1. PeloSquad

    I have it and love it, takes me less than a half hour. It does not scratch the paint or clear coat, I use their purple towels.

    1. ImaginaryDecision517

      I also use it and love it.

    2. jiboxiake


      1. exclaim_bot


        You're welcome!

    3. Entire_Status6205

      are u able to reach the entire top of the car?

      1. PeloSquad

        Yes, I have a step ladder (it’s two steps), that I use.

  2. dancingjake

    I signed up for the rubbit with a happy ending and unlimited reentry

    1. jiboxiake

      Wow where do you live? Does that suffice your need?

      1. dancingjake

        It does, but I always make sure to wear protection before getting a rubbit.

        1. jiboxiake

          But do you mean by "wear protection"? Is that for yourself or for the car? Thanks

          1. dancingjake

            Well I say it's for the car, but honestly I really enjoy getting a rubbit for myself.

          2. jiboxiake

            haha it makes me thing it is dangerous to use it. By the way you meant something like PPF right?

          3. dancingjake

            Um... yes... sure... I'm definitely talking about PPF.

          4. jiboxiake


          5. reeefur

            Bruh 😂😂😂

          6. Upbeat-Lime-5771

            HILARIOUS 😆 😂😂😂

          7. SheMamaZimi

            lmfao I am rolling on the floor 😂😂😂

          8. Oracle365


  3. BeyondStyleUS

    I just did my first car wash last night. I've never hand-washed a car before.. so it took me 2 hrs to finish it 🤣. Even though I only used half of the spray bottle ~ I link the result. But I also wonder if I can spray some watery wax or something to make it more dustproof or a finishing touch

    1. Entire_Status6205

      how did it compare to just hosing it down before?worth the high prices?

  4. docbigxxx

    Never used it, but that’s what I say to my girlfriend.

  5. bzr

    Yes. It works great actually. Very quick and easy on my two Model Ys. I’m mentioning having two because one has PPF and the other doesn’t.

    1. jiboxiake

      Thanks! I saw they did mention this company markets towards Tesla community a lot.

  6. AlphamaleNJ

    I use an ik sprayer 12 with the built in compressor and a smaller one for the wheels with onr rinseless wash.

    The rubbit is just a better targeted marketed amazon sprayer

    1. jiboxiake

      It does see like what you said.

    2. DustySonOfMike

      Is there an alternative sprayer you'd recommend?

      1. AlphamaleNJ

        I use the IK foam pro 12, if you dont want that big they sell a IK foam pro 2 on amazon for $48 and is the same size as the rubbit thing

        It has the shraeder valve so u can use a motorized tire pump or manually pump it


  7. simmeltron

    Wow… so it doesn’t actually scratch the paint??

    1. ImaginaryDecision517

      It does not

      1. Mzpinca73

        How can it not if you haven't rinsed the dust, sand, etc. from the car?

    2. jiboxiake

      I hope not.

      1. simmeltron

        If you get it please let me know! Does look pretty slick

        1. bzr

          Definitely doesn’t. It’s just another brand of waterless car wash but it included the sprayer and towels too.

        2. jiboxiake

          Still not sure yet haha.

          1. Daveyboy_RS3

            Just wondering if you ended up getting it and if so how are the results? The only people that I assume will have issue with it would be those hardcore detail guys. They harp on everything that isn't a $500 paint correction, clay bar, full restoration job.

          2. jiboxiake

            I did get it. It seems fine.

          3. Daveyboy_RS3

            I hate washing my car, I know that's blasphemy, but I do. It's so hot here in Florida, so I just bring it to the place up the street twice a week, which is $40 a week.

            I'm doing a full ceramic coating on the car, so I don't believe I need a heavy detailed car wash every time. That's why I think this will be good just to maintain it. Do you recommend it?

          4. jiboxiake

            I think it is a good tool to maintain the car. It requires around 20 minutes of labor for each cleaning but the procedure is quite easy.

          5. Daveyboy_RS3

            Wonderful, thanks for the help. Just out of curiosity, how many towels do you use per wash? I know it's subjective to each person, but just wondering your opinion on it. Thanks again

          6. jiboxiake

            They come with 6, so I always just use them all haha.

          7. Entire_Status6205

            how'd it compare to just hosing it down with water?would you get it again?

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