Also the alarm notification only goes to my wife, not me as the primary on the vehicle. 2 month old MYLR.

Tesla can’t code Sentry Mode to ignore the AC compressor in software? I live in Austin, Texas. Overheat protection and Sentry Mode are basic requirements here. We have an heat waves, an increasing population of those experiencing homelessness, and an absent police department. WTF Tesla?

Tag: tesla alarm


  1. techpro00

    This is definitely bs. Mine runs all the time in Florida and have never had the alarm triggered

    1. Zuggyrama

      Glad to hear. I figured it’s a bug and they’re looking for an excuse until they have a fix.

      1. almosttan

        I don't think this is a bug - it would be more widespread. I think something is physically wrong with your vehicle and you were assigned someone incompetent. I'd push harder for them to fix.

        1. Zuggyrama

          Agreed. And will do.

          1. IntelligentSinger783

            It's something with the 2023 model year. Never had the issue with the other 4 tesla's we have but this one's a shit show of issues. Yes turning off sentry has helped. Think maybe it's a heat pump variant issue. Drives me batty. And yeah texass summers are friggin awful. And in asstin I wouldn't want to use the vent windows option in any publicly accessible area as people will likely disrespect your car and throw trash in the window openings. Just keep opening the ticket and say it needs rectified properly. Took me 6 annoying attempts to get all the problems fixed with our y dmlr but it's done. Keep escalating it.

          2. The_Syd

            Like IntelligentSinger783 said, just keep opening tickets until the fix it. It took me 4 tries to get them to fix my seat with faulty memory.

      2. Shobed

        I think it's a bug too. I've had my car for a year and never had this issue until last week. I'm now not using sentry at work after the alarm went off 10 times before noon. Yes, overheat protection with AC was on.

        Shouldn't the car be smart enough to know when it's own HVAC is running and making noise? I think it should.

  2. ViviFruit

    This… shouldn’t be ok… my COP was turning on a lot over summer (I’m southern hemisphere) and it never triggered any alarm…

    1. Zuggyrama

      Yeah seems like a stretch to me.

  3. Candylicker0469

    Reading between the lines… your “Tesla service team” is saying that issue occurs with every Tesla given those parameters. Hmm. Me thinks that’s some smelly bull dookey.

  4. noobnoob9090

    That isn't right and I'd f/u with another appt. Your cabin overheat will run 24-7 this summer.

    1. Zuggyrama

      I did. Thanks

    2. rcuadro

      Not true. It stops after 12 hours or battery drops below 20%

  5. tessycruiser

    I had the exact same issue with the exact same response in Delaware. They also stated this will be fixed over the air in the future. I had a 2022 myp without these issues

    1. Zuggyrama

      Good to know, thanks. Let’s see if they have the same answer. This seems like an easy one to fix considering. So glad they have dancing cars and video games to distract me from their basic features fighting each other.


      Me too, one year old MYP and I thought it got better. But recently the alarm got triggered regularly, which is very annoying.

  6. RedWolfX3

    Tesla: “That is within spec”

    1. FourScores1

      Literally what they are trying to say. Lol crazy. It’s obviously not designed that way but they are trying so hard to make it sound like it is.

  7. TimeToFly3

    Gives a whole new meaning to “You don’t need to service your Tesla like an ICE!”

    1. Zuggyrama

      Right, “Here are 10 cool features the car comes with! Now pick five you want to use.”

  8. Low-Juice4738

    Hahaha. Shit like this is going to keep me from buying a cybertruck. I’m on the list and really excited to get one, but this is unacceptable and seems to be par for the course with Tesla. Am I wrong?

  9. randomspecific

    Cabin overheat is a waste of energy. Just turn it off.

  10. SomebodyF

    This is typical SC bullshit they feed you to make you go away. They have no manpower to properly diagnose the issue so hoping that you'll lose interest or issue resolves itself.

  11. nnc-evil-the-cat

    Do you need COP? Car doesn’t need it for any electronics or anything, it’s just in case you leave a dog in the car by accident or something

    1. Zuggyrama

      The COP keeps the interiors from degrading as quickly over time. I’m in and out of the car multiple times a day so it helps the AC get down to temp quicker. And two features on a car shouldn’t fight each other. Otherwise don’t offer them.

  12. [deleted]

    I don’t think that’s relevant

    1. ViviFruit

      I don’t think that’s relevant

  13. iceynyo

    Is your compressor making an unusual amount of noise?

    1. Zuggyrama

      It doesn’t seem to. I used to be a mechanic and this is my first EV. Engines somewhat muffle the compressor so it’s hard to compare.

      1. Dramatic_Astronomer8

        I have a 2023 M3 and my alarm keeps going off at 6 am only when it's freezing outside. That's when the vehicle decides to precondition for work. Whenever it's really cold out and I turn on the heat after it's been sitting awhile the compressor will literally shake the whole car. SC say "it's normal". I'm assuming this is why it sets off sentry mode. The compressor is mounted on dampers so it stays somewhat quiet but I want to try to find better dampers or maybe mount the the compressor differently.

  14. ItsInconceivable

    I have this same issue. I have an Iceco Go20 cooler in the subtrunk and I want the cabin overheat protection on. The darned alarm keeps going off if sentry mode is enabled. I tested it without the cooler unplugged and the alarm goes off just as much.

    So Tesla just tells you to suck eggs? I was hoping for some software adjustment!

    1. Zuggyrama

      I made another appointment and will be the asshole customer if I have to be.

      1. ItsInconceivable

        Good, and good luck!

  15. FakeRichi

    Alarm triggered for me randomly the other day and nobody was even around the vehicle, but I don’t keep cabin overheat on because it would kill my battery.

  16. Slayerz00m

    Calling BS on that

    In my first month of babying my MYLR, I didn't want her to get hot and couldn't stop myself from checking the cameras every few minutes

    i.e I had Sentry mode on always along with Cabin overheat protection

    Never had a single false alarm

  17. stephbu

    I’m a bit cynical about the response. I’ve never had the alarm triggered as they’ve described, I’ve had a 3 and a Y since their launches.

    Have you had issues like one or more of the doors wouldn’t lock, MCU complain that one of the doors is open, or partially wind down a window? SC was pretty good - mobile tech managed to repro it. It was a faulty installation of the rear-door harnesses where neither side was properly seated and sealed in the rear door jambs. Water got into the door harnesses and caused short-outs intermittently especially when it rained. Triggering symptoms like above as well as triggering the alarm occasionally because it would arm, then one of the doors reported being open.

    The alarm is triggered only when the doors or trunk register as “open”, or sentry triggers it - there are no internal ultrasonic sensors.

    Hope you track it down…

    1. Zuggyrama

      Thanks, I’ll look more into this. I haven’t had any of the other issues you described.

  18. nolongerbanned99

    Yeah… within spec… we’re busy… and uneducated.

  19. Craig_orious

    Absent police department. Who would’ve imagined after being gutted by the idiotic “defund” city council. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  20. Junior-Ad-1556

    It’s awesome they could look into it before you wasting a trip for something they can’t fix without a software update.

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