppl’s charge port covers off. I would only hand wash.

      1. T-Money8227

        That's interesting. If you put the car in car wash mode I'm not sure how it could break the port. Is this somehow worse than a regular carwash?

        1. Minnemize

          Regular as in touch wash? I’d definitely not do that. But yeah, guy said he was in car wash mode and guessing the high pressure hit it and broke it.

  13. ChunkyMonkeyFan

    Any inexpensive household glass cleaner should do. Ammonia free kind is adequate. Let it soak for a few min and bugs come right off. Using the sponge end of a glass squeegee or a simple microfiber towel helps. Then rinse off by washing the car via your fav method

  14. sjeqi

    I use a battery foam sprayer from amaZon it’s orange

  15. BackItUpWithLinks

    Before you buy a bunch of stuff.

    Get a big towel, like a beach towel

    Fold it over (in half)

    Cover the buggy area (as much as you can)

    Soak the towel with water

    Let it sit

    Go back every 10-20 min and re-soak the towel.

    When you remove the towel, almost all the bugs will wipe away with it.

    If you didn’t cover the whole buggy area, repeat.

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