How do you disable the security alarm?? Car is being transported across the country tomorrow
How do you disable the security alarm?? Car is being transported across the country tomorrow and I don’t want it going off… driver agreement states they can turn it off “by any means necessary”
For anyone who is going to instinctively downvote a "read the manual" response, they should note that this person has been kind enough to direct them to the exact page they need.
I wholeheartedly agree.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Appreciate you saying that!
It needs to be said - many people around here seem to be immediately offended when the manual is mentioned. Pretty unjustified if you ask me...
I agree with this as well! I should’ve thought to check that first too. My first instinct is always to look at or post on Reddit for some reason.
It's not that dumb a solution.
The manual is great and usually contains any information you could possibly need. But it's exactly that: it's VERY big and contains absolutely everything.
Doing a search may end up resulting in finding the exact information without wasting time. My ruleset is if you are in a hurry, internet will usually service you well. But if you are doing passive Intel collection, manual is far better and should he read at least in passing at least once.
Good point. I needed my answer by tomorrow but got it within a few minutes, and it saved me from having to search through the manual. Not sure why people get upset and tell others to read the manual…. Might as well use Reddit as a resource if it’s there lol.
Not sure why people get upset
This one hasn't come up much, so I doubt it upset people. But what does upset people is gunking up the community with the same mundane questions.
It's not good for the community when 80% of the posts are "how do I turn on autopilot" or whatever question that would be answered with a few seconds of googling, or by skimming the manual. The interesting posts get outnumbered and community members leave as a result.
Also, I think the manual is organised well enough that it shouldn't take any literate person more than a few minutes to have found that page...
This I agree with 100%. And your point about the manual being well laid out. I just tend to instinctively turn to Reddit first, but for the very basic questions I do a Google search.
The people that downvote for anything will always make some excuse to be a smart ass so they can try to get a sliver of attention even if it’s one reply etc. They will always exist and are just miserable in life so they will find anything to try and be part of any group whether they are hated or loved. No such thing as a dumb question, until someone gives you the answer and than you ask again a few minutes later. Besides that there’s nothing wrong asking here especially since many owners aren’t aware the manual is built into the car. Or they may not be very good with computers etc and struggle to locate specific topics. Either way the reason of an app like this or whatever you young kids call Reddit is to find answers for something you don’t know by asking and others should give advice and that’s that. Unfortunately trolls will never die but the majority of people have good intentions and actually enjoy helping others regardless the questions
I read through the manual and went to a get to know my Tesla class - I don't want to damage anything so prettay
I've gotten a Model 3, a Model X, and now a Model Y.
Each time I get a new one I take the time to read through the manual while I'm waiting for the car.
The Model X manual is fun because it has this entry:, which basically says "Hey, look out for this spot, you might loose a finger".
The Model Y manual had this bit: which I thought was interesting, because it means that you can use the same key fob with multiple Teslas, you just "switch cars" my tapping it on the B pillar of the car before entry.
I have times when I was opening model 3 and model X doors together( they park besides)and I immediately regret
I’m confused here, though. It looks like the Tilt/Intrusion alarm will be the culprit if it sounds while the car is being transported, but I can’t find where the setting is. The manual says Control > Safety > Tilt/Intrusion but I don’t see it
Because tilt/intrusion is only in the EU models.. for some reason
Oh that’s strange, so if I disable the security alarm do you think that should take care of it?
Because you can’t turn the alarm off in EU / UK versions
Yes you can? But you have to disable Sentry Mode completely first.
turn off sentry mode
Yeah I’ll turn that off, but I mean the actual security alarm.
You have to turn off sentry first in order to disable the alarm
Oh wow did not know this. Thank you!
Tow mode
Actually, transport mode.
This is interesting. Should I enable transport mode for this journey or simply turn off the security alarm? Also, transport mode would only be for getting it on and off the truck?
Correction. It depends on if the car is getting on/of the truck on it's own power, and will it be strapped down securely. When I had mine towed on a flatbed, it was put into transport mode, winched onto the bed, and then all 4 wheels were strapped down. Once we reached the destination it was winched off the bed. Because of this, I left it in transport mode the entire time.
Ah this makes more sense. So only use transport mode if they winch it onto the bed right? I guess if I’m driving it up then I only have to worry about turning the alarm off. Also, did they attach a rope to the car for you? Where did that hook on to?
Yes, right. There's a tow hook in the floor of the frunk, and it screws into the bumper where the circular cover is.
Be careful with this. My tow driver and I almost dumped my car off of the truck because we didn't realize the transport mode left the car essentially in neutral.
Good point.
Exactly… tow mode releases tbe parking brake so if going on a flat bed you would put it back on once it’s tied down. If having to be rolled it must be left on
Yes, transport mode for the journey.
My alarm went off while being towed, I just unlocked the car via the app, problem solved.
Yes you can disarm it. When towing a Tesla on a flat bed you will always disarm it cause it will go off immediately when it starts moving.
Just power off the car completely. Works when it gets towed. Super easy. On button push and close the doors and it’s locked
How do you turn off the car completely?
On the touchscreen, touch Controls > Safety > Power Off. Wait for at least two minutes without interacting with the vehicle. Do not open the doors, touch the brake pedal, touch the touchscreen, etc. After two minutes, press the brake pedal or open the door to wake the vehicle.
I believe under "Service" menu there is "Shutdown" item.
But you have to enable the transport / tow mode so it disengages parking brakes, I believe.
Why do people not google basic things like this?
Low tech solution, tape the key to the center console. That should make the car think you are in it.
Turn off screen, HVAC, sentry etc to conserve battery
So well*
If Model 3 is in Sentry Mode (see Using Sentry Mode), you must disable Sentry Mode before you can disable the Security alarm or the Tilt/Intrusion alarm.
Unfortunately there’s no Tilt/Intrusion alarm on my car like the manual states (someone else said it was for EU cars), but yes that lets me disable the security alarm!
just disable sentry mode before