1. 1Q79

    I will admit that I just get Tesla mobile service to come out to my office and do this for me. Costs $38 and saves me from crawling around the floorboards. Just an FYI for anyone who doesn’t feel like making this their DIY project.

    I also have to get mine swapped about once every 6 months because my driveway is gravel. The smell of wet socks + vinegar when the car starts is my cue to change it.

    1. mlh_sooners405

      If I knew it was only $38 I would have saved the time and done that exact thing!

    2. Rekomaged

      Mine cost 120 not 38. Filter replacement + cleaning of coils.

    3. nonukesplease

      $38 seems cheap? Do you buy the filters and just have them install or is that just their labor on invoice. I feel like I paid over $120 last time I had them do a swap and coil clean.

      My nose is telling me it’s time.

      1. 1Q79

        No pre purchase of filters, price includes labor and the filters. The first time they swapped them they used some sort of cool-it evaporator foam coil cleaner too and it came to $50-ish.

        Sounds like pricing may vary by region. I’m in the southeast.

        1. theskyisthelimit223

          What part of the South East? I'm in FTL and they wanted over 100 for mobile service and filters not including coils

    4. zagggh54677

      Holy crap, I just ordered filters today. Wonder if I can cancel and have mobile service install.

    5. cheesesteakman1

      Is it $38 plus the price of two filters? or included?

    6. TheThirdThigh

      Does it sound right that I get the vibegar smell at 4k miles? The filters causing the smell makes sense but to have a filter replaced on a almost new car seems weird

  2. dsf_oc

    Always a good idea to change on occasion, but the real issue is with the AC evap coils.

    1. untamedHOTDOG

      This. When changing out the filter, you might as well clean the Evap coils while you’re down there.

      1. mlh_sooners405

        Might have to get in there and do that!

  3. GuinansHat

    How difficult was it to diy? Mind linking the HEPA filter you used? I also just started to get the swamp smell so I think it's time for a swap.

    1. mlh_sooners405

      About 15 minutes. The tool that the filters provides helps a lot. You’ll also need a small flathead screwdriver and a T20 (provided in kit).

      Trickiest thing was getting the speaker under the dash to un-clip. I couldn’t get the clip to pop loose. After a few minutes I got it free. The side panel just pops off with help of the provided tool. remove 1 screw, pull the old ones, replace, and put it back together.

      YouTube vid I watched before I did it suggested kicking your air on once you replace the filters and screw to make sure they’re seated in there properly. Shouldn’t hear any whistling.

      XTechnor Tesla Model 3 Model Y... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085HX67ZX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

      1. TryingHappy

        That screw about killed me but I didn't have a great tool for it. The rest wasn't bad!

        1. [deleted]

          Get a flexible hex screw. I have one that bends nearly 90%. It makes things super easy. Bought on Amazon years ago to make model 3 filter swaps easier.

          1. rishid

            Link to the tool?

      2. tristanape

        Did you like that one? Why not buy the OEM one for $34 total?

      3. GuinansHat

        Thanks. The video attached was pretty good too assuming that's the same process for the Y.

        1. bloodguard

          Kind of amazed that car companies are still designing these things so that you almost have to take apart your car to swap out a filter.

    2. cheezit0417

      I second this please

    3. pixelflop

      It’s not hard, but it was a royal pain in the ass.

      I would probably pay Tesla mobile service to do it next time. It was very frustrating.

  4. anil_robo

    Model Y manual says replace filters every 2 years.

    1. ElectrikDonuts

      Works until it doesn’t. Those in CA or other fire prone states prob should take a look after every fire season.

      I didn’t think about that and my technician was very adamant that I need to replace them more often. Next time he said it didnt really need it. Main difference was a strong fire season vs not

  5. Green-fingers

    New owner of a MYLR….. my manual states the following service:

    -Brake fluid health check every 2 years (replace if necessary). -A/C desiccant bag replacement every 4 years. -Cabin air filter replacement every 2 years. -Clean and lubricate brake calipers every year or 12,500 miles (20,000 km) if in an area where roads are salted during winter -Rotate tires every 6,250 miles (10,000 km) or if tread depth difference is 2/32 in (1.5 mm) or greater, whichever comes first C desiccant bag replacement every 6 years. .

    My questions:

    how to check brake fluid? Wouldn’t the car notify me if it’s low?

    What is a A/C desiccant bag? Can anybody post a link?

    drive with both winter and summer tires the last 15 years and rotated only a few times (only summer wheels from front to back) because of excessive wear… do I really have to do it as often as stated?

  6. [deleted]

    Just did this last weekend and man, the air never felt fresher, stronger, and cleaner! It made a starkly noticeable difference! (It had been 3 years though so to be expected.)

