1. johnec4

    optimum no rinse (onr) and microfiber towels and Turtlewax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Wet Wax as my drying agent.

  2. BitofaGreyArea

    I literally just walked back into the house after cleaning and ceramic coating my Model Y that I've had less than a month. Just under 2 hours total.

    I used ONR for cleaning. 1 bucket wash, one for rinse. Microfiber mitt for each bucket. Cerakoat ceramic spray. It included the 2 microfiber rags that I used for that.

    I wasn't super meticulous about the whole process. It looks good.

  3. pk4594u5j9ypk34g5

    This sub loves ONR. I opt for soap, a brush on a stick, and about 500 gallons of water.

  4. RickS50


    Not the cheapest, but this is the way I've gone.... except I have their pressure washer too and it was worth every penny.

  5. anshumanbhatia

    Pretty sure there might be a thread on this or maybe even two

  6. 07i68wfz1e

    Optimum No Rinse (ONR)

    Big Red Sponge from Optimum

    32 oz spray bottle

    -1 capful of ONR per 32 oz of water, for your interior


    -1 capful of ONR per gallon of water in your bucket, for your exterior

    Grit guard for bucket

    A bunch of edgeless 500 microfiber towels from The Rag Company

  7. ObviousExchange1

    What do you mean by 'kit'?

    None of the hundreds of other posts and comments on this topic provide the info you're looking for?

    1. Emergency_Blood_1451

      I don’t have any car wash tools because I usually go to my local car wash with my previous vehicles. So I guess I’m just looking for whatever I need to wash the model Y.

      1. mjrice

        a big sponge, some car soap, a bucket, and a pack of those microfiber towels. since she's white (like mine), get something like bdx iron remover to spray the industrial fallout that inevitably produces those pesky little orange specs. for interior get any one of the multipurpose cleaners like chemical guys total interior cleaner.

        ninja edit: and something like hydro silex recharge ceramic coating.

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