How do service appointments for tire replacements work through the app?
I made a service request for tire replacements (all 4 tires) for the first time through the app and the estimate is absurdly low ($286), is Tesla assuming I have already purchased the tires?
Will I be asked to purchase them once I'm onsite? How does this usually work?
Highly recommend not getting tires replaced at Tesla. Using a tire chain and getting insurance is still cheaper than through Tesla.
Didn't know insurance for tires was a thing. I'm not NOT interested
Definitely worth it for expensive tires for me. Uberturbine tires for me were $1800 total. $50 a piece for certificates and replacement is free if repair can’t be made.
Sometimes they will quote something like labor and then it will be adjusted when the part prices are known. I would just go to Discount Tire
Curious, watching this thread.
Who knows what that is. First you have to decide what tires you want to buy. And buy them at a tire store, not Tesla. Tesla is overpriced and inefficient and dealing with anything tire related.
You know you can get tires from any tire shop? I like discount tire.