    1. ohyonghao

      I’m coming up on 2yr and 50k miles. Drove into town this week and there was a fire nearby and smoke everywhere, didn’t realize the smoke until I got out of the car. I should probably change it soon, it seems to still be working well.

  7. [deleted]

    Amazon subscribe and save ftw on this one.

  8. rainlake

    I just did it this afternoon. Could not unclip speaker so I just unscrewed it off. Tesla really should make change filter easier.

  9. dhanson865

    Does your 21 LR have the oversized filter you access from the frunk area?

    If so you may want to check it also. BTW it's the real HEPA filter.

    and if so I'd use the regular filters for the ones you did replace.

    If you don't have the 3 filter setup then I guess you can use whatever you want for the 2 you did replace.

  10. RedElmo65

    Do it yearly!

  11. GoodKid304

    What's the maintenance setup on those air filters? If you're under warranty do they notify you to bring it in or is it up to owners to schedule it?

    1. trust_me_Im_in_sales

      Filters aren't typically a warranty item. They're considered a consumable like tires.

      1. GoodKid304

        So we have to change them out ourselves or do we bring it in to have them do it?

        1. jxjftw

          fall disgusted smart office gaze hat act upbeat reminiscent long -- mass edited with redact.dev

          1. GoodKid304

            I'll look to see how hard it is to install, if it's not hard I'll do it myself.

          2. jxjftw

            price automatic cows bedroom wipe compare cough hospital hungry unwritten -- mass edited with redact.dev

          3. GoodKid304

            Ah OK, and there's plenty of sites that sell the oem filters? Where do you get yours from?

          4. jxjftw

            steer sophisticated telephone dog observation gaping piquant afterthought many insurance -- mass edited with redact.dev

          5. GoodKid304

            Awesome, did you go with the hepa ones or just the regular? I was reading that it makes the ac have to work harder (more energy).

          6. jxjftw

            simplistic station coherent dazzling jellyfish concerned innate middle beneficial nippy -- mass edited with redact.dev

  12. Aggressive-Act1816

    how many miles on your 2021?

  13. jxjftw

    wise beneficial zealous dinner normal domineering touch cover towering sloppy -- mass edited with redact.dev

    1. mlh_sooners405


  14. __JockY__

    Does anyone have a link to OEM Tesla HEPA filters? There’s a ton of alleged HEPA filters on Amazon, but I’m skeptical of Chinese junk.

    1. RedditUser923

      I know this thread is old, but wanted to respond for people that see this. The chinese knock offs are not worth it! I could smell every single thing that was outside. You can order oem filters directly from Tesla in the app and they were actually cheaper than the one I got on amazon. ($39 amazon vs $34 for oem)


      Edit: correction these aren’t the hepa filters with the carbon. Please see the comment below mine for the correct hepa+carbon filters

      1. __JockY__

        Thanks for this! Much appreciated.

        Edit: I’m not sure that’s the HEPA filter. You linked to a $17 air filter.

        Edit 2: this is the Y HEPA filter and it costs $90: https://shop.tesla.com/product/model-y-hepa-_-carbon-filter-kit

        1. RedditUser923

          You’re right!! Woops I just emailed them to cancel my order and ordering the right ones now. I was wondering why the price was so cheap, because I could swear the whole reason I ordered the amazon ones was because it was cheaper.

          Thank you!

        2. RedditUser923

          So apparently my 2020 Model Y doesn’t have the HEPA filter, so the one you linked doesn’t work for my car. I did however schedule service through the app for a retrofit to update the car with the HEPA filter for $322. Not bad considering the filter set itself is $90. I learned a lot of new things today 😂 thank you!

          1. __JockY__

            Nice one!

            I love the HEPA filter in summer because I have crazy pollen allergies. After 10 minutes in the car my allergies calm right down. It's amazing.

            There's also a super stinky industrial plant I drive past sometimes. In other cars the smell is obnoxious, but in the Y you'd never even know the industrial plant was there - you can't smell a thing.

            Love it. Enjoy!

  15. notabot53

    How often should I change the filter?

    1. theopulentballs

      A year or a half

  16. [deleted]

    I bought my Y a couple of weeks ago and whenever I turn on the AC there is a really nice smell coming out of the vents. Do they perfume the filter or where is it coming from?

  17. dmnsctt

    Yeah, they get funky alright. Changed mine out after around 18 months (owned from new). Will probably do it every 12 months. The coil cleaning definitely helps. It was easy enough to DIY.

  18. theopulentballs

    Would you like to test and review my air filter? It’s totally free!

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