We got our model 3 a few days ago. I’d like to keep some cleaners in the trunk for the exterior and interior surfaces so that I can use some rags at any time to quickly wipe it down. What do you recommend?

Tesla only offers some guidance but doesn’t specify any cleaners.

Tag: tesla Car washing tools


  1. pjax_

    You don't need (or want) a full arsenal of cleaning products to have in your car at all times. You just need a few stuff for light cleaning during a charging session or to take care of accidental mess. Here's what works for me:

    A rinseless wash product. This is your catch-all product and should be good for almost everything. It works best for windshield grime but should also work for dirt on hard interior surfaces and exterior grime like bird poop and light bugs. I use Optimum No Rinse diluted 256:1. Use a "bug sponge" for cleaning out the windshield and a good microfiber cloth for everything else.

    A detergent-free soap solution. This is what Tesla recommends for soft interior surfaces especially leather seats. This also works really well for cleaning up big messes like food spills or mud. I prefer this over a rinseless wash for surfaces that I come in contact with like seats and handles. It's super safe to use liberally - it's literally just soap. I use Dr Bronner's Castille soap diluted 4:1. It's also the soap I have in my bathroom for bathing and washing hands. I prefer a medium-pile microfiber cloth for interior duties.

    A small spray bottle of screen cleaner for the screen and lint free cloth.

    A car cleaning wipe for quick emergencies. I keep the wipes in the seat back pocket for easy reach. I use ArmorAll Cleaning (not "Protectant") Wipes. People like to hate on ArmorAll so I'm going to be downvoted for this. But so far these wipes have saved my white seats from my muddy pants after crawling on the road installing tire chains. You could probably get away with baby wipes but I feel like a dedicated car cleaning wipe has more "bite".

    1. longtimefanhim

      A real answer!

    2. markymrk720

      303 Protectant is also great for UV protection (interior)

      1. pjax_

        Not something I'd keep in the car, not something I'd use on the go. I stick to cleaners in the car and leave dressings in the garage.

    3. dtrwos

      This is fully on the right track - some links for the items I love the most.

      Towels for the outside - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BQYCIVICar Wash Towels when VERY wet - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C2HNMBM/ (or the blue ones)Glass Clothes - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YVY7CDJGlass Cleaner Spray - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006FUT09G/Waterless Wash Spray - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006FUT0CS

      Distilled water in a regular spray bottle.

      With these the outside can be a thing of beauty in about 15 minutes.No substitute for a good at home touchless pressure wash + foam cannon, but cleans it up between rain, dust, and road grit.

  2. WonkyDingo

    r/AutoDetailing A lot of great info there.

  3. AgreeableDouglas

    No, he has the special M3 - I’d first use olive oil. Wipe it down real good. If you have the white interior trade it in for the black interior.

    1. interstellar-dust

      Should I use regular or extra virgin olive oil? This is important stuff, I don’t wana mess it up.

  4. JohnTeaGuy

    Same as any other car. Meguires, Chemical Guys, whatever brand you like for general detailing.

  5. dregonzz

    Use this as a waterless wash for quick wiping down of the exterior of the vehicle.

    This for all things interior.

    This for glass dressing.

    And this for all weather floor mats and pretty much everything else not mentioned above.

    Great company and excellent product. I keep the glass cleaner, waterless wash, and interior cleaner in my car at all times. Especially road trips and it's always done the job.

  6. motavader

    Costco baby wipes

    In case anyone doesn't believe me, here's a more populated thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/comments/w0qhhg/before_and_after_5_minute_wipe_with_unsented_baby

    1. slowmopete

      Is there anything unique about Costco brand wipes? We don’t have a Costco membership.

      1. motavader

        Not particularly. Just good quality and inexpensive.

    2. JohnTeaGuy

      Oh really, is that what you clean the exterior of your car with, fucking baby wipes?

      This sub is full of retards.

      1. LeezNutz

        OP also asked about cleaning the inside of his car, retard.

        1. JohnTeaGuy

          Cleaning the interior of your car with baby asswipes is idiotic too. Get some car interior spray like a normal person. This subs obsession with baby wipes is moronic.

          1. ktm71125

            You really having a meltdown over baby wipes? Maybe that’s enough Reddit for you today.

          2. FrostyD7

            Didn't you hear, they are ass wipes, that means it's gross to use them for other things. I am a MAN and I will use manly cleaning products from Menards, NOT these pussy baby wipes.

          3. longtimefanhim

            Thought you were referring to the people in the sub at first...

          4. JohnTeaGuy

            Not having a "meltdown", just wish this sub could offer people some normal car detailing advice, something other than wiping down their entire car with baby wipes.

            u/slowmopete, I'd suggest going to a sub like r/AutoDetailing and asking them what they think about cleaning your entire car with baby wipes rather than actual car detailing products. Products like Meguires or Chemical Guys, for example, that are relatively inexpensive, easy to find, and actually offer the materials in your car some protection, vs wet paper made for wiping babies asses.

            Of course in this sub you get downvoted for suggesting common sense like cleaning your car with actual car cleaning products. Make up your own mind.

          5. SCROADYD

            You live in this sub.

          6. JohnTeaGuy

            I live in your head rent free.

          7. SCROADYD

            Get a life, wierdo

      2. SCROADYD

        Tea guys a dick

      3. motavader

        You ok there, buddy? You sound a little tense

        1. JohnTeaGuy

          Thanks for your fake concern.

      4. [deleted]

        You’re honestly the worst person that comments on any of these posts.

        1. JohnTeaGuy

          I honestly dont give a fuck what you think.

          1. [deleted]

            Your reply says otherwise.

          2. JohnTeaGuy

            Oh you read minds over the internet? That’s fucking neat 🙄

  7. gtg465x2

    For the interior, I like Water Wipes (it’s a brand of baby wipes that are 99.9% water) and a microfiber. Some other baby wipes might include moisturizers that could eventually gunk up surfaces.

  8. [deleted]


  9. sylvaing

    For the exterior, as a quick dusting off product, ONR in a spray bottle works well but I personally prefer

    Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic 3-in-1 Detailer

    Since it refreshes their ceramic spray coating product.

  10. 0bviousTruth

    quick detailer and micro fiber clothes

  11. 1RoundEye

    I’ve always like Meguiar’s Quick Detailer.

  12. busan_gukbap

    ONR and some 300+ microfibers.

  13. Yoyo304

    We just need to admit that Tesla owners are all OCDs. I get so obsessed with a minor scratch today that I need a couple of shots to drown it.

